- Cooking pickled ginger
- Diet with pickled ginger
- How pickled ginger helps in losing weight
- Contraindications
Marinated ginger for weight loss has been used in European countries not so long ago. This snack is more popular in southern Asia, where it is served along with traditional fish dishes. Perhaps this is precisely the secret of the harmony and youth of the inhabitants of these regions.
Prepared pickled ginger
Marinated ginger in popularity and its ability to influence weight loss takes the second place of honor, standing immediately after ginger tea. And this is due to the fact that such a dish has a much more tender taste and a pleasant flavor than the fresh root. In the process of marinating the product acquires a soft texture and at the same time preserves the beneficial properties of raw ginger.
Prepared pickled ginger, which you can later use for weight loss, or simply as a spicy additive to the ration, as follows:
- pour into the stewpan 2 liters of water and put it on the fire, and while it boils, we are preparing the main ingredient;
- ginger root( 50 g) is peeled and cut into thin slices;
Tip! To clean a root of ginger it is more convenient not a knife, and the usual spoon. First, we go through the main part of the root, then, to get to hard-to-reach places, we cut off the lateral processes. Then we cut off the cut pieces!
- in boiling water, pour about half a teaspoon of salt, wait until it dissolves, and remove the saucepan from the plate;
- with hot salted water pour in pieces of ginger and leave on the table until completely cooled;
- when the ginger has cooled to room temperature, we pour into the glass approximately 100 ml of liquid, the rest can be drained;
- add to the liquid that we pre-cast, 3-4 tablespoons of sugar and a couple of tablespoons of vinegar;
- ginger put in a jar and pour the prepared marinade;
- is sent to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
. In shops, a ready-made pickled ginger is often found. As a rule, this snack is in the department of products for sushi, since it is this dish which is served most often.
Recommendation! Store pickled ginger usually has a gentle pink color, which can be obtained and when making snacks at home. To do this in the jar is enough to add a piece of beet or a couple of tablespoons of beet juice.
Diet with pickled ginger
There is no ginger diet as such. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to build your diet on a pickled product alone, if only because it is just a snack, an addition to the main dishes. For losing weight, you can take pickled ginger, as well as sushi, as well as in various salads. As a result of the use of this spice, the feeling of saturation comes quite quickly, and, consequently, it is possible to reduce the amount of calories consumed.
However, alone pickled ginger will not be able to properly adjust your weight. It is also necessary to revise your diet, excluding from it harmful food( fatty, fried, smoked, etc.) and adding more products of vegetable origin, lean meat and fish. Do not forget also about fruit and berries, which will help to achieve a positive result faster.
Note! According to reviews, the efficiency of pickled ginger can be different - from 5 kg per month to 5 kg per year. Here a lot depends on the other components of the menu and on how much mobile life you lead!
How pickled ginger helps in losing weight
Let's consider the main advantages of using pickled ginger, which are important in losing weight.
Improves digestion process
Even in ancient Rome, nobility used ginger in overeating. At that time, it was soaked in herbs and was readily consumed during and after lavish feasts. Since that time, the quality of this product has not changed, although other products have already been used for its pickling.
Pickled ginger really facilitates the digestion process and helps the intestinal walls faster and better absorb the nutrients that enter the body with food. Plus, this product neutralizes the accumulated gases, thus helping with flatulence.
Note! An additional bonus is the ability of pickled ginger to have an antiseptic effect, which reduces the risk of intestinal infection!
Stimulates heat generation
One of the main qualities of pickled ginger is its ability to enhance thermogenesis, in other words, it helps our body produce heat. And as you know, this process improves the flow of metabolism - metabolism.
The presence of excess weight indicates that the generation of heat is somewhat inhibited, and therefore the metabolism is disturbed. That is, the food that enters the body, instead of being converted to heat, is stored in the form of adipose tissue. And in the pickled ginger contain special chemicals that in their action are similar to the components of hot pepper. They also help to "warm up" our body, improve metabolism and "burn" fat deposits.
Is an energy supplier of
This product, in its effect on brain activity and activity in general, is compared to coffee. Marinated ginger is able to return the speed of thought and cheerfulness of the spirit. In addition, it well eliminates muscle pain, which becomes relevant in sports, especially since for weight loss, the use of pickled ginger is recommended to combine with physical exertion.
This product stimulates the blood circulation and normalizes the level of sugar, and therefore very successfully copes with the decline of power - a condition that is often complained about by people engaged in mostly sedentary work.
An integral part of a healthy hormonal background is cortisol. It is a catabolic hormone that monitors the energy expenditure of our body. Accordingly, the mass of our body largely depends on it. Thanks to the activity of cortisol, proteins and fats are broken down, further absorption of the products that result from this process also depends on it.
But if a person often experiences stressful situations and does not eat well, then this hormone becomes the "worst enemy" for his figure. As anxiety and anxiety increase, the level of cortisol also jumps, as a result of which fats do not split properly and are deposited in the most inappropriate places.
Using pickled ginger, you can somewhat influence the production of this hormone, and not let the fats settle on your stomach. Being in your diet, this snack will be an excellent help in losing weight.
Note! With an excess of cortisol in the body, the trunk and face become full. And the limbs are quite fragile!
In addition, the substances contained in the marinated ginger help to level blood sugar levels, which helps to prevent outbreaks of hunger, which means that there will not be an accumulation of excess calories.Contraindications
However, despite the fact that pickled ginger is really able to help in losing weight, it should not be abused. First of all, it is necessary to remember that this is after all an appetizer, and not the main dish. It is highly undesirable to eat it immediately before going to bed, as its invigorating properties can provoke insomnia.
Direct contraindications:
- individual intolerance;
- is an allergy, not only to ginger, but also to citrus fruits;
Note! It is proved that quite often the allergic reaction to ginger occurs when there is an allergy to citrus fruits. For this reason, people in this category should also be careful when using this snack!
- period of pregnancy and lactation;
- ulcer;
- gastritis;
- tendency to bleeding.
Use pickled ginger competently, and it will certainly help you in losing weight, making the figure more slim and fit.