Camomile is a simple and unpretentious flower that has a number of unique properties, which allows using it for centuries as a medicinal plant. As an antiseptic, it is available in the medicine cabinet of almost every woman and is included in a variety of fees. How does the plant affect the female body? Can the chamomile help with menstruation, which have a pathological character? What other female ailments can be overcome with this plant?
- 1 Influence of the plant on the female body
- 2 Indications for use
- 3 Contraindications
- 4 Effect on the cycle
- 5 Cooking options for women's problems
- 5.1 For inflammation of the vulva, vulvitis in girls
- 5.2 For inflammation in the vagina
- 5.3 For treatmentcervicitis and erosion of the cervix
- 5.4 For the normalization of the menstrual cycle
- 5.5 Treatment of cystitis
Effect of plants on the female body
Chamomile has manyDue to its unique composition. It includes the following active substances:
- vitamin A and E,
- essential oils,
- salicylic, palmitic, oleic, stearic acid,
- trace elements zinc, boron, potassium, copper, selenium,
- umbelliferone and phytosterol,
- apiin, herniarin.
Composition of chamomile | How does |
Vitamins E and A | Very important for the female body. If they are deficient, menstrual cycle disorders, ovulation processes, and fetal abnormalities can develop. The fact that vitamin E stimulates the formation of progesterone - a hormone of the second phase, and interacts with receptors for it. Thanks to this ingredient the chamomile causes monthly. As a result, menstrual function is regulated in women. Vitamin E is included in almost all complexes for women's health. Also, his regular intake into the body prevents benign breast diseases. |
Vitamin A | Important for all tissues that quickly renew. And it, first of all, mucous, including genitals and intestines. Deficiency of vitamin A leads to dry skin, mucous membranes, digestion is disrupted, dysbiosis develops. |
Essential oil | It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, affecting the pathogenic flora. |
Acids | Possess bactericidal activity against pathogens. |
Boron and selenium | Actively participates in the functioning of the thyroid gland, and its hormones directly affect menstrual function in women. |
Potassium, copper and zinc | Necessary for the normal functioning of body cells. |
Umbelliferone and phytosterol | Have an estrogenic effect. Thanks to them, the normalization of menstrual function, the reduction in the severity of premenstrual and menopausal syndromes to a large extent take place. |
Apiin and herniarin | Have an antispasmodic effect, so chamomile during menstruation has analgesic effect. Also these substances affect the metabolic processes. |
So, summing up the effect of chamomile on the body, we can identify its main properties:
- antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal action against many pathogenic bacteria;
- antispasmodic and analgesic;
- normalizes the work of the genital organs in women;
- affects the metabolism, as well as estrogens and progesterone;
- improves the microflora of the intestines, vaginas, etc.;
- has a positive effect on skin condition with local use.
Indications for use
Camomile is used to treat and prevent many conditions. Used as its decoction, and infusion, it is added to creams, ointments, and also consumed inside.
In gynecology, chamomile is used in the following pathologies:
- with inflammation of the vulva;
- in violation of the flora of the vagina( candida colpitis, bacterial vaginosis, specific infections, etc.);
- for menstrual dysfunction: useful chamomile in case of delay of monthly, copious, acyclic discharge, etc.;
- for various kinds of cervicitis, cervical erosion;
- for inflammation of the urinary tract;
- with vulvitis in girls as a bath.
Look at the video about the beneficial properties of chamomile:
Chamomile should not be used for external and internal use if ever there have been allergic reactions of various types to it. It is also necessary to treat it with care to women suffering from multiple allergies, bronchial asthma, etc. In these cases it is recommended to undergo an individual allergotest before use. With negative results, you can, without fear, apply this method of treatment.
Ingestion is not recommended when increasing the pH of gastric juice( increased acidity) and the tendency to loosen the stool, since this plant can aggravate these conditions.
Also with caution should be treated with chamomile in pregnancy and before consulting a doctor.
Effect on the cycle
Many women are not sure whether it is possible to drink chamomile with a monthly pathological character. Namely, with a violation of the cycle, with abundant and painful, etc. Indeed, even here this plant is able to help with its unique composition.
Taking chamomile inside is able to relieve pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back in women. To do this, use the most concentrated solutions.
This plant will help if a woman is troubled by abundant, even with clots, monthly.
Cooking options for women's problems
You can prepare medicinal medicine from chamomile in various ways. The species will depend on the purpose of application: a decoction of chamomile for monthly abundant and painful, infusion for syringing, etc.
With inflammation of the vulva, with vulvitis in girls
For these purposes, you can use sessile tubs with chamomile. It is necessary to take 2 - 3 tbsp per liter of boiled water.l.chamomile. You can also add calendula, celandine or nettle. Bring the mixture to a boil and brew for about 15 to 20 minutes. If you need to take more liquid, the amount of chamomile is also increased. After the solution is ready, it is necessary to sit in the bath so that the crotch is completely in the water. It is advisable to stand for about 5 - 10 minutes. The course consists of 5 - 7 days, it is advisable to repeat this procedure 2 - 3 times a day.
Inflammation in the vagina
Chamomile can be used for various types of inflammation in the vagina. It will help both in candida colpitis and dysbiosis. It is also useful to combine it along with antibacterial treatment.
So, for syringing it is necessary to prepare a solution at the rate of 250 ml of hot water and 1 tbsp.l.chopped chamomile flowers. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can add 1 tbsp.l of calendula or plantain. Infuse the mixture for about 20 - 30 minutes, then use. You can store the solution for no more than a day in a dark cool place.
For the treatment of cervicitis and erosion of the cervix
For this purpose, douches are also used and it is necessary to prepare the solution according to the previous prescription. However, it is also effective to lay medical tampons in combination with other plants.
Recipe. Prepare aloe. To do this, cut off the oldest leaves( more than 2 to 3 years), grind them and pour alcohol. The resulting mixture must be infused for 5 to 7 days. Then cook the broth of chamomile and mix in equal parts with aloe. From gauze and cotton wool you can make a tampon, moisten it in the resulting solution and lay for 6 to 8 hours in the vagina. The course consists of 7 to 10 procedures once a day.
For the normalization of the menstrual cycle
Effective chamomile with abundant periods. For this it is necessary to take and mix:
- 1 tbsp.l. Oak bark,
- 1 tbsp.l.chamomile flowers,
- 2 tbsp.l.trifling,
- 3 tbsp.l.nettle.
Then pour the mixture with 1 liter of hot water and press for about 40 - 60 minutes. The resulting solution is filtered and can be taken at 2 - 3 tbsp.l.3 - 4 times a day.
With spastic pain in the lower abdomen, this plant can also help. It is necessary to take in equal parts the flowers of chamomile, field horsetail, centaury and cobbler, and then pour all with hot water. Also allow to brew, strain and drink during seizures.
If chamomile is used to accelerate the period, 40 - 50 g of flowers should be poured into 100-150 ml of hot water, let it brew, then drain. Drinking is necessary for 2 - 3 tbsp.l.3 - 4 times a day before the onset of menstruation.
Treatment of cystitis
You can use sedentary baths according to the prescription suggested earlier, and also it is recommended to carry out microclysters with the solution. For this 2 - 3 tbsp.l.chamomile flowers are brewed in a glass of hot water, insist 20 - 30 minutes and filter. The final solution is used for microclysters.
We recommend reading the article on cystitis with menstruation. From it you will learn about the causes of inflammation and exacerbation before menstruation, the effect of cystitis on delay, as well as on the methods of treatment.
Chamomile is a medicinal plant for solving a number of female problems. Having unique composition, it has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic and others. Chamomile infusion is useful for the monthly pathological character. So, it will help cope with the pain syndrome, reduce blood loss and establish a cycle.