Primrose and herbal primrose in folk medicine and cosmetology


  1. Botanical Description
  2. Chemical Composition
  3. Useful Properties
  4. Application of Evening Primrose Oil in Cosmetology
  5. Application of Evening Primrose in Traditional Medicine

Two-year or evening primrose balm known to the people as evening primrose is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Kipreiny family. His homeland is North America, from where he was brought to European countries in the beginning of the XVII century and distributed throughout the world. Indigenous peoples of America have long used this plant for culinary and medicinal purposes. Recently, it has become popular among European residents as a remedy for the treatment of heart diseases, digestive tract, joints, infertility, depression and increased immunity.

Despite the fact that the leaves, flowers and roots of the autumn have healing properties, the most widespread use in folk medicine and cosmetology is found in the oil extracted from its seeds. It is established that it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, softening effect. For its appearance and flowering features, the plant received many interesting national names, including evening color, night star, candle, night candle, night lamp, night violet, etc.

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Botanical description of

Primula evening can be found on wastelands, fields,along roadsides, in valleys of rivers, on embankments along railway tracks. Prefers sandy-humus and limestone soils. Reproduction is carried out by seeds. According to the nature of its growth, it can be attributed to weeds.

Root type root system, the root is juicy, fleshy, has a length of up to 15 cm and a diameter of up to 5 cm. In the first year of life, a root rosette of leaves is formed, and on the second grows an upright stem with small branches, densely covered with leaves. In height it can reach 50 - 80 cm, has pubescence in the form of thin woolly hairs.

In basal rosette leaves are petiolate, elongate-lanceolate, with integral or ovate-toothed edges. Leaves on the stem are sessile, small, elongate-lanceolate, almost entire or rarely-toothed.

Interesting: The roots of evening primrose in form resemble donkey ears, which was the reason to call her two-year-old oslinnik.

An evening primrose blossoms from June to September. The plant is polluted by night insects, mostly moths. The flowers are bright yellow, are particularly tender, beautiful and pleasant fragrant aroma, they are interesting because during the flowering period, their coronas open only in the evening or in the daytime with a strong cloud cover. They are bisexual, large-sized, single, sessile, located in the axils of the leaves at the apex of the stem. Receptor of oblong-cylindrical form, quadrangular, widened to the top. Calyx of green color with four lanceolate, oblong-pointed sepals. Corolla consists of four obovate petals.

Evening primrose flower

Fruits mature gradually, beginning in September. They are an elongated tetrahedral multiself box, covered with felt pubescence, up to 3 cm in length. Within it ripens more than 200 small( up to 1.5 mm) flattened seeds of irregularly shaped black with a blue or brown tinge.

Chemical composition of

The main medicinal raw material of evening primrose or evening primrose are the seeds from which the oil is extracted. However, the leaves, flowers and roots of the plant also found application in folk medicine. The content of fatty oil in mature seeds is from 10 to 20%.Its exact composition is determined by the climatic and agronomic characteristics of the cultivation.

In the US and European countries, primrose oil is available in capsules and is used as a dietary supplement
Flavonoids( kaempferol, quercetin), mucus, tannins, resins, phytosterols, pentosans and flabbafens are found in plant leaves. Enochore is rich in minerals( potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, manganese, iron, copper), amino acids, vitamins C and E, polysaccharides and other useful substances.

The special value of evening primrose oil, which is isolated by the cold-pressed method for maximum preservation of useful properties, is the high content of triglycerides of unsaturated essential fatty acids and vitamin E. The fatty acid composition of the oil is mainly represented by the following acids:

  • γ-linolenic( up to 14%);
  • linolenic( up to 72%);
  • oleic( up to 10%);
  • stearic( up to 3%);
  • palmitic( up to 7.5%).

It is believed that evening primrose oil in its composition, as well as its smell, consistency and color, is close to the fish oil that is unusually beneficial to the body.

Important: The healing properties of the seed and oil of the two-year-old log are officially recognized in Canada, France, Germany, Poland, Italy and Finland. In this regard, in many countries, the plant was introduced into the culture and grown specifically for the manufacture of medicines.

Useful properties

Medications from evening primrose are suitable for both external and internal use. They have the following spectrum of pharmacological action:

  • analgesic, spasmolytic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • expectorant;
  • diaphoretic;
  • is an anti-inflammatory;
  • is antimicrobial;
  • is a sedative;
  • is antithrombotic;
  • regenerating;
  • is decongestant and diuretic.

Infusion, tea or alcohol tincture herb plants are effective in intestinal disorders, since they have a pronounced astringent effect. Water extracts of evening primrose stimulate the digestive tract, liver and spleen, help to relieve spasm and ease the condition with cough, spastic asthma and kidney stones, and also have a sedative effect in depressive states and other neurological disorders. Due to improved metabolism and the presence of phospholipids, accelerating the breakdown of subcutaneous fat, evening primrose oil can be used in complex weight loss programs. Means from the plant also contribute to the removal of hangover syndrome and slow down the destructive processes in the liver in people suffering from alcoholism.

Ingestion of the oil of the plant has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, increases the elasticity of the vessels and strengthens their walls, can be used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, cerebral circulation disorders. It improves lipid metabolism, lowers cholesterol and glucose in the blood, normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Externally infusion of herbs plants are used to treat wounds and ulcers, rashes on the skin, depriving, eczema and rinses with angina and stomatitis.

Evening primrose oil

Evening primrose oil is especially useful for women. It helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, remove the painful symptoms of PMS and menopause, can be used to treat infertility and certain female diseases( myoma, endometriosis, mastopathy).Even primrose oil stimulates the production of cervical mucus, which greatly facilitates the way of sperm in the uterine cavity and helps a woman get pregnant. Its external use during pregnancy to lubricate the skin on the abdomen and chest in combination with base oils improves its elasticity and is a good tool for the prevention of stretch marks. Some women apply this oil to the perineum to reduce the risk of rupture during labor.

Important: There is evidence of a positive experience with the internal application of evening primrose oil in pregnant women to reduce the risk of late toxicosis and eclampsia and as a means to stimulate the onset of labor. However, one must understand that before using this plant in such a critical period in the life of a woman, a doctor's consultation is mandatory.

Primrose evening is effective for arthritis and osteoporosis. It helps to relieve inflammation in the joint area, reduces the loss of calcium by bone tissue, increases its mineral density and strength.

Application of evening primrose oil in cosmetology

Evening primrose oil, used externally or ingested in the form of capsules, can solve many cosmetic problems in women and men. As an anti-inflammatory drug, it is very effective for acne in adolescents and in people with a fat type of skin prone to irritation and inflammation. Evening primrose oil helps to stop the increased loss of hair, restores the structure of the hair, removes dryness and fragility. It is effective for age-related changes in the skin of the face, since it moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, increases its tone and elasticity, restores water-fat balance, accelerates regeneration processes, saturates with nutrients, brightens pigmented spots.

Evening primrose oil in small amounts can be added to balm and hair shampoo, cream, lotions and tonics for the face, and in a mixture with base oils used for massage and added to the bath.

Important: The shelf life of evening primrose oil is six months. Before using it for cosmetic purposes, it is necessary to perform an allergy test.

Application of evening primrose in folk medicine

From the grass, primrose vintners, decoctions and infusions, which are used in the diseases listed above, are prepared from the herb. Before the beginning of their application it is necessary to familiarize not only with medical properties, but also with contra-indications of evening primrose. These include schizophrenia, the use of drugs of the phenothiazine group and other anticonvulsants, individual intolerance. Side effects on the background of receiving funds on the basis of the two-year-old fallow are rare, nevertheless, some people may have nausea, weakness and headaches.

Vodka tincture

The crushed dried primrose grass( ½ cup) is poured into 250 ml of vodka. The mixture is infused for 14 days, stirring occasionally. After the expiration of the infusion, the grass is filtered out, and the obtained tincture is used for the intended purpose. With diarrhea, it is recommended to take 25 drops of the drug three times a day.

Tincture of evening primrose

Infusion of grass

For the preparation of water infusions of herbs, evening primrose dry vegetable raw materials are ground, 2 is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and held for 1 hour, covered with a lid, then filtered. Use for spasms, coughing, nervous disorders. Dosage is 200 ml of infusion per day, this amount is divided into 5 to 6 receptions at approximately the same intervals.

Decoction of roots

Dried crushed roots in an amount of 1 tbsp.l.put in a saucepan, add 200 ml of water and boil for 4 minutes on low heat, then turn off the gas, insist the broth for 10 minutes and filter. Use the drug should be 40 ml 4 times a day before meals.

Features of growing evening primrose:

  • Mar 22, 2018
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