Features of the diet - cereals

Features of the ration - cereal products

When using food, as well as for its preparation, it is best to use glass, porcelain, clay, wooden or earthenware. In such dishes, food is well preserved and less destroyed.

Daily it is useful for breakfast to eat porridge from sprouted wheat, which is prepared as follows: 50-100 g of wheat grains are cleared of litter, washed in cold water and poured cold water to the level of the grain surface. Then the plate is covered with a gauze or paper napkin, and put in a warm dark place( you can even at room temperature).After a day, the water is drained, and the wheat is passed through a meat grinder one or two times, after which it is immediately filled with boiling water. It is necessary to make sure that the size of the sprouts does not exceed 1 mm, since at longer lengths they are harmful to the body. In the resulting mess you can add a small amount of honey. If you pour a lot of liquid into the grain, you get a kissel. In case of limited free time, you can boil 1 glass of water, pour out sprouted grains into it and put on a strong fire. After the water is boiled, the grains cool and eat with the addition of honey. In the latter case, because of the longer heat treatment time, the grains will be stiffer and less useful than those passed through the meat grinder.

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Grains( 150-300 g, 2-3 servings, pre-germinated), passed through a meat grinder, can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. Germinated wheat and rye is much more useful than dry, because of the content of biologically active substances that are formed in the grain during the germination period. This breakfast keeps you feeling full until lunch. It is also necessary to take into account the increase in caloric intake due to the introduction of 50-100 g of sprouted wheat or rye in the daily diet. To maintain balance, it is necessary to reduce consumption of bread and flour products.

Any grains, cereals and dried fruits must be soaked for several hours before use and then washed. The water left after soaking dried fruit can be drunk, and the fruit itself is raw. More useful properties of dried fruits are the apricot and dried apricots.

Used materials:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"

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