Endometrial hyperplasia can develop at a very young age. This is one of the gynecological pathologies, which does not need long-term observation because of its danger. But some women are frightened by the operation to eliminate the disease. Meanwhile, at an early stage, the treatment of endometrial hyperplasia without scraping is quite possible with the help of conservative therapy.
- 1 Features of the development of the mucous uterus in hyperplasia
- 2 How to get rid of hyperplasia
- 2.1 Medications immediately after diagnosis
- 2.2 Continuation of therapy aimed at restraining the development of the endometrium
- 2.3 Intrauterine device
- 2.4 Agonists GnRH
- 2.5 Restoring the functions of the reproductive system
- 2.6 Folk methods of hyperplasia
Features of the development of the uterine mucosa with hyperplasia
Thickness of the endometriumcamping depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, but the values are constant on each of them.
Under the influence of an excessive concentration of estrogens, they can abnormally increase due to an increase in the number and size of glands, stromal cells.Obvious for a woman, this will be due to the changed features of menstruation. But this is not the main danger that the disease carries with it. Threats created by it are more serious:
- Long delays, alternating with bleeding. They lead to anemia, miscarriage, inability to conceive.
- Another danger is the likelihood of cancer cells appearing in the mucosa, although it does not exist for all types of hyperplasia.
- Hormonal disorder, as a disease-supporting factor, provokes the growth of tumors in the mammary glands, as well as the formation of myomas.
How to get rid of hyperplasia
Most women are sure that endometrial hyperplasia without curettage can not be cured. Sometimes it is included in a set of therapeutic measures, although it is not the only method of stopping abnormal development of the mucous uterus.
But since the causes of the disease lie in the sphere of hormones, the basis of therapy is the appropriate medication. The determining place in treatment belongs to them, if:
- disease is at the beginning of development;
- bleeding that occurs with it, although they interfere, but do not threaten life;
- pathology appeared in a teenage patient;
- there is no probability of appearance of atypical cells.
Medications immediately after diagnosis
Endometrial hyperplasia occurs against a background of hyperestrogenia. This group of hormones, when they are abundant, induces cells of the mucosa to abnormal division. The estrogens are also influenced by other hormones.
For those who are wondering if it is possible to cure endometrial hyperplasia without scraping, the doctors answer this: to restore the balance between estrogens and gestagens, which provokes the disease, oral contraceptives containing both kinds of substances will help.
Among them, the following drugs are particularly effective:
- "Marvelon";
- "Zhanin";
- "Yarina";
- "Logest".
They inhibit the activity of the ovaries, due to which the development of the endometrium is inhibited. Reception at first should be 2-3 pieces per day with a gradual decrease in dose.
Continued therapy aimed at restraining the development of the endometrium
Because the anomalous thickening of the uterine mucosa occurs due to the action of estrogens, the body needs substances that are their antagonists, that is, gestagens. They are contained in the preparations:
- "Norkolut";
- "Norluten";
- "Premoljut-Nor".
The prescribed tablets of one of the listed preparations are taken starting from the 16th to the 25th day of the cycle or from 10 to 28. They shorten the first phase, preventing the endometrium from greatly thickening, and prolong the luteal stage, in which the mucosa remains permanently stable.
Simultaneously with taking the tablets for the same purpose, injections of progesterone are prescribed. And at this stage, improvement of health, replenishment of blood reserves, increase of immunity will help:
- vitamins of group B intramuscularly;
- "Routine";
- "Cokaroxylase";
- "Refortan".
Intrauterine spiral
Introduction to the body of gestagens with hyperplasia at the initial stage is possible local. It is performed using the intrauterine spiral Mirena, containing levonorgestrel( one of the progesterone derivatives).
After its placement in the uterine cavity, the thickened endometrium is exposed daily to the hormone thrown into the tissues in equal portions. Mucous thinned, deprived of the possibility of development. The abnormal division of the glands ceases, and bleeding also disappears. Initially, they turn into small-scale masticatory discharge, but after 3 months of the presence of a spiral amenorrhea may occur.
The Miren can be used up to 5 years continuously. In this period, relapses of hyperplasia are excluded. After extracting the spiral, this risk is also small, but it does exist. In other respects, the natural functions of the endometrium are restored.
Agonists GnRH
Suppress the production of estrogen, affecting the work of the ovaries, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists. These are potent agents taken one-time at large intervals( usually 28-30 days).
Buserelin and goselerin increase production of gonadotropic hormones for a short time, but soon their volume in the body becomes significantly less than normal. This makes it possible to reduce estrogen production.
Drugs not only deprive the endometrium of the stimulus to thicken, but allow to stabilize the overall hormonal background.
They are taken simultaneously with gestagens to continue the 3-6-month course. Buserelin or goserelin is injected into the muscle in one of the first days of the cycle.
Restoring the functions of the reproductive system
Taking gestagens and HGHR causes the functioning of the reproductive system to subside, for that they are used. But after the extinction of the pathological development of the mucous uterus, it is necessary to return to it healthy functions. For this purpose, the preparations that cause the ovaries to work:
- "Klomifen", "Profazi", "Horigonin", "Pregnil".The first means of drinking one tablet, starting with the 5th day of the cycle and the 9th. Others work as auxiliary and are accepted from the 12th to the 16th day of the period according to the scheme chosen by the doctor.
- Phenobarbital. He is drunk at 200 mg per day.
- Gonal-F, Urofolthropin in combination with Prophase or Pregnil. The first two means are FSH analogs, therefore, they are taken at the beginning of the cycle for 10-12 days. Prophase or Pregnil is a chorionic gonadotropin. They are drunk on the days of supposed ovulation, that is, on the 13-16th day.
This treatment should last at least six months.
If a woman has entered the menopause, she needs funds that inhibit the activity of the sex glands in order to eliminate the possibility of recurrence of endometrial hyperplasia:
- Testosterone. Take 20-25 mg per day.
- Methyltestosterone. Drink 10-15 mg every 24 hours.
These drugs are prescribed for 3 months.
Traditional methods of therapy for hyperplasia
The disease itself arose much earlier than the drugs used in its treatment. At the request of "endometrial hyperplasia, can one do without scraping," many seek an answer only in folk medicine. And this is not surprising, because there are ways to influence the disease with the help of herbs, juices, honey.
But do not take these methods as a basis. They can be used in addition to medicines, since they are effective in removing symptoms, but not eliminating hyperplasia. If the doctor does not object, you can take:
- alcohol( 2 tablespoons herb per 0.5 liters of vodka) or water( 1 tablespoon per 500 ml of liquid) tincture of the bovine uterus. The first drink three times a day for 1 tsp. Water infusion - 150 ml, the same number of times per day. Course - 3 months.
- A mixture of juices of burdock root and a golden mustache. They are taken in equal shares. Drink 2 tablespoons.per day morning and evening. Treatment should last six months.
- Mix from leaves of aloe and honey, taken in equal parts( 400 g), and added to them Cahors( 700 g).The mixture is infused for 14 days. Take 2 tablespoons each.twice a day for a maximum of 4 months.
Drug treatment for hyperplasia can be prolonged. And at the end, you need to regularly monitor the condition of the endometrium, by examining and eliminating the underlying causes of the ailment.