Hairbrush for straightening hair: what to buy and how to use, reviews

Obedient curls that quickly and easily fit - the dream of every girl, because in practice to create a beautiful hairstyle you need to spend some time and effort. Information about hairdressing accessories that you learn from this article will make it easier for you to create an image and give many useful benefits in the daily care of your head of hair.

How to straighten the hair

If you are the owner of curly locks, then make them straight, even falling down you can by resorting to salon leveling procedures, or you can straighten your curls yourself with the help of ironing or a hair dryer. The first method has its own advantage in the long-term result, but one must take into account that such a procedure is not expensive. In this case, the ringlets are severely damaged, because they are affected by aggressive compounds that can change the structure of the hair.

It is necessary to clarify that the negative result, which will be reflected in the appearance and health of your strands, can be obtained at home. This often happens if poor quality equipment is used, high heating temperatures, and hair is not treated with thermal protection. The advantages of this method include the ability to alternate according to the mood of laying wavy curls or straight strands. If you do not allow the effect on the hair of very high temperatures and complete the laying with cold air, the structure of the curls will not be damaged.

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In order to level off only a few minutes, the beauty industry is constantly developing new, more convenient devices for personalized hair care. These devices combine the properties of a brush and a hair dryer or a curd. So, in a similar way, like an electric comb, the Fast Hair Straightener operates. Sometimes alignment can be achieved only by mechanical action, for example, using a comb for straightening hair from Avon. Consider a detailed description of some accessories to make the choice of the product you need.

Brush-hair dryer

Such a device due to the complete set of nozzles can in addition to the drying function serve as a comb for straightening curls. Nozzles for a hair brush are different in diameter, and you need to know that alignment is best suited to the front parts, which are flat brushes. Also wonderfully copes with this job comb hair dryer for styling hair with a large diameter. Its teeth allow you to hold and pull the strand well, thereby aligning it.

This device will help you to lay strands of any type and of different lengths. For a good alignment effect and at the same time care for the strands, you only need to apply the entire hair band for the styling and thermal protection. Next, you have to work the braids of the electro-groove, dividing them into strands, and then brushing them from the roots to the tips. This way of laying first can require a certain skill, so that the braids do not get tangled in the comb. When you get used to using a brush-dryer, you will like saving time, when after drying you do not have to treat the strands with iron.

Hairbrush for hair

This appliance does not need to be connected to the mains. It is a forceps, on one lever of which is a comb, and on the other there are holes through which its teeth can pass. The lock is grasped and securely clamped by such a device, so it becomes convenient to maintain and pull it out when drying with a hair dryer or pre-fix the curl so that it can then be carried more quickly by an electric iron.

Some girls use these devices without additional thermal impact. They put on the hair for cosmetic means for leveling the hair and with the aim of straightening repeatedly comb the strands. This way of applying will give some effect on slightly curly braids. Tightly the same locks ironing comb only razpushit, and ideally smooth hair canvas without thermal impact you will not achieve.

Hairbrush for laying with a hairdryer

The way to straighten the curls with their brushes is the easiest, if you want to give the hair volume at the same time. Hairbrush for hair straightening with a hair dryer - a device that is inexpensive, can be made of different materials. Depending on the shape of these brushes can perform different functions: drying, create volume, align the strands or twist them or even create elastic curls.

To find the comb that will best help you straighten your braids, take a closer look at these products.

  • Oval large brush straightens the curls without risk of tangling them in the comb during stretching.
  • A skeletal comb can comb wet hair without a high risk of damaging it. Highly effective for drying and straightening strands, because thanks to a special shape it easily passes air.
  • Massage brush flat shape well captures wide strands, qualitatively aligns their shape, significantly saving time.

Round hairbrush for straightening hair

The assortment of such round cylindrical accessories is large, but the principle of their work is the same: pulling strands during drying. Scales of curls at the same time are closed, braids become straight and beautifully falling. When buying brashing for leveling, it should be taken into account that the hair straightening brush should be of a large diameter and made of materials that will promote good warming of the strands and prevent their electrification. For these reasons, pay attention to combs with a ceramic, tourmaline coating and with bristles made from natural nap.

How to use brashing

With this hairbrush for straightening hair, straighten the curls will be easy, just following this simple sequence of actions:

  • for naturally-dried braids, apply thermal protection and, if desired, a styling aid;
  • divide the locks into strands and, starting from the roots of the hair, lead a round brush towards the tips, pulling the braids;
  • the air from the dryer is directed from the roots and further to the tips of the curls, following the brush;
  • for the hair to hold the volume, it is better to start drying the strands, starting from the bottom of the head, gradually moving to the back of the head, and then to the forehead line.

Video: how to style your hair with a hairdryer and a round comb


Alena, 23 years old: After seeing the advertisement, she bought herself a brush for combing and straightening the strands. The results of its use are not very impressed. I have long hair that likes to be fluffy. Combing them with this electro-cutting machine can be done when they are previously well combed out, and the straightening effect is much inferior to the results that the iron gives.

Natalia, 32 years old: I'm nothing more optimal than straightening hair with a hair dryer and professional round brush, I do not know. The contact of strands with heating elements is not ironing, because their structure is much less damaged. I really like that in this way, besides creating the volume at the roots, it is also convenient to turn the tips, beautifully stacking them.

Victoria, 27 years old: I want to share my opinion about the comb-iron: she tried to style her hair when she was visiting a friend. In my opinion, it can be used as a fixer for strands, when straightening scythes with iron or drying with a hair dryer, so that they evenly heated. Independently this accessory has no explicit straightening effect, just combs the curls.

  • Mar 22, 2018
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