Home-made noodles recipe with photo and video, egg-making technology

Previously, women prepared noodles on their own, as the stores did not have such a rich assortment of goods. From now on, noodles in any country is one of the most common products that is included in the daily menu. Pasta cooked at home is not only useful, satisfying, but also economical. While the store product is completely tasteless, homemade noodles have a special flavor and taste, which is its main plus.

Recipes for cooking noodles

People cook noodles from time immemorial - even before our era, the dish was popular in Egypt. Later, the first pasta began to be consumed by the inhabitants of Sicily and China. During the Middle Ages, noodles were brought to Europe, where for a long time the product was available only to aristocrats, until the machines for its mass production appeared. We have heard a lot of recipes for cooking homemade noodles. Traditionally, the dish uses eggs, flour, water and salt. However, there are other variations in the preparation of this ancient food.

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  • Flour( 150g).
  • Egg.
  • Salt.

Preparation of egg homemade noodles:

  1. Beat the egg into a bowl, shake it with salt.
  2. Add flour to the container, slowly knead the dough. The mass should turn out to be hard and firm, otherwise the noodles will stick together. Of 150 grams of flour should be a knuckle-sized dough.
  3. Leave the dough for 15 minutes, then knead it again to a smooth, plastic mass. Keep it from sticking to your hands or table, if necessary pouring flour.
  4. Very thinly roll out the dough to make a cake with a diameter of about 20 cm, grease the layer with vegetable( olive) oil - this will facilitate the further rolling process.
  5. You should have a very thin sheet of dough. For convenience, the mass should be divided into two parts and rolled out separately.
  6. Fold the flat cakes as a ribbon and cut into thin strips.
  7. Spread the noodles on the table so that it is dried. The workpiece is ready.



  • Rice flour( 3 items).
  • Potato starch( 2 tablespoons).
  • Cold water( 2 items).
  • Eggs( 8 pcs.).
  • Salt.

Preparation of rice homemade noodles:

  1. On a table or in a bowl, roll a flour with starch, in the center of which form a small pit.
  2. In a separate container, mix the eight egg yolks with salt, 1 teaspoon of water and vegetable oil. Whisk the mixture until smooth.
  3. In the groove of the flour slide, pour in the resulting liquid, gently start kneading the dough. The mass should be hard and tight. Leave the dough for 10 minutes, covered with a towel.
  4. Sprinkle the table with a thick layer of flour and start rolling out the dough, gradually pouring the flour under the rolling pin to avoid sticking. Turn the dough from time to time so that it does not stick to the surface of the table. Strive to achieve the maximum fineness of the formation( ideal - 1 mm).
  5. Let the cake dry for 5-10 minutes. After, use a sharp knife to cut the noodles. During this, do not forget to turn over and shake off the finished strips so that they do not stick together.
  6. The last step is drying noodles. To do this, put the homemade pasta on a baking sheet or directly on the table with a thin layer and leave for half an hour.



  • Water( 100ml).
  • Flour( 250 g).

Homemade Noodle Cooking:

  1. Sift and lay the flour on the table with a slide. After making a deepening, gradually pour the water into the flour and start to knead the dough. In the finished form it should be steep. It is important to use cold, not warm water - so the dough will become elastic.
  2. Wrap the finished weight with a towel for half an hour.
  3. Roll from it an oblong tourniquet. To do this, take hold of its two ends and, making amplitude movements up and down, twist the tourniquet alternately in the right and left sides. Do this until the dough stops tearing while spinning.
  4. Prepare the prepared mass with flour and with the help of the same movements pull the dough to the state of thin threads.
  5. Cut the threads if they are too long. Cook the home-made noodles immediately so that it does not dry out and does not lose sight.

How to cut and store the noodles

To roll out the dough, cut the ball obtained by kneading the ball into four pieces and make from each 4 small balls. Roll them one by one. First give the ball a cake shape, and then roll the dough with a rolling pin on the board, moving from the middle to the edges. Thin plates with a diameter of 20-28 centimeters should be obtained. Cut the tortillas into strips, fold them on top of each other and cut the noodles.

Homemade noodles are easy to store. After cutting, pasta can be dried with an oven or bread maker. Ready noodles are put in a dry, clean cloth pouch. In addition, you can dry the noodles at room temperature, laying out the workpiece on the table. Dry strips are stored in a tightly closed glass jar. Cook this kind of noodles a little longer than fresh - it is better to give the pastry to puff for 5-6 minutes.

Step-by-step recipes for dishes with home-made noodles

Traditional home-made noodles with a recipe are, above all, a dish based on chicken broth. Modern shops offer many different varieties of pasta, pasta and vermicelli for all tastes, but none of the types match the piquancy of homemade noodles. For the convenience of novice cooks below are the most successful recipes for home-made noodles with a step-by-step photo.

Chicken noodles


  • 300 g of finished noodles.
  • 250-300 g of chicken fillet.
  • Soybean sprouts( 20 g.).
  • Sweet pepper( 1-2 pieces).
  • Pack-choy salad( up to 100 g).
  • String beans( 50 g).
  • Vegetable little.
  • Mini-corn( 4 pieces).
  • Soy sauce.

Recipe for cooking homemade udon noodles:

  1. Cook the noodles, drain into a colander and leave. Corn, pepper, beans cut into large slices, lettuce pak-choi cut along.
  2. Fry chopped chicken fillets in a frying pan. Add all the vegetables in the container, except salad, roast the mass on high heat for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Place the finished noodles into the pan, mix, top with a pack of chicken. Pour homemade noodles with soy sauce and a Japanese dish will be ready.

Noodle wok


  • Home-made noodles.
  • Zucchini.
  • Paprika.
  • Leek.
  • Soy sauce.
  • Cumin-zira.

Recipe for cooking homemade noodles wok with vegetables:

  1. While cooking homemade noodles, wash vegetables, peel the pepper. Cut the zucchini with pepper thin strips( about 2-3 mm thick).
  2. Cut the leeks along, thoroughly rinse underwater and cut into strips. Ready noodles pour into a colander, also rinse with water, set aside.
  3. Put the frying pan on a strong fire, pour in the sunflower oil, add the cumin-zir and fry for 5 seconds. Send the paprika, zucchini in the pan and stir the ingredients constantly. After 3 minutes, add the leeks, fry the ingredients for another 2 minutes.
  4. Reduce heat to medium, put noodles in the pan, fry the dish for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Finally, season the noodles with soy sauce, steam the contents of the frying pan for a couple of minutes on low heat.

Mushroom Soup


  • Home-made noodles( 300g).
  • 2.5 liters of water.
  • Dry mushrooms.
  • 2 potatoes.
  • 1 stalk of celery.
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 1 carrot.
  • Greens, seasonings to taste.

The recipe for cooking mushroom soup with homemade noodles:

  1. Pour the mushrooms in cold water, put the pan on the fire.
  2. When the water boils, add the diced potatoes to the broth.
  3. Slice the celery, onion, carrots. Place the vegetables in the broth.
  4. When the potatoes are almost ready, add home noodles and spices( salt, pepper, bay leaf, greens).Serve the soup with sour cream.

Tatar soup


  • Meat( better beef) - 80 g.
  • Home-made noodles( 200-300 g).
  • Carrots, onions for 1 pc.
  • Red, yellow sweet pepper( one at a time).
  • Several potatoes.
  • 0.5 kg of tomatoes.
  • 250 g of daikon.
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil.
  • 100-200 g of string beans.
  • Spices, salt, herbs.

Recipe for cooking lagman with homemade noodles:

  1. In a cauldron or a deep saucepan, heat the oil, fry in it cut into small pieces of meat. Cover the frying pan with a lid, beat the beef for an hour on low heat. Meat should acquire softness and become evenly brown on all sides.
  2. Peeled onions cut into cubes, add to the frying pan, fry ingredients 2-3 minutes. Peel the cleaned carrots with straws, square to the meat.
  3. Peel the pepper by removing the seeds, cut into small cubes. Add it to the bowl with the dish. Continue to fry lagman, constantly stirring the contents of the cauldron.
  4. Peeled daikon cut into small cubes, add in the container to meat and vegetables. Peel, cut potatoes, send to lagman.
  5. Cut the tips of the beans and cut the pods into several pieces, then send along with the crushed tomatoes to the cauldron. Season the dish and fry it all together for another 5 minutes.
  6. Add water to the edge of the cauldron or pot, add fire. When the liquid boils, season the lagman, then reduce the heat again and cook the dish for 30-40 minutes until the daikon and potatoes become soft.
  7. Separately cook homemade noodles( you can use a multivark), lay it on plates and fill it with lagman. The dish can be sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Video cooking dough for home noodles

Despite the variety of pasta on the shelves of shops, some housewives decide to cook homemade noodles to pamper their loved ones. The cooking process can not be called simple, but the dishes with it are very tasty and useful. Home-made noodles are a part of many recipes and are perfectly combined with mushrooms, chicken, pork, vegetables, beef, seafood. With the help of this video, you will learn how to make a dough for delicious home-made noodles.

  • Mar 21, 2018
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