In summer and autumn, many go to nature together with your favorite pets, just take a walk. In the forest, every dog feels like a real hunter. But in a tall grass or under a mound of a curious dog, a snake may be waiting. And although a snake's bite is seldom for a dog fatal, it can cause serious trouble. In our latitudes there is only one venomous snake, which is dangerous, both for dogs and for humans - it's a viper.
What is the danger of a viper's bite for a dog?
According to the mechanism of toxic effects, the venom poison is a poison of hemorrhagic( causes hemorrhage) and local edematous necrotic action. It is more toxic in the spring. The severity of the viper's bite is dependent on several factors:
- Age and size of the snake. Viper usually reaches a length of 50-80 centimeters. The older and larger the snake, the more it emits poison. The size of the dog. The larger the animal, the easier it will tolerate the action of the poison.
- The time that elapsed from the moment of bite to relief.
- Places bite. The most dangerous is a bite in the area of the tongue and neck. An edema can form which can lead to suffocation and death of the dog.
Two point wounds remain at the site of the snake bite, which is difficult to detect. The bite is accompanied by a spreading hemorrhagic swelling, local pain reaction, nausea, weakness, loss of orientation in space. In this case, the volume of tissues in the place of edema is significantly increased( approximately 2 times).Sometimes there is a violation of cardiac activity, tachycardia. First, the body temperature rises, and then it goes down.
Vipers bite damage blood vessels in the affected area, as well as in all internal organs( brain, kidney, spleen, liver, lungs), where many small hemorrhages and tissue swelling are found. It should be noted that if the snake venom enters immediately into the jugular vein or carotid artery, then a more severe and dramatic effect on the body occurs. This can lead to death of the pet. Therefore, if a dog is bitten by a viper, then it is impossible to delay with the help.
What should I do if a dog is bitten by a viper?
If you notice that the dog behaves unusually, she has shortness of breath, loss of orientation in space, limp, anxiety, then most likely this is the result of the action of snake venom. First Aid:
- The dog needs to be laid. Active actions accelerate the flow of poison into the blood. The animal should be in the shade.
- It is necessary to carefully inspect the dog and try to find the place of bite. If the dog was bitten by a snake no more than 15 minutes ago, then it is necessary to try to squeeze as much as possible the blood with the poison through the wound. Do not suck out the poison, because if you have sores in the mouth, wounds or caries, then you risk getting the strongest dose of snake venom.
- Apply a pressure bandage 4 cm wide onto the affected area. This will slow the ingress of poison into the blood. Proper application of the dressing( between the skin and the bandage should pass a finger) will stop the blood flow in the superficial veins and lymph circulation.
- Drink plenty of dog. To do this, it is necessary to pour milk or water into the mouth. You can subcutaneously 100-200 ml of saline.
- It is advisable to apply ice on the bite area to slow the blood flow.
- Use of antihistamines( suprastin, tavegil, claritin).A small dog( 3-10 kg.) Will need ¼ or ½ tablets, large( 15-30 kg.) 1-2 tablets.
- Admission of such cardiac drugs as validol, cordiamine. This will support the work of the heart.
- It's better to bring the dog to the car before the car. During transportation, the animal must be kept in a locked position. It is recommended to cover with a blanket or a warm blanket, as the temperature of the body due to the action of the poison can be reduced.
- After first aid, it is recommended to deliver the dog to a vet clinic, where she will be provided with qualified assistance. The animal will have an internal catheter, take blood tests to determine the extent of the lesion. Immediately, intensive infusion therapy, as well as sympathetic and anti-shock therapy, will be performed. The treatment uses anticoagulants, diuretics, antihistamines, and antibiotics to prevent secondary infection.
The recovery period of the pet will depend on its general physiological state. If the dog is healthy, then for 5-7 days it will fully recover. During this period, sleep and rest are recommended, highly digested food and abundant drink.
- Do not give the dog serpentine serum without knowing the exact dosage. The dose of whey depends on the degree of poisoning. Excess of it can cause anaphylactic shock.
- Do not treat the bite site with alcohol-containing liquids. This promotes the spread of poison. It is best to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide.
- Do not apply a tourniquet above the bite area to the affected limb. This measure does not help stop the spread of poison, but can exacerbate the common and local manifestations of poisoning( including gangrene).
- You can not give a dog coffee, tea, alcohol, as an exciting work of the heart.
- It is not necessary to make an incision in the area of a bite, as, being in a state of stress, it is possible to touch the tendon of the dog( on the limbs) or damage important vessels.
Video: The Bite of a Viper.
Video: Dog against the snake