How to eat fruits correctly

In the diet of people, fruits occupy a special, honorable place. They are a valuable source of vitamins, microelements and other vital substances. It's not for nothing that the World Health Organization recommends eating at least three fruits every day, and different. However, the fruit should be eaten so that not only get pleasure from your favorite tastes, but also the maximum benefit for the body.

Fruits are rich in carbohydrates: sucrose, glucose and, especially, fructose. Also, fruits contain a lot of fiber, which helps reduce the digestibility of sugar in the body. The energy obtained from the consumption of fruits, practically does not turn into fat, because it is very quickly used by muscles.

However, if the fruit is taken in the wrong way, they can disrupt the digestive tract.

Do not eat fruit after eating

If you eat fruits at the same time with protein and fatty foods, for example, with cheese and meat, or immediately after them, the fruit, having got into the stomach, instead of digesting faster, fall into a trap. After all, the meat remains much longer in the stomach, where it is digested slowly enough. As a result, the fruit lingers in the stomach, as if blocked by meat.

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Under the influence of moisture, heat and gastric juice, fermentation processes begin in them, as a result of which alcohol can even be released. The process of digestion is wrong, the vitamins in fruit are destroyed, the metabolism in the body is disturbed, the processes of rotting produce lead to bloating.

Therefore, eating fruit is recommended between meals. This rule should be taught from childhood, and then people have problems with the stomach will be less. Of course, at a young age the body copes with this problem quite easily at the expense of its own resources, but for adults and especially the elderly, fruits eaten on a full stomach will do more harm than good.

When is it better to eat fruit? It is very useful to eat one fruit on an empty stomach, in the morning, twenty minutes before eating. In the afternoon and in the evening, the fruit should be eaten only two or three hours after meals.

A few more tips

  • If you fall asleep with difficulty, then do not consume the night oranges, since vitamin C is able to impart vivacity.
  • Thanks to its low sugar content in lemon, its juice can be used as a salad or fish dressing.
  • Before dinner, it is undesirable to eat melon, it is able to secrete a small amount of insulin, which will block the fats of the main dish.
  • If possible, it is better not to clean the fruit, but eat it with the skin. After all, the peel contains fiber, which has a beneficial effect on digestion. Also in the peel a lot of vitamins, usually more than in the pulp.
  • The most useful fruits are grown on nature. Greenhouse, and especially growing on artificial soil, contain much less valuable substances.

If you follow these simple rules, you can get rid of excess kilograms or simply not recruit them, fill your body with valuable vitamins and minerals, get maximum health benefits. Eat fruits and stay healthy!

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  • Mar 21, 2018
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