Tonsillitis is a pathological process that occurs due to the inflammatory involvement of the tonsils. Its formation can be affected by bacteria, viruses and fungi. Although there are situations where tonsillitis is diagnosed of a mixed type. There is a disease in two forms - acute and chronic. Most often diagnosed acute tonsillitis in children.
- 1 Symptoms
- 1 Treatment
- 1 Treatment
- 2.1 Medical therapy
- 2.2 Operation
- 2.3 Physiotherapy
- 2.4 Folk methods
- 3 Komarovsky's opinion
- 1 Treatment
- 1 Treatment
Tonsillitis of acute course in young patients is much more severe than in adults. At them the body temperature rises sharply enough, and also complications are formed much more quickly.
Symptomatic of acute angina in children is associated with a kind of inflammation:
- Catarrhal .It is characterized by an increase in tonsils, their reddening, the formation of whitish plaque. In addition, the child complains of pain and sore throat, a general malaise. But what are the symptoms of catarrhal otitis, is very detailed in this article.
- Follicular. This inflammatory process is accompanied by the presence of purulent acicular follicles, reddening of the tonsils. Follicular angina is characterized by such a clinical picture as vomiting, convulsions, fever, severe pain in the chest.
- Lacunar .Inflammation is characterized by the presence of a yellowish coating and reddening of the tonsils. In addition, the child becomes a nasal voice, there is a strong pain in the grief, an increase in lymph nodes and a bad smell from the mouth.
- Fibrinous. The pathological process can be recognized by a translucent whitish coating on tonsils.
- Phlegmonous .It is characterized by purulent expansion of the tonsil tissues, the formation of a one-sided or two-sided intratonsillar abscess.
- Gangrenous .On the tissues of the tonsils is formed whitish-gray coating, ulcers, scars.
On video-acute tonsillitis in a child:
In acute tonsillitis treatment in children is carried out at home. If the pathological process is assessed as moderate or severe, the child is placed in a hospital. The choice of medicines should be carried out taking into account the sensitivity of microorganisms to the active ingredients and the age of the child( a child of 2 years old may not be eligible for a medicine for older children).
Medication Therapy
In the treatment plan, the doctor necessarily includes antibacterial drugs. But only this, provided that the bacteria affected the development of acute tonsillitis. With regard to dosage and timing of admission, it can be determined only by a doctor.
In addition to the main treatment, children can be prescribed vitamin complexes, mineral supplements, immunomodulating medications.
Table 1 - Preparations for treatment of acute acute tonsillitis
Description | Influenced | Method of admission | Price |
Tantum Verde | The drug successfully cures the inflammatory process, eliminates germs, has antihistaminic effect. | For small patients, the drug is designed as a spray, and for teenagers you can purchase a rinse or tablet solution. | 150 - 350 rubles. |
Ceftriaxone | An antibacterial agent that effectively eliminates streptococcus and fights inflammation of the tonsils. | It is used in the form of injections, although a pharmacy can buy powder for the preparation of a solution. | Price for one ampoule from 26 rubles. |
Immunal | This drug is of vegetable origin, used to enhance the body's defenses | You can buy the medication in the form of a solution or tablets. You need to take it inside. It is forbidden to use for children up to a year. | From 260 руб. |
Lincomycin | Active components of the drug are effective against streptococcal infection. | Use medication in the form of injections. It is forbidden to use for children under 3 years. | From 71 руб. |
Tonzilotrene | This is a homeopathic medicine, with which you can quickly and effectively eliminate inflammation, remove harmful microorganisms and have a general restorative effect. | Buy the drug can be in the pharmacy in the form of tablets for resorption. It is forbidden to receive children under 3 years. | From 580 rubles. |
If the drugs used do not have the desired effect, the physician decides to perform an operation in which the affected tonsils will be removed. And the removal can be either complete or partial. In medical terminology, this operation is called tonsillectomy.
To date, doctors can use the classic method of removal. It is carried out with the help of standard tools - a scalpel, scissors, a special needle. If to speak about modern methods of therapy, the removal of tonsils can occur as follows:
- laser surgery;
- radio wave, radiofrequency surgery;
- electrocoagulation;
- thermal welding;
- application of microdebroder.
On video removal of adenoids in acute tonsillitis in a child:
The choice of a specific method of surgical intervention is determined not only by the doctor, but also by parents with the child.
What is represented and how the paratonzillar abscess is treated with the code of microbes, this article will help to understand.
And here are some of the signs of a paratonsillar abscess that occur most often, is indicated here in the article.
It will also be interesting to know how the parathonsillar abscess is treated: http: // paratonzillyarnyj-abscess.html
But whether it is possible to cure chronic tonsillitis, and which medications are the best, is described in great detail in this article.
This method of treatment of acute tonsillitis can be used in combination with conservative treatment. In addition, it will be an excellent prevention of recurrence of the disease. For these purposes, the following methods can be used:
- laser effect,
- electrophoresis,
- amplipulse,
- mud treatment,
- is influenced by ultrasound device "Tonzillor".
Folk methods
At home, conservative treatment can be supplemented with non-traditional methods. Most often with acute tonsillitis, various decoctions and rinse solutions are used. The most effective are:
- Take the onion, finely chop and boil in syrup. Remove from the plate when the product becomes thick and uniform. Take medication 3 times a day for 10 ml. But only use the product in this dosage is necessary for children under 10 years. Patients older than the amount of syrup to increase 2 times. But how the onion is used for colds and flu is described in great detail in this article.
- Pour a piece of propolis into the mouth and dissolve it until it completely disappears. Such actions should be repeated several times a day until recovery occurs. And here is how the polyps are treated in the nose with propolis, is indicated here in the article.
- Take a piece of fresh ginger .At 10 grams of raw materials account for 500 ml of water. Add the chopped cloves of garlic and a slice of lemon into the solution. Send everything to the oven, simmer for 15 minutes, then use it as a tea. What candies from honey and ginger from cough are the best, and how to use.see details in the article.
- It is necessary to clean and grind the beets .Pour 300 ml of water. Boil 20 minutes, filter and apply to wash your throat 3 times a day.
- Take 10 fruits of sea-buckthorn. Use them on an empty stomach. Do this until there is a recovery. It will also be interesting to learn about how snoring is treated with sea buckthorn oil.
Opinion of Komarovsky
The famous pediatrician Komarovsky advises in the treatment of acute tonsillitis to observe the following recommendations:
- At the first manifestations of the pathology, immediately consult a doctor.
- Child to ensure complete peace and bed rest. During this period of the disease, motor activity is not recommended, as this can lead to disruption of the heart.
- Reception of antibacterial drugs. Do not look for any exotic medicines in the pharmacy. Cope with acute angina under the power of Ampicillinus, Penicillinus, Erythromycin.
- Take antibiotics in the required dosage. The course of therapy should not exceed 10 days. In addition, you do not need to stop taking it, even if the child is much better. Thus, you can earn serious complications.
- Use local tools. This includes rinsing with herbal decoctions. The presented procedures have no therapeutic effect, but irrigate the mucous membranes, remove plaque, and also painful sensations.
- If the body temperature has risen, then give the child an antipyretic preparation, and with severe pain - an analgesic.
- You can moisturize your throat with absorbent lozenges. At once it is necessary to note, that such tablets do not render medical influence. This remedy, as well as rinsing, only eliminates discomfort and refers to additional remedies.
- Continuous ventilation of the room in which the child is. Parents should perform daily cleaning. The baby should have his own set of utensils and items of the first need. This is due to the fact that angina is a contagious disease.
On video - acute tonsillitis in children according to Komarovsky:
Tonsillitis of acute course is a less dangerous disease, in comparison with chronic form. The reason is that its symptoms are more pronounced, so you can quickly get medical help and avoid complications, which can not be said about chronic tonsillitis. It is characterized by a hidden clinical picture, in case of untimely detection of which the child can earn complications.