How to keep food without a refrigerator

In life, there are times when things that are usual for modern life are absent. Then a person finds himself in an uncomfortable situation for him and tries to solve the problem in original ways. For example, what if your refrigerator broke down in your home? Or is it just not yet? Or do you need to keep food on the road? Let's find out how you can store food without refrigeration equipment.

How to store without refrigerator:

  1. dairy products
  2. meat and fish
  3. vegetables and canned food

Dairy products

All dairy products must first be hidden from direct sunlight. The darker the place will be - the longer the products will retain their original qualities.

  • To extend the shelf life of butter, it is possible in a simple way, it is enough to collect slightly salted water into the jar and fold the oil tightly into it.
  • Cottage cheese should be put in a dry container, which is lowered into cold water and covered with a towel soaked in water. To prevent the fabric from drying out, the tips should be lowered into the water.
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  • Cheese should be wrapped in a cloth soaked in salt water.

Meat and fish

Meat products quickly deteriorate due to interaction with air. So, in order to extend the shelf life, you need to fence off the meat from the air - fill it with milk. If there is no milk, then you can use this way: in the enameled container the nettle is laid, inside of which meat will be stored.

Another proven method - fresh meat is lowered for a few seconds in boiling water. Thus, the top layer of the product will be covered with a cooked crust, which will protect the meat from loss.

In addition to air and sun, meat in summer should be protected from flies. For this meat is rubbed with horseradish and wrapped in a cloth soaked in pickle from cucumbers.

Sausage needs to be dipped in water with a high salt content.

With fresh fish is much easier, this method is practiced quite often. Fish must be completely cleaned, so that only the fillets remain, and then rubbed with salt and wrapped in paper.

Vegetables and preserves

Vegetables are afraid of excessive sun and moisture, so that the vegetables remain intact, it is better not to wash them until you decide to eat them.

Pickles can be stored for a very long period without any problems, but what if the bank is already open? In fact, everything is very simple. In the empty space, the jars are put in a cellophane bag and filled with water. Thus, it is possible to partially seal the contents of the can and prevent the entry of microbes.

Canned food, like pickles, is not affected by the environment until they are closed, but after their opening, they should not be left in their "native" capacity. Transfer the contents to an enameled bowl or glass container, and put sugar on top. This way is enough for canned food to stand for a couple of days without a refrigerator.

Of course, all these methods will not replace the refrigerator, the shelf life of products when using them will be significantly less. Nevertheless, they will for some time help you out and allow you to save the products if the refrigerator breaks down or, for example, on the road.

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  • Mar 21, 2018
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