- 1 Mask for hair growth with dimexid at home
- 1.1 Mask for hair with sea buckthorn oil and dimexid( reviews)
- 1.2 Masks with vitamins and burdock oil
- 1.3 Ideas for quick effect on the basis of
- 1.4 What to do against falling out
- 1.5 Recipes for root strengthening and intensive nutrition
Dimexide is the most popular drug that can improve growth and condition of curls. Millions of girls have tried on its effectiveness, so we want to share with you the best recipes.
Mask for hair growth with dimexid at home
No one will argue with the fact that the decoration of a girl is her hair. To grow long beautiful, and most importantly healthy hair is not so easy. Our article will tell you about the magic effective mask that can improve your hair and grow them to the desired length - Mask with dimexid for hair( reviews and recommendations).
Mask for hair with sea buckthorn oil and dimexid( reviews)
Analyzing reviews on the World Wide Web, you can say with confidence that the mask with sea buckthorn oil and vitamins is the best at home. Most girls note the strengthening and nourishing properties of this procedure and the acceleration of hair growth. She perfectly copes with the loss of weakened bulbs. Contraindications and harm absolutely not. Dose according to doctors should be minimal. However, some representatives of the fair sex point out the fact that dandruff has appeared. In order to avoid this problem, it is worth adding rosemary.
The recipe is very simple. You will need 3 tbsp.spoons of sea buckthorn oil and 1 tbsp.spoon of dimexide. The oil should be preheated to obtain the best result. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair for about 2 hours. If you have overdone and received a scalp burn from nicotinic acid, you should apply aekol. After that, solcoseryl treatment can be used. Seabuckthorn accelerates blood circulation and stops hair loss. For a quick effect, you can leave the mixture overnight. If you feel unpleasant tingling or if the scalp burns, you need to rinse the mixture immediately.
Masochki with vitamins and burdock oil
Burdock oil will provide emergency relief for hair loss and will accelerate the growth of new ones. The simplest recipe is the application of an oil solution overnight. In order to once and for all to get rid of dandruff in the oil should be added tea tree extract. Repeating the course for a month, this problem will leave you. To revitalize the dry ends, mix in equal proportions the oil and usual pharmacy vitamins.(A, E), apply before washing your head each time for about an hour. From above you can wrap it with a towel for thermal effect.
Ideas for a quick effect on the basis of
oils. No less effective is the use of masks based on burdock and castor oil. Photos and videos and a recipe you can easily find on YouTube. How to apply and how much to keep the mixture? According to the rules, you should use no more than a teaspoon of the remedy, but if you have long hair, you should increase the composition and proportions. Than to replace Castor, if at you it has not appeared it near at hand?
You can use extracts from grape or peach bones. For blondes, the use of these components is not recommended, since yellow curls can be caused. For thin and split hair, devoid of volume, you can use a classic oily mixture of coconut with olive oil. The scalp becomes healthier and renewed. It is better to apply funds for dirty ringlets. Prepare this mix immediately before application. What is the effect of dirty head of hear? To enhance the effect of the mask.
What to do against the loss of
In order to stop hair loss and alopecia, the following prescriptions are recommended:
Mixture of nettle and oil.
People call it a "good curative mask".For intensive recovery, you must add vitamin A or E or Aevit. It is especially suitable for oily hair. To prepare the solution you should buy a nettle in the pharmacy, you can even grind it - insist in enamelware and mix with the oil components. Apply 2 hours before washing.
A mixture of sour milk and honey.
When using the proposed mask, the fallout problem disappears by itself. Girls note the rapid growth of new hair, sometimes up to 0.5 cm per month. You can replace sour milk with kefir.
Mixture with yolk, mustard gelatin and balsam.
Stops hair loss and gives them a luxurious shine and softness. The mask is very easy to use, but you should use the egg carefully to wash it off your scalp. It should be applied to clean hair for 2-3 hours.
Mixture with onions, cognac, lemon and essential oils.
Superfood for colored and discolored curls. To neutralize the obsessive smell of onions, you just need to add essential oils. Grate the onion, add 2 tbsp.spoons of cognac and 5-6 drops of essential oil with a pungent odor. It is recommended to use orange or lemon. Use this recipe stands for about a month about once a week for better results.
Mixture of oil with gelatin.
Applying these products as a balm, you replace the salon procedure called "lamination."For density, this solution should be applied 2 times a week. By the way, this mask can be done for the person, waiting for the results. This will ensure a smooth skin color and smooth wrinkles.
A simple mixture with henna. ( A popular hair care product).
It is important to observe the proportions when preparing the balm. With regular use, you can achieve significant results. If necessary, add linseed oil.
Recipes for strengthening the roots and intensive nutrition
Quite good reviews of girls can find about the use of panthenol. After its application, the scalp becomes absorbed, and the curls become soft and well-groomed. To strengthen the roots suitable burdock with an extract of red pepper. This will wake the sleeping bulbs and strengthen their nutrition. How much to decide you, but you should not use it often. On forums advise to use the zapentovannuyu formula of means. However, do not forget that the patent will not give such a result as a home care.