What does bad breath say after tooth extraction and how to act?

Tooth extraction is a rather painful and unpleasant procedure, which is prescribed only if conservative treatment does not have the desired effect.

However, after extraction of the tooth from the alveoli, complications and negative consequences are uncommon, one of which is the infection of the tooth socket and, as a consequence, the appearance of a repulsive smell emanating from the oral cavity.


  • Risk Factors
  • What should I do in this case?
  • Preventative measures
  • Possible complications

Risk factors

Unpleasant repulsive breath odor, which is formed after tooth extraction, which is accompanied by a hideous taste of pus, often signals the onset of an inflammatory process that occurs in the gum.

This may be due to the entry and development of a hole in the infection. In most cases, this happens after the extraction of wisdom tooth. But there are other reasons that can cause an unforgettable amber from the oral cavity:

  1. Improper implementation of the recommendations of the dentist in the period after the operation
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    .Usually the patient is advised not to use hot liquid and food for a while, try not to injure the wound with a brush, do not touch the tongue or spoon. It is recommended to rinse the mouth with special disinfectants that promote faster healing. And if the patient does not comply with these rules, the risk of a putrefactive process and the appearance of putrefactive odor from the hole increases.
  2. Formation of increased dryness in well .When the tooth is removed, after about three hours at the extraction site should

    Dry hole provokes a lot of problems

    to form a clot of blood cells. It closes the wound and prevents harmful bacteria from entering. It can not be removed by brush alone. However, there are situations when such a clot comes out, and the hole becomes dry, which is a comfortable condition for spreading the infection. Most often, with such a situation, people who have blood clotting disorders and those who smoke a lot and often smoke. In the risk zone are and representatives of the fair sex, taking hormonal drugs for contraception. And if the factor of appearance of fetid odor lies in this, then the doctor will be able to carry out all the necessary measures that are prophylactic in nature and help to minimize such a problem.

  3. Inflammation of the periodontium .Serious disease, often provoking the emergence of complications and infection, which provokes the development of putrefaction. In such a case, the patient who has had the tooth removed must be observed by the dentist during the healing period.
  4. Remaining fragment of tooth .When the removal was done poorly, and a piece of tooth remained in the gum, it will provoke the development of the inflammatory process. In the wound area, swelling of the soft tissue is formed, pain will appear, which in the future will only increase. Most often this situation occurs after the removal of the wisdom tooth. Its position in the gums is horizontal and with a slight slope, which complicates the conduct of medical intervention. It is not uncommon, when such a tooth is not completely cut, so the risk that the fragment will remain several times in the gum remains.

Other causes that contribute to the appearance of a taste of pus and unpleasant odor in the mouth:

  • the presence of a chronic nasopharyngeal or mouth disease( sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis) at the time of tooth extraction;
  • if adjacent areas with pulpitis or periodontitis are located;
  • if there was a granuloma or cyst on the root of the tooth, which the doctor had to scrape;
  • poor hygienic state of the oral cavity at the time of the procedure( stones, abundant plaque available).

What should I do in this case?

If after removing the tooth, you feel a strong smell from the mouth and there is a touch of pus, it's worth to see a doctor immediately. The dentist rinses the well with manganese solution or hydrogen peroxide, while doing anesthesia. In special cases, when the inflammation acquired a neglected form, a course of physiotherapeutic measures is prescribed.

Under the usual conditions, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with a warm manganese solution three times a day. In addition, the doctor can prescribe the use of antibiotics and antiseptics, as well as drugs that relieve pain and discomfort.

If the patient will follow all the recommendations of a specialist, then after 10 days the unpleasant odor and accompanying symptoms will disappear.

Preventive measures

To protect yourself from infection in the formed well, which provokes the taste of pus with repulsive odor, after the extraction procedure, it is strongly advised to spit less and do not rinse the oral cavity for the next 24 hours( unless it is prescribed by the doctor).You can not eat hot meals, tea, coffee, and you should also refrain from smoking.

After the removal of the wisdom tooth in the first day, the hole may bleed slightly, which will provoke a taste of iron in the mouth and a characteristic aroma( but not putrefactive, but rather the smell of clay and steel).

You can take a sterile napkin, make a tourniquet out of it, which is applied to the wound and bites. Keep the napkin in this position for 20 minutes. The formed blood clot should in no case be attempted to remove. It will prevent the infection from entering the well, thereby speeding up the healing process.

If severe pain occurs after the procedure, analgesics may be taken. But swelling of the soft tissue can be reduced with the help of cold compresses. They are superimposed on the portion of the cheek where the well is located.

Also strong swelling can remove desensitizing drugs( Tavegil).

During night's sleep, it is better to use an extra pillow so that the head is higher than usual. This will help increase the outflow of blood. After tooth extraction on the same day, do not clean the area located near the hole.

The diet in such a period should consist of soft food, and all meals are only at room temperature. Within a few days you can make oral baths with a decoction of chamomile and soda. To do this, the solution is simply put into the mouth and held for several minutes on the side where there is a hole. Rinsing is not carried out.

Possible complications of

If the time is not reacted to the problem and does not begin to eliminate it, the infected well can cause the following complications:

  1. Inflammation of the periosteum .It is manifested by the soreness of the gum and its considerable swelling. Discomfort can be exacerbated at times when a person uses solid food or a toothbrush. Then the inflammatory process begins to spread, provoking the puffiness of the neck, chin, lips and cheeks. The body temperature rises, there is a headache, a white coating forms on the inside of the mouth. In the subsequent in the wound area there is a lot of pus, which goes through the hole. In this case, rinsing and disinfection of the wound, administration of antibiotics and analgesics is prescribed.
  2. Alveolitis .This disease develops imperceptibly for the person. But it develops quickly enough. It manifests itself with pain. The pains first have a aching character, and then they become shooting and permanent. The pain covers the entire jaw, moving into the temple and neck. If such a disease develops against the background of the removal of the wisdom tooth, then the discomfort is felt in the ears, a rotten smell from the mouth is felt, an inflammatory process develops. Over time, there are difficulties with the normal opening of the mouth. There is swelling of the cheeks and gums, the mucous membrane becomes very red. Treatment of ailment is also based on taking medications that relieve inflammation and eliminate pain with swelling.
  3. Abscess .During the removal of the tooth( especially wisdom), it is possible to injure the tissues of the oral cavity. And then in the wound area begin to develop purulent processes that provoke the appearance of an abscess. Most often this happens in those cases when a person after the procedure does not follow the recommendations of the dentist, concerning the proper care of the oral cavity.
  • Mar 22, 2018
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