Most of us perfectly understand that without the knowledge of foreign languages it is simply impossible to find decent and highly paid professions, and also to travel around the world freely and communicate freely with local residents.
With this it turns out that many parents already from birth want their kids to learn English .
Disagreements about the early study of the children of the English language have lasted for millennia: "Is it too early to study English in kindergarten ?"
Some people think that you need to start studying with the child while he is still in the tummy:listen to movies in English, and read small children's stories.
How to learn English? Just!
Others are sure that this is a big load on the child, and still others say it will only benefit!
How to be? Let's try to disassemble all these questions in this article!
Do I need to learn English in kindergarten? Advice!
Based on modern research by scientists, by the age of 3, the development of brain cells is 80% complete.
Therefore, a child at the age of 3 years is best able to learn new knowledge.
Also parents who are interested in the development of their children should know that every child has two age boundaries.
The first milestone is 5-6 years.
When they reach the first, in most cases they lose their predisposition to speaking in English without an accent, but the individual ability to master other items in the learning the English language still remains.
The second - about 14-15 years.
But at the end of the second period, they lose and ease in learning English .
Those who understand this pattern know that the sooner they start, the better.
How to improve your memory?
But it's equally important not to interrupt training!
Children are not only much faster than adults remember everything, but they also quickly forget!
It is highly unsuitable for children to interrupt their studies for more than a couple of months, and even more for a year - this would mean "completely erasing" everything that was so carefully laid in them.
Much depends on the teacher.
In order for a child to have an interest in a foreign language, he does not need to "learn" the language.
I need him to participate in the process.
After all, every child is interested, when he not only teaches boring grammar, but plays various games, listens to fairy tales and participates in them, sings English songs.
Thus, the child just has to learn English in kindergarten !
Be sure to watch the training and vivid video with your child
for studying fruits in English!
And it's even better for a child when the family uses two languages at once, then for him it will be normal to speak in 2 languages.
If the family uses more languages, the child will speak both three and four.