Preparations with calcium in menopause

One of the long-term consequences of menopause is osteoporosis. At first, its signs are not obvious, so they are more dangerous. Moreover, the weakening of bone tissue occurs at the pre-menopausal stage. It is necessary to solve the problem, what calcium is better for taking with menopause. After all, there are so many drugs in which there is this necessary mineral.

Contents of

About the importance of calcium and the causes of its melting

  • 1.1 What happens with menopause
  • 2 What are the calcium products
    • 2.1 Biophosphonates
  • About the importance of calcium and the causes of its "melting"

    Bone tissue has a porous structure. The components of its components are water, organic and inorganic substances. Among the latter, calcium has the first importance, giving tissue strength. The mineral element participates in the work of the nervous system, and not only its central part. Without it impossible:

    • Transmission of nerve impulses;
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    • Reduction of different muscle groups, including cardiac;
    • Permeability of cell membranes;
    • Normal blood clotting.

    That is, calcium is needed not only for fortress bones, but also the normal operation of the myocardium, nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems. It is necessary that the amount of mineral matter entering the body constantly exceeds the decreasing amount. After all, calcium is not stored in an unchanged volume, but is consumed and injected into the body mainly with food.

    What happens with menopause

    In youth everything happens, as described above. But the assimilation of the mineral is largely due to sex hormones, which from a certain age decrease quantitatively. But some of these substances help to produce calcium, others to split it. Now both processes are difficult. Calcium in a climacterium is required in a larger volume, but begins to steadily disappear, leading to a number of negative consequences:

    • Reduced bone density. Making it more fragile due to decreased synthesis of cells, it is more easily damaged. Injuries occur more often in the region of the neck of the hip, which often leads to at least disability and a loss of the ability to walk, even to death;
    • Lose teeth. First there is a periodontitis, a plaque on the enamel, bleeding while maintaining the former care of the oral cavity. Then the teeth begin to loosen, do not hold in the gingival pocket or are destroyed partially;
    • Spine deformities. There is stoop at the expense of squeezing and reducing the size of the vertebrae. Next comes the curvature, pain in the muscles due to the unusual load;
    • Pain in joints and limbs. Calcium deficiency leads to a decrease in bones. Consequently, the joints have a more serious load, provoking their inflammation. Pain also occurs in the muscles, even at rest, in many cases when weather changes;
    • Cardiovascular diseases. Lack of calcium worsens the patency of the vessels, the result is increased pressure. Increased viscosity of blood also contributes to this.

    Its role in the disappearance of calcium and the effects of these effects is played by the fact that other substances are needed for its activity. Vitamin D, boron, manganese, zinc, copper are obligatory for the organism's perception of the mineral, but the tissues themselves are not synthesized.

    The metabolic abnormality characteristic of menopause leads to a violation of calcium absorption by the intestine even with its normal administration with food.

    All this makes it necessary to additionally receive the mineral and provide the conditions for its assimilation. What is the best calcium for menopause? This should be answered by the doctor, prescribing the drug for osteoporosis. But menopause has several stages in which the choice of a remedy can be made and independently for the prevention of the disease.

    What are the means with calcium

    The simplest and cheapest preparations are one-component, that is, they consist only of calcium. This is its gluconate, lactate, glycerophosphate. But remembering the conditions under which the mineral is digested, do not rely too much on their healing power. Calcium preparations for menopause are better to choose combined:

    • Natekal D3.In addition to calcium, the carbonate contains vitamin D, which helps its assimilation, and magnesium, which is useful to the heart. Regulates phosphorus metabolism, helping the bone tissue to compact. Take 2 tablets per day;
    • Vitrum Calcium. The main substance is calcium carbonate, there are sodium, magnesium, riboflavin, titanium and vitamin D. In addition to restoring the bones, it participates in strengthening the teeth, reduces the production of parathyroid hormone, which contributes to the destruction of tissues. Take from 1 to 4 tablets per day;
    • Calcium D3 Nycomed. Has in the composition gave him the name of the component and vitamin D, magnesium and elements of fatty acids. Stimulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in bones, muscles, hair and nails. Reduces the process of tissue destruction and stimulates recovery. You can drink 1-3 tablets a day at different hours.

    All listed products have contraindications. But even choosing exactly which calcium in a particular case is better for taking with menopause, it is necessary to monitor the state of the stomach. Mineral is able to affect the mucosa in a non-healthy way, so replenish with it the stores of bone tissue should be with or after the meal.

    We recommend reading an article about the need for folic acid in menopause. You will learn everything about this substance and its effect on the woman's body, as well as on the proper intake of the drug.


    Means with calcium, preventing and treating osteoporosis, are also more serious than vitamin-mineral compounds. Biofosphonates are "heavy artillery" for the body. They inhibit the excretion of calcium, and also tighten the structure of bone tissue even in case of serious damage.

    Fractures are unlikely to occur with them, but they are prescribed mainly in severe pathologies, when osteoporosis is an attendant rather than a major disease. Calcium preparations for menopause from this category:

    • Alendronate. The active ingredient is alendronic acid, which suppresses the bone tissue destroyers of osteoclasts and stimulates osteogenesis, that is, its restoration. Alendronate is taken once a week on an empty stomach. Then you can eat only after half an hour;
    • Actonel. This strong agent is prescribed for those who are forced to take glucocorticoids. The risedronic acid, which enters into its base, preserves the activity of osteoblasts involved in the mineralization of bone tissue. Take the medication once a week in an amount of 35 mg 30 minutes before meals;
    • Bonviva. This is a high-activity bio-phosphonate, which exists due to the presence of Ibandronic acid in the formulation. The component increases the speed of bone tissue renewal, increases its mass. This is the prevention of osteoporosis and the possibility of an early healing of fractures. The drug is taken once a month in a volume of 150 mg or 2.5 mg daily for half an hour before meals. For drinking, you need 200 ml of water. Drugs of the same series are Osteogenon, Bivalos, Fosamas.
      Biofosfonates take a limited time, the effect after treatment is maintained for a long time. But they have more contraindications, they are known for their negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

      Some for their reception must first restore the digestive system.

      Calcium in menopause can be kept at an acceptable level if you take the problem seriously. Sometimes it is troublesome, but less costly for health, than treatment of fractures and heart diseases, which are provoked by its deficiency.

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