According to statistics, about 40% of the country's population suffers from such an ailment as reticular varicose veins.
And most of them are women.
Men suffer from this disease much less often.
Contents of
- Features of this type of varicose
- Causes of the disease
- Symptoms and signs of the disease
- Treatment procedures
- Goals and objectives
- Methods
- Possible complications
- Advice for the prevention of the disease
Features of this type of varicose
Reticular varicose is an increase in the thin superficial veins immediately under the skin.
In this case, on the legs, a net from the vessels, or "vascular asterisks", is clearly visible to the naked eye. This type of varicose delivers to its owners discomfort with their unaesthetic appearance, forcing to hide their legs from extraneous views.
This disease is not a varicose disease, because it does not affect the deep veins.
Causes of the disease
The question of the causes of the appearance of reticular varicose by medicine is not fully understood. It is believed that can be triggered by the following factors:
- taking hormonal drugs;
- pregnancy - in the hormonal background of a woman there are significant changes, which is the cause of the disease;
- genetic predisposition;
- excessive physical activity;
- chronic venous insufficiency - can be both the cause of reticular varicose, and its consequence.
Symptoms and signs of the disease
This varicose variety can be recognized from such symptoms:
- a small cluster of blue mesh on the sides of the lower extremities in the hips and calves;
- looks in severe cases at the site of the lesion, there is a condensation that is palpated on palpation.
Often the reticular varicosis of the lower extremities does not cause painful sensations. But there is also a painful form of the disease, which is manifested by the following signs:
- heaviness in the legs;
- swelling of the lower limbs;
- convulsions at night;
- itching and pain in the affected vessels.
Treatment procedures
Despite the fact that the appearance of "vascular asterisks" in most cases is not accompanied by pain, nevertheless it is necessary to treat reticular varicosity without fail, and, the sooner, the better.
At an early stage of detection and treatment, the disease is much easier to eliminate. The phlebologist deals with these issues.
To begin with, during the examination, and in some cases - as a result of ultrasound examination, will establish an accurate diagnosis and stage of the disease, after which he will prescribe treatment for reticular varicose.
Goals and objectives
Treatment of reticular varicose, in the first place, is aimed at eliminating the cosmetic defect of , and is also designed to prevent the appearance of a new vascular network on the legs.
What you need to know about varicose veins - when the risk of developing the disease is the largest, as well as about the methods of treating the disease in our material.
What kind of gel is better for treating varicose veins is not so easy. Our article is intended to help you in this matter.
There are such methods of treatment of reticular varicose of the lower of the extremities:
- Microsclerotherapy - a sclerosant is inserted into the vein canal with a needle. The operation is applied in relation to the middle and large veins and is absolutely painless. The number of therapy sessions can reach seven, it all depends on the stage of the disease. The effect of the operation appears after 3 to 6 weeks. To the minuses of sclerotherapy can be attributed a high probability of return of venous mesh in the already processed places.
- Laser coagulation - can act as an independent method of eliminating "spider veins", and as an aid to microsclerotherapy. It is used in the treatment of veins of small and medium size.
- Cryosclerotherapy - treatment with cold. The effect occurs within 2 - 3 months after the operation, the pigmentary strips can remain up to a year.
- Microflebectomy - the operation involves puncturing the vein with a special hook, pulling it out and bandaging. After the treatment of the vessels in this way, the patient can almost immediately return to the habitual way of life. The procedure is absolutely painless.
- Sclerosing with foam - a special drug is injected into the affected vein or capillary by injection, contributing to scarring and subsequent disappearance of the reticulum of vessels. This operation is indicated for lesions of large and medium-sized veins. The duration of the session directly depends on the extent of the lesion and can last from 5 minutes to one hour. After surgery, a tight bandage is worn on the leg, which can not be removed from 3 to 10 days. The alcohol intake and the hot bath are contraindicated for at least three days, but walking, on the contrary, will help restore soon.
We offer a video on the topic of reticular varicosis of the lower extremities: prevention and treatment.
Possible complications of
Although reticular varicose, basically, proceeds painlessly, nevertheless it is necessary to treat it. Neglect to this disease can lead to such consequences:
- growth of the scale of the vascular network on the legs;
- chronic venous insufficiency.
Advice for the prevention of
After performing the operation to remove the "vascular asterisks" it is necessary to observe the preventive measures during the period indicated by the doctor:
- Wearing compression linen , which will significantly relieve the venous leg system and prevent venous stasis.
- Execution of special physical exercises , which contribute to the normalization of the process of outflow of blood and lymph from the veins, will increase venous tone. Such exercises include rotational movements of the feet from the sitting position, rolling the feet from toe to toe, walking on the spot without tearing off the socks off the floor, as well as performing "scissors" and "bicycles" from the lying position. Each exercise should be repeated 10 - 15 times.
Those who have not undergone reticular varicose disease should also take measures to avoid its appearance in the future. For this it is necessary:
- sitting at work, perform an exercise on flexion and extension of the foot, contributing to the acceleration of blood flow in the veins;
- to lead a mobile lifestyle, doing swimming, biking, jogging;
- take in the evening a cool shower for the feet.
So, we can say that reticular varicose - is a rather insidious disease , because it does not immediately manifest pain, but in time it can grow into something more serious. Therefore, you should not postpone treatment for later.
It is also very important to follow preventive measures against varicosity in order to avoid relapse.