Preparing in the kitchen their culinary masterpieces, many housewives pour liquid from boiled potatoes, not even knowing about its amazing properties. But with her help you can get rid of edema, stimulate the cardiovascular system and cure other ailments. Let's consider in more detail what effect this simple method has on the body, and also what is the benefit and harm of potato broth.
. Useful properties of
. If you regularly take potato broth, it will bring immense benefit to the human body. With complex treatment, it helps to overcome gastritis, is effective in hypertension, because it is able to normalize blood pressure, copes well with polyarthritis and arthritis.
Tip! Decoction of potatoes can be drunk even for elderly people, who suffer frequent blood pressure jumps, which quite often occur in old age.
This remedy is recognized in traditional medicine. It is prescribed for coughing, runny nose and other manifestations of colds. It is enough to breathe over a hot broth and all such symptoms quickly recede. This procedure can be carried out by both adults and children, but one should not strongly lean over the container, as it can get burned.What else is useful for potato broth? It is effective for physical and mental fatigue, quickly relieves fatigue and helps relax the tensed muscles. If you use it as an external agent, you can eliminate the dryness of the skin of the hands, making it tender and velvety. In this case, the broth has a healing effect, and as a result - the corns completely disappear, the wounds tighten, and the skin acquires an even shade.
Indications for use
Potato broth has found wide application and can be recommended in the following cases:
- of joint disease;
- high blood pressure;
- sleep disturbances;
- respiratory tract disease;
- skin diseases;
- disorders in the work of the cardiovascular and central nervous system;
- kidney disease;
- cholelithiasis.
Important! In the treatment of arthritis and polyarthritis, the drug is recommended to drink in small sips three times a day - before breakfast, after dinner and just before bedtime.
You can use potato broth both for medicinal purposes and to maintain the beauty of the skin. Our great-grandmothers also knew about the benefits of the last method of application - you just need to dip your hands into the warm liquid that remained after cooking the potatoes, and after 15 minutes the skin will become soft and silky.
This drug should be discarded in this case:
- individual potato intolerance;
- low acidity of gastric juice;
- diabetes mellitus;
- low blood pressure.
Attention! Patients suffering from diabetes can not take not only a decoction, but it is recommended to reduce the consumption of the potato itself.
How to prepare a healing remedy?
First you need to select the main product. When buying potatoes, first of all pay attention to the appearance of tubers - they should be even color and be hard enough.
Important! If a green area is found on the tuber, then such a product should be put aside. The fact is that if stored incorrectly, a harmful substance accumulates in the potato - solanine, which is quite dangerous for health.
Always buy only fresh potatoes, and to distinguish it from the old one, it is enough to scratch the skin with a fingernail - on young tubers it is easily removed. But if a liquid immediately appears on the site of the scraping, then such a product is also unsuitable for use - the moisture that has come out indicates a high content of nitrates in the vegetable.
Once home, reconsider all the tubers, wash them and remove the "eyes".If you still have overlooked and bought potatoes with green spots, then they should not be cut off, since the solanine managed to be distributed throughout the vegetable, so just send it to the trash. Cook the product necessary in the skin and without the addition of salt, so you can save all vitamins and other useful ingredients.
Important! Remember, vegetables must necessarily be added to boiling water, only in this case you can get a really healing decoction.
Take a decoction of potatoes according to the prescriptions of the attending physician, not exceeding the recommended daily dose. But at the same time, many nutritionists advise drinking this drink for preventive purposes about three times a week.