- Useful properties of coconut for hair
- Varieties and choice of
- How to use coconut oil
- Recipes for masks with coconut oil
Coconut oil is a very popular and affordable remedy for natural hair care. Due to its composition, it effectively moisturizes and protects them, giving softness and silky. Use coconut oil for hair can be in many ways, but they will all be equally effective.
Useful properties of coconut for hair
The curative and cosmetic effect of using natural coconut oil for hair becomes very noticeable immediately after the first application - they become smooth, obedient, the problem of heavy combing goes away, confusion. In addition, there are other, less obvious properties from such procedures:
- hair strengthens, receives rich food, stimulates for rapid growth;
- coconut oil can penetrate into the deepest layers of hair, keeping them the necessary moisture and keratin. Due to this, the restoration and treatment of strands damaged or weakened by various negative influences( sun, wind, sea water, cosmetics, styling devices) takes place;
- elimination of dandruff, seborrhea, irritations, wound healing( coconut has antiseptic and antibacterial effect);
- after applying a mask with coconut, each hair gets an individual protective film that will protect it from the influence of the sun, wind, salt water.
The use of coconut oil is essential for any type of hair, however it is important to choose it correctly and apply it according to the recommendations. In particular, owners of dry or fragile curls can apply it the entire length of both before washing the head, and on clean wet curls( but in this case should be avoided on the scalp), this will moisturize and strengthen them, and the effect of fatty roots will not beis noticeable. If the hair is of a greasy type, there is no need to put oil on the skin near the roots, it can cause visibility of dirty strands and weight them.
Despite the pronounced moisturizing effect, the network can be found feedback that the use of coconut oil dries hair. This is not true, as it contains about 11% oleic acid, which is considered the strongest moisturizer, and up to 55% lauric acid, which provides reliable protection against harmful environmental effects.
The effect of overdrying can appear in the event that a natural fake is used instead of natural oil, or it was used incorrectly( for example, trying to wash off too much using a lot of shampoo and too intensive movements).Also, the coconut can be dried if the manufacturer has added some unsuitable additives to the oil.
Important! The fully natural unrefined coconut butter smells stronger than the refined, but not so bright, as it is commonly believed. If there is a strong-smelling product, chances are great that a flavor was added to it.
Varieties and choice
Like the usual table sunflower, coconut oil can be different - refined or unrefined, cold or hot pressed. Choosing coconut oil for hair, it is desirable to know the scope of each species.
Oil obtained by cold pressing is considered more expensive and useful, it is called cosmetic and in cosmetology is mainly used. Hot pressed oil is food grade. It retains much less useful properties, although the output of the final product with this method of production is substantially greater. After pressing, the oil can be further refined - refined.
Refined coconut oil becomes hypoallergenic, but loses quite a few "living" components that are needed for hair care. Some people prefer to use precisely purified oil, since it guarantees there are no unnecessary additives and the shelf life of it is longer. Others believe that after chemical cleaning, nothing useful is left in it, the product turns into a pacifier. The frozen refined oil acquires a uniform white color, and after heating becomes transparent. It does not have a pronounced flavor.
It is believed that it is better to use unrefined coconut oil of cold pressing for moisturizing and nourishing the hair, since it retains the maximum of useful substances. In addition, it retains a pleasant coconut flavor, which can be considered an additional advantage. In frozen form, this oil acquires different shades of yellow or brown. After heating it becomes transparent.
To decide which coconut oil is best for hair, you can after personal acquaintance with each option, because each person is unique, has unique reactions to caring means. The main condition for choosing is the quality of the product being purchased, as well as the absence of unnecessary additives. To guarantee to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to check oil from an unfamiliar producer for possible allergic reactions, applying a small amount on the wrist or folding the elbow.
How to use coconut oil
To make coconut oil for hair as useful as possible, before using it, it is better to learn how to use it correctly. Keep it better in the refrigerator, taking out only before applying. The oil melts at a low enough temperature - +25 degrees, so it will easily melt in the hands in just a few seconds.
Coconut oil can be used in several ways:
- adding to shampoos;
- as the basis for masks;
- for oiling strands in pure form.
Oiling is perhaps the easiest way to use coconut. If everything is done correctly, the curls will become noticeably healthier and look well-groomed. Before you apply coconut oil to your hair, do not wash your hair. Her and so have to wash after the procedure, and frequent use of shampoo can adversely affect the condition of the hair.
If there is no coconut allergy, you can first apply a clean oil for the entire length, and then wrap the strands in a bathing cap or towel. Distribute the oil with your fingers, gradually warming up small pieces of oil in your hands and applying it to your hair.
That's interesting! It is very convenient for this purpose to use a scallop, smeared with coconut - in this case the oil will be distributed more evenly.
A common opinion about how much you need to keep coconut oil on your hair, yet. But most of those who use it in hair care, agree that the longer the oil will stay on the hair, the more they will benefit. For the first time, it's enough to be like 1-2 hours.
If coconut oil does not cause unpleasant sensations and effects on the hair, next time you can apply it for the whole night. The only unpleasant consequence of such a long procedure will be the need to wash your head more thoroughly.
Many girls experience how to wash coconut oil off hair after such procedure, whether they will remain fat. In fact, the oil is washed off quite easily with the help of ordinary shampoo without excessive efforts. If the hair is dry - enough to soap them once, for fatty can be used 2-3 times. To make the effect more noticeable, it is better not to dry your hair after washing with a hairdryer, but let them dry naturally.
After the first procedure, the strands will become much softer, silky, they will be easier to comb, and curly can straighten slightly. To consolidate the effect, oiling should be done 3-4 days in a month. Then you can change the coconut oil to another, so that the hair does not get used to it.
As a shampoo
Natural coconut oil can significantly improve the properties of hair shampoo. With this use, it also creates a protective coating for each hair that does not allow keratin to wash out of them, and also protects against mechanical damage when combing or wiping with a towel.
To prepare such a coconut shampoo, you need to add a teaspoon of melted butter in one shampoo portion, mix thoroughly, apply to damp hair. Shampoo will easily wash away the oil, which will act as an air conditioner. After such a procedure, they will please with an easy combing and styling, silkiness, gloss.
Recipes for masks with coconut oil
Cosmetic coconut oil can serve as a base or one of the ingredients for numerous hair masks that solve different problems:
- dandruff;
- deposition;
- split ends;
- weakened and damaged hair after mechanical( staining, ironing, curling, curling, etc.) or aggressive natural effects( sun, wind, salt water).
First and foremost, masks with coconut oil will be useful for dry or damaged hair, which needs moisturizing and restoring the structure. However, they are very effective in other cases. For example, with a combined type, you can moisten the tips with coconut oil, and apply a few spoons of fermented milk products to the fatty roots( natural yogurt or sour cream).Also, the coconut will protect from over-drying fatty hair, which you often have to wash.
For the treatment and prevention of dandruff
Coconut oil in the mask will strengthen the hair and help get rid of dandruff. To prepare such a mask you need a tablespoon of coconut oil and a teaspoon of honey. They are heated in a water bath until complete mixing, and then a few drops of a suitable essential oil are added.
Important! Each type of hair is suitable for its essential oil. For lean fit lemon, citronella, bergamot, melissa, mint, sage, geranium, pine. Dry hair is more suitable ylang-ylang, mandarin, orange, chamomile or lavender. Rosemary and tea tree strengthen them, and chamomile and vetiver help in the fight with split ends.
The mask is applied to the entire length and roots of the hair for half an hour before washing the head, and then washed off with a normal shampoo.
To accelerate hair growth
Due to the high content of fatty acids and vitamins, coconut oil is very effective for rapid hair growth. Support for this property will help additional components.
You can mix coconut with a variety of ingredients, getting different masks and different nuances of exposure:
- vitamin nutritional hair mask with coconut oil will be obtained by adding to it a half ampule of vitamins A and E;
- onion masks refer to stimulating hair growth. If you mix onion gruel with coconut get a more effective remedy. Also it is possible to add masks based on pepper or any other warming compositions for hair growth - with cinnamon, mustard or ginger;
- will strengthen the hair mask from coconut and honey, taken in equal parts and mixed with a tablespoon of cognac( it can paint a little, so do not fit blonde).
Such masks are applied to the roots and scalp, otherwise you can not wait for the effect. To keep them too long is not recommended - warming masks are usually washed off for half an hour, so as not to get a scalp burn or dry your hair.
To heal the tips of
To treat split and brittle hair, you can use both pure coconut oil for the tips of hair, and combinations of different oils that will enhance the effect of each other.
. In the first case, a little coconut is applied to the tips and left overnight, and in the morning, the head is washed. A good result is a compound in equal parts of the oils of coconut and jojoba( as an option - wheat germ), pre-melting the butterfly on the water bath.
For dry hair
Fruit masks with the addition of coconut are suitable for nutrition and saturation with vitamins of dry and normal hair. To make it, you need to mix the pulp of a banana or avocado with 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair, trying to distribute it evenly. To enhance the effect, the hair can be wrapped with food film and wrapped with a towel. Wash off the mask after 30-60 minutes with the usual shampoo. Use it preferably a couple of times a week, alternating with the usual washing of the head.
Excellent results show the connection of coconut with sour-milk products. For intensive moisturizing of hair, prone to dryness, it is enough to mix two parts of coconut oil with a portion of fatty sour cream or cream. The mask is applied to damp hair( roots and length) for half an hour of water procedures.
Another variant of the moisturizing mask, which suits the owner of dry or normal hair, is a mixture of coconut( about 2 tablespoons) and 1 egg yolk. To strengthen its nutritional effect, a tablespoon of home-made mayonnaise is added to the mask.
All the above masks give noticeable results after the first application, but this does not mean that once it will be enough. To fix the result and provide full protection to the hair, you must apply any of the selected masks a couple of times a week for 1-2 months.