Salvia meadow is a perennial, herbaceous plant, often found on the territory of Russia. You can learn it from bright purple, spongy inflorescences and a characteristic spicy aroma. In medicine, it is used less often than its more famous colleague - sage meadow, but still has some medicinal properties.
Appearance and distribution
How does sage meadow look like? Outwardly, this is a fairly tall erect plant, reaching 80 cm in length. During flowering, it attracts attention with bright, purple flowers that rise above the grassy cover like a small blue brush.
The leaves are placed directly on the stem in the opposite order. They have an elongated lanceolate shape, pointed upward and widening downwards. The upper side of the leaves is smooth, the bottom is covered with small dense hairs, which also extend to the stem.
The meadow sage grows mainly on fields, forest edges, slopes of ravines. Prefers loamy soil and open, sunny places. It occurs everywhere throughout Europe. It is also often grown as an ornamental plant in gardens and orchards.
Interesting fact! In ancient times, Egyptian priests forced all women to take a decoction of sage after ruinous wars and devastating epidemics. Thus, they increased the birth rate and population.
Properties and useful qualities
Salvia meadow has the following useful properties:
- antibacterial
- anti-inflammatory
- expectorant
- toning
- diuretic
- spasmolytic
- wound-healing
- restorative
- hemostatic
- fungicidal
- hypotonic.
It is able to relieve pain in women during menstruation, stimulates digestion, relieves rheumatic pains, disinfects, promotes healing of wounds, burns. In the old days, sorcerers made a decoction of sage from childless couples. The same broth helped pregnant women to get rid of the burden during childbirth. Aromatic bath with the addition of essential oil is used to relieve muscle and nervous tension. The same aroma helps to get rid of headaches, facilitates breathing with a cold.
Where to apply?
Where only sage meadow is not used! Its medicinal properties provided him with the glory of a herbal healer, and the spicy aroma is used as a fragrant seasoning and perfume fragrance. In medicine, it is used in the treatment of:
- skin diseases;
- of neuroses;
- neurasthenia;
- asthma;
- bronchitis;
- thrush;
- scabies;
- of tuberculosis of the cervical lymph nodes;
- of gastrointestinal disorders;
- respiratory infections;
- of stomatitis;
- sore throats;
- of periodontal disease;
- rheumatism;
- of scrofula.
It is also used in cosmetology to treat problem skin, strengthen growth and strengthen hair. Essential oil, made from sage meadow, is used in aromatherapy and perfume industry.
Ways of using
Salvia meadow can be applied either inside or outside. Depending on the disease, it is used in the form of broths, infusions, baths, compresses, inhalations.
Inside the herb is taken mainly for gastrointestinal, respiratory and infectious diseases. From it prepare infusions, decoctions, tinctures.
In case of loss of strength, frequent colds, neuroses and depression, the following prescription is recommended. Take sage leaves, in an amount of 80 grams, a liter of white or red wine is added. Insist for a week. Take 2 tbsp each.spoon after eating. This tincture can also be drunk with respiratory infections to increase sweating, raising immunity. In this case, it is preheated and consumed in hot condition.
Normalization of digestion will help water extract from the herb of sage. To make it 2 parts of spoon leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist about 2 hours. Then filter and take for half an hour before meals three times a day.
With rheumatism, a decoction of sage will help. To make it, you need to take a tablespoon of dry ground grass, add a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes. After that, the broth is covered with a lid and left to infuse for 1-2 hours. Take three times a day before meals.External
For outdoor use, lotions, as well as compresses from infusion or decoction of grass. Wounds, inflammatory processes, burns, are treated with douching, baths, washing.
The infusion is prepared from dry or fresh sage leaves. To do this, take 2 tbsp. Spoons of crushed raw material, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for about half an hour. After that, filter and use for trays, lotions, washings.
The broth is prepared as follows. In a liter of boiling water put a handful of chopped sage leaves. The broth is boiled for 10 minutes, then cooled and filtered. Use it for compresses, douches, lotions.
Tip! Women after forty years 3 times a year are advised to conduct a course of treatment with sage. Drink a glass of water in the morning for a month. In this way, it is possible to significantly push off the onset of menopause and prolong their youth.
Contraindications to the use of sage meadow are:
- individual intolerance to grass;
- inflammatory kidney disease;
- hypotension;
- amenorrhea;
- pregnancy;
- lactation.
You can not use sage during the attack of a strong cough. He will only strengthen it. Long-term use of grass is also undesirable. It is necessary to take breaks after every two to three months.
Than useful sage and how it is used, you can learn from this video: