Parodontosis: treatment with traditional medicine

Periodontal disease is a dangerous disease of the gums, which, in the absence of timely treatment, can even result in a loss of teeth.

To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to begin complex therapy immediately after the diagnosis.

The most accessible and useful treatment is provided by means, prepared according to the recipes of traditional medicine.

Contents of

  • What is it?
  • Treatment with folk remedies
    • Oils and grasses
    • Food
  • Hydrogen peroxide by Neumyvakin
    • Patient feedback
  • Gum self-massage
  • Gum for gymnastics

What is it?

The peculiarity of the development of periodontal disease is the disruption of the nutrition of the periodontium-forming tissues, the deterioration of protein and mineral-salt metabolism. Inflamed tissues cease to grow normally and regenerate, which leads to their atrophy. With neglected cases, destructive changes occur in the bone tissue, where osteoporosis foci appear. As a result, teeth acquire mobility and begin to actively erode.

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On the photo of periodontosis

Among the most probable causes of the development of pathology can be distinguished hereditary predisposition, the presence of dystrophic changes in chronic diseases, malnutrition or the influence of pathogenic microflora.

Characteristic symptoms of periodontal disease include itching and burning of gum tissue, sensation of pulsation, swelling and bleeding( especially when cleaning teeth), divergence of teeth in the form of a fan.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment presuppose the provision of therapeutic rinses, the use of lotions and applications, the consumption of certain foods that can fight the inflammatory process. We have selected the most effective methods for fighting the disease.

Oils and grasses

Decoction of 6 herbs
Take three pieces of flax, goose foot root , two starlets and sage and one horsetail and St. John's wort .Two cups of boiling water pour a couple of tablespoons of the mixture and leave to infuse for 1 hour( you can use a thermos bottle).

With a ready-made infusion, make oral baths, picking up a mouthful of broth and holding it in your mouth for 10 minutes. Then the infusion is spit out and the procedure is carried out again. The total duration is 30 minutes. On the day, the baths are done three times. The course of treatment is 1 month, after which a two-week break is made.

Onion and aloe
Medium onion peeled, finely chopped. In a slurry crush a couple of leaves of aloe, and then combine it with onion. The resulting mixture is intended for chewing.

It is important to chew as long as possible without swallowing it. After the procedure, rinse the mouth with chamomile broth or strong tea. The result is noticeable after a month.

Grinded grass is put in glassware and filled with vodka. After 2 weeks, the tincture is ready for use as a rinse.

The procedure is carried out after eating, diluting the tincture with boiled water 1: 1.The duration of the course is 10 days, after which a 20-day break should be done.

Use of grassy "flour"
"Flour" is prepared from the foot of the erect or calgan, hood and cloves. The first two ingredients are first grated on a grater, then grinded with a carnation in a coffee grinder. The resulting flour is combined with tooth powder, achieving a pink-gray color. For the first two weeks, a daily cleanser is used, then used once every two weeks.

Comfrey officinalis
This herb helps strengthen bone tissue by tearing off diseased cells and promoting the formation of healthy cells in their place. For brewing, use the comfrey root, pour a tablespoon of chopped rhizome with a glass of boiling water. For infusion it takes about 12 hours. After straining, the broth is used for rinses and lotions for teeth and gums.

Sea-buckthorn and fir oil
Oil mixtures are used for rubbing into the gums. To do this, combine in equal parts oil fir, sea-buckthorn or peach or mix fir oil with fish oil. Then, a couple of drops of the agent are applied to the bandage and light gum massage is performed. In a day it is desirable to do such self-massage a couple of times.

Herbal rinse
Connect leaves of cranberries, flowers of three-colored violets and calendula, bark of oak. Herbs pour a glass of boiling water( enough tablespoon of the mixture) and insist for several hours. After rinses, pain sensations decrease significantly, signs of inflammation are eliminated.

Walnut leaves
Infusion of leaves is effective with loose gums. A couple of tea spoons of the vegetable ingredient is poured with a glass of boiling water, it is insisted for 60 minutes and filtered. A day should be a minimum of 6 rinses.

Nettle broth
Effective if the gum bleeds very badly. A couple of dessert spoons of herbs pour a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. After percolation, three times a day, half the glass is used three times a day. Also, you can rinse your mouth with this infusion.

Ointment to stop bleeding
Eliminate bleeding and normalize the condition of the gums with an ointment based on calgary rhizomes and glycerin. To prepare in half a glass of alcohol insist for a week 20 grams of rhizomes, after which 10 tablespoons of tincture is combined with 5 tablespoons of glycerin. Ointment is stored in a cool place and rubbed into the inflamed areas twice a day for 14 days.


Garlic and tea
Take one teaspoon of each component and pour a glass of boiling water. After 20 minutes of infusion under the lid infusion filter and rinse for 5-10 minutes. It is advisable to undergo a two-week course of treatment.

Sea salt
Three full tablespoons of salt are ground to a powdery state, combine with a teaspoon of spruce or pine resin, half a teaspoon of ash of a banana peel and add the olive oil to achieve a consistency of thick sour cream. The paste is used for rubbing into the gums after waking and before going to bed.

Cabbage pickle
You can use a rinse sauerkraut in a pure form or prepare a medicinal mixture by combining a couple of table spoons of horse sorrel leaves, 50 grams of erect foot and a half cup of cabbage brine. After a day's infusion, filter the infusion, which rinses the mouth 6 times a day.

Beet applications:
. The raw beets are peeled, ground on a fine grater, after which a tablespoon of beet pulp is combined with a teaspoon of pre-boiled vegetable oil. Applications are done on the inflamed areas, leaving the mixture on the gums for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day. The result is noticeable quickly enough if the disease has not progressed to a progressive form.

Viburnum and elderberry
Take 5 berries of each plant, grind everything into a slurry and add half a teaspoon of olive oil. Then in 40 ml of water, 40 grams of eucalyptus leaves are brewed and allowed to stand for 40 minutes. After percolation, the infusion is combined with ground berries, obtaining a liquid ointment. The product is used for rubbing into the gums through circular motions. After the procedure for an hour you can not drink and eat for a more prolonged interaction of the ointment with the tissues of the gums.

Useful fruits and vegetables
The regular use of raw carrots, apples, cranberries, currants, sorrel and lettuce helps to weaken and even completely eliminate the appearance of periodontal disease, which helps to eliminate soft plaque. In spring, compensate for the provoking parodontosis deficiency of vitamins will help chewing young pine shoots, dandelion leaves. Also, you need to eat a lot of first greens( dill, parsley, etc.).

Rowberry and cowberry juice
The peculiarity of the juices of these fruits is the ability to stop the inflammatory process and saturate the gums with the necessary vitamins.

You can drink juices in small amounts after a meal or spend irrigation of gums, rinses. Hydrogen Peroxide by Neumyvakin

Professor Neumyvakin developed his own method of treatment to restore gum health. The main component of the therapeutic composition is hydrogen peroxide, supplemented with soda and lemon juice.

To prepare baking soda in an amount of 3 grams, quench 10 drops of lemon juice and combine with 20 drops of peroxide. The mixture is used to clean the teeth, after which they do not rinse for 15 minutes, do not consume water and food.

Patient feedback

I conducted a course of treatment at a dentist where I was cleaned with a gum stone, made a splint of the lower teeth, which began to diverge and I prescribed Metrogil Denta for 2 weeks. As the doctor said, the disease went to the stage of remission. To strengthen the effect, I decided to brush my teeth according to Neumyvakin's method. It seems safe and worth a penny. Repeated 10 days in the morning, then fed up - threw. Special effect is not noticed, but it did not get any worse.

Tatiana, Rostov-on-Don

I'm afraid of dentists as a fire, so when they started to get sick and loosen their teeth decided to try a non-traditional method of treatment according to Neumyvakin. It seems to have done everything according to the prescription, but in the mouth during cleaning and after it everything hissed and a little bit hot. After 16 days of daily use, the pain decreased, but the shakiness of the teeth remained. I went to the doctor - said that the pathological process in the inactive phase, but to save teeth, you need to make splinting. It turns out that the method helped, but it was necessary to start using it earlier.

Antonina, Lipetsk

Self-massage of gums

Speaking about how to cure periodontal disease, one should not forget about physical methods of influence on gum tissue, namely - self-massage. Such therapy promotes strengthening of mineralization of a teeth and helps to prevent development of caries. Carry out the procedure preferably twice a day after awakening and before going to bed, after brushing your teeth.

Massage is performed using a toothpaste applied to the thumb and forefinger. First, the center of the jaw is processed, after which the fingers are gradually shifted to the sides, massaging the tissues of the upper jaw from the gums to the teeth and the bottom - from the teeth to the gums.

Movement should be circular( in the morning hours - clockwise, in the evening - on the contrary).With proper holding of the massage, painful sensations are excluded. In the morning, you can more thoroughly study the gum tissue. The duration of one procedure is 7 minutes.

Then rinse using tooth elixirs or herbal infusions.

Gymnastics for gums

The goal of gymnastics is to strengthen loosened teeth and eliminate the signs of periodontal disease. During the gymnastics, a pine twig is chewed in the following sequence:

  • Bites from the top to the bottom. In the first days of gymnastics should be done especially carefully, so as not to injure even more teeth and gums. The duration of the course for this exercise is from 2 to 3 weeks;
  • The twig between the front teeth is shifted jaws to the sides and back and forth. Do the exercise for 30 days;
  • One end of the branch is held in the hand, the second stretches its teeth, imitating attempts to tear off a piece. As a result, the tension of the jaw muscles occurs, as a result of which the blood flow increases in the gums and salivary glands, contributing to tissue repair.
It is necessary to perform the exercises in strict order, replacing the previous one with the new one after the specified period.

With proper self-organization, folk methods for periodontal disease are no less effective than drugs, especially in the early stages of the disease. A positive result will not be long in coming, and the likelihood of repeated relapse will be minimized due to ongoing prevention.

Additional recipes for treatment with traditional medicine can be viewed on this video:

  • Mar 21, 2018
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