Contraceptive pill kliraya - a good opportunity for family planning, in addition, the tool positively affects the overall condition of the reproductive system. But not everyone understands some of the body's reactions to the drug.
One of the manifestations that causes claira is no monthly. Should this be or is it a signal to the fact that the tablets do not fit?
- 1 Read more about the
- 2 preparation Menstruation when taking
- 2.1 Is the absence of menstruation always normal?
- 3 Cycle when taking tablets
- 3.1 Violations of
- 4 After discontinuing
More about
Claira has serious differences from similar funds due to its composition. In the package intended for use in one cycle, several types of tablets of different colors. Some contain estradiol and dienogest - hormones that suppress ovulation, in strictly calculated quantities. Some are "dummy".Reception of the latter is also necessary.
The dosage of substances, like the use of tablets by the day of the cycle, is clearly defined and should not change. Correct reception will provide a soft but steady effect on the functioning of the reproductive organs. Therefore, the monthly changes in clayre parameters. This property of the drug is used, including for their stabilization.
Another feature of the tool - you can shift the monthly shift. If after the reception of hormone-containing tablets do not drink "dummy", and take immediately after the next package, the level of hormones in the body will increase. Monthly will be postponed for several days.
Menstruation when taking the drug
Estradiol, which is a part of the tablets, does not differ from the substance produced by the female body. Other drugs contain a synthetic analogue, which heavily loads the liver and changes blood coagulability.
Estradiol valerate in clay is devoid of these drawbacks, but retains the necessary properties of the hormone. Together with dienogest they do not allow ripening of the egg, which gives the contraceptive effect. But its absence also means the impossibility of thickening the mucous uterus, which reduces the monthly intake of claira by 70%.
Those who started using the drug may encounter such reactions of the body:
- daub
at any stage of the cycle. Sometimes it goes into more intense discharge;
- Menstrual-like mucus a couple of weeks after critical days. Claira menstruation in the middle of the cycle can provoke due to insufficiently active effects of hormones on the body. At the stage of habituation, that is, in the first 3-4 periods, this is permissible and does not require correction. With strong secretions, you can simultaneously use 2 packs of the drug, taking a double dose of identical tablets in the morning and evening. After 4 months of application, this requires expert evaluation;
- Complete absence of menstruation. When there is no monthly intake of clay, for some women this is normal. Especially if before their allocation in critical days did not differ abundance. Dienogest does not allow thickening of the uterine mucosa, so even if the level of hormones falls to a minimum, there is practically nothing to get rid of;
- Intensive selection. Abundant monthly with the reception of clay should not disturb at the initial stage of getting used to the drug. About how this can be adjusted, it is already said. If the increase in the dose did not help, you should not experiment with it, you need to go to the gynecologist to find out the reason. Such a reaction often indicates the presence of endometriosis. Estradiol promotes the proliferation of the tissues of the uterine mucosa, and in some tablets the drug of this hormone is greater than the dienogest.
But if the remedy is suitable for a woman, is taken correctly, then the monthly clay during the reception is meager, almost painless. It is important that after a normal perception of his body, did not start any of the above described manifestations. This situation already needs correction or in general withdrawal of the drug.
We recommend to read an article about pills that cause menstruation. You will learn about the possible causes of delay in menstruation, recommended drugs, as well as about effective traditional medicine. Is the absence of menstruation always normal?
Puzzling when using the drug klayra, why there are no monthly, is not always resolved by the explanation of the overwhelming effect of dienogest on the size of the endometrium.
The reasons for this may be unexpected and unpleasant:
- Pregnancy. Despite the reliability of clay, a 100% guarantee of protection from conception will not be given by any specialist. A woman can mix up tablets, forget to take one of them. An upset stomach or intestines, simultaneous treatment with antibiotics, too, do not contribute to the fullness of the contraceptive effect;
- The fact that when taking a drug klayra does not have a monthly, may be an incidental manifestation. If, with strict adherence to the rules of admission, they do not come and after the completion of the second package of funds, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
Cycle when taking tablets
A significant issue when taking a drug is klayra, when the monthly starts. All the time, while a woman drinks tablets with certain doses of estradiol and dienogest, the body maintains a high hormonal background. The last is the turn of the "dummy".They are needed for a sharp decrease in the volume of hormones, which provides a detachment of the endometrium.
Violations of
The use of such a strong drug as clayra, a monthly malfunction makes it very likely. Especially if they were not regular before. The violation can consist both in the long waiting for critical days, and in the early offensive.
If using monthly klayr tablets started earlier, it can have a double meaning: the period of habituation( 3-4 first months) or breakthrough bleeding. In the second case, it bothers in every cycle, which should not be. Therefore the doctor most likely will cancel a preparation if monthly began during reception klayra.
We advise you to read an article about the features of menstruation when taking birth control pills. You will learn about the effect of contraception, the course of menstruation with hormonal protection, popular drugs prescribed by doctors.
After withdrawal of the drug
Stopping the taking of tablets raises questions about when the monthly will come after the clay. With normal susceptibility of the body to the drug, the reproductive system is restored quickly. Menstruation occurs in the next cycle, that is, after 21-35 days, counting from the reception of the last dose.
For those who do not have monthly clays, you should not be satisfied with the absence of excreta and related problems. This can be a negative manifestation. Receiving funds should be supported by medical supervision, otherwise the effect will be unexpected and unpleasant.