Pimple on the gums - understand what it is

Seals on the gums of white color are often called acne, although formations of this type can have a different nature. The growth can be dense or softened with purulent contents inside.

Acne on the gums can hardly be called harmless, as untreated seals can lead to serious inflammatory diseases, fraught with tooth loss. You can not remove seals on the gums by yourself. Mechanical effects can lead to overgrowth of the compaction and suppuration.

Contents of

  • Reasons for an adult
  • Reasons for a baby
  • The main causes of such manifestations
  • What should I do? Different approaches depending on the cause

Reasons for the adult

With qualitative and regular oral care, "acne" occurs less often, which indicates the importance of hygiene in this matter. Among other reasons for the formation of seals on the gums in adults, you can call:

  • On the gums, the balloon-flux

    swelled after treatment or tooth extraction;

  • allergic reactions;
  • instagram viewer
  • colds;
  • mechanical damage to gum tissue;
  • stomatitis;
  • presence of parasites in the body;
  • internal diseases.

Such manifestations, as a rule, are painless and do not cause big problems to their owners, because of what such neoplasms are given insufficient attention, although they can signal serious problems in the body.

Causes in infants

Thrush in infants

In children, these formations may appear for other reasons. In particular, white compartments in the mouth are formed when:

  • teething;
  • thrush;
  • herpes;
  • dysbiosis.

White pimples often indicate a disease such as stomatitis. It can develop against a background of thrush or weakened immunity. In this case, the treatment should be prescribed by the doctor, since those methods that can be used for adults are completely unsuitable for infants. White rashes on the background of stomatitis can be accompanied by a temperature, ulcers in the oral cavity and grayish coating, which must be removed in a timely manner.

Pimples appearing during the teething period are usually harmless, quickly pass and do not cause any problems to the child.

The main causes of such manifestations

Education on the gums differ in quality and composition. Traditionally, the following types of seals are distinguished:

  • In the photo of the lipid

    , the fatty is also known as a lipoma. The formation of adipose tissue, which is characterized by slow growth. The fatty joint is tight against the gum, it has a soft surface. It protrudes above the gum a white tubercle. As a rule, it does not cause discomfort, which is why it is not always timely detected. It is not dangerous, but when injured, it can lead to severe damage to the gum tissue. In a stable form does not require treatment. If you change the appearance of the wen, you should immediately contact your dentist;

  • cyst - is a suppuration in a stable phase. The cyst is dangerous because it can lead to the destruction of the root of the tooth and bone tissue. To determine the exact location of the cyst, x-rays are prescribed. Cyst for a long time can develop asymptomatically. As a rule, this education is a consequence of poor-quality dental treatment.

    In the photo, the pimple on the gum is fistula

    Purulent growths are more often formed after tooth extraction, especially if the operation was complicated by a number of factors: the curvature of the tooth root, the presence of fragments, etc.

  • fistula - also known as phlegmon. It is a purulent inflammation, which can be painful. Can be located both inside and outside the gums. The latter looks like a pimple on the gum above the tooth. The fistula is preceded by the infection of the gum. A deep cyst, overcrowded with pus, can lead to the formation of a fistula. Provoking factors can also be called complicated caries and periodontitis. The fistula is unable to resolve itself, because the focus of the infection requiring urgent treatment is deep in the gum;
  • herpetic

    On photo stomatitis

    or other stomatitis - any of the types of stomatitis can lead to the formation of acne on the gum. With herpetic stomatitis, small pimples are formed, resembling blisters. Having burst, they turn into open sores, which can heal for a long time. With candidal stomatitis a white coating is formed, and a burning sensation in the mouth appears. The ulcerous form of stomatitis is accompanied by a strong inflammation of the mucosa;

  • purulent inflammation - "pimples" with purulent inflammation is usually red. Depending on the location of suppuration, the pimple can dissolve on its own or grow to dangerous dimensions. The most serious consequence of untreated purulent pimple in the mouth is the rupture of internal tissues, resulting in pus can enter the brain.

What should I do? Different approaches depending on the cause of

Treatment is determined based on the reasons for the formation of "acne".If the lesions on the gums are the result of stomatitis, the doctor should take a smear in order to identify the pathogen. With herpetic stomatitis antiviral treatment is prescribed. Antiseptic solutions for rinsing are used to heal ulcers. The patient is also recommended immunomodulatory therapy.

Wearers does not require special treatment. It is important for the period of resorption of education to ensure peace of the gum site, on which the compaction is localized. If the wart is damaged, you should contact a dentist who will determine the nature of the lesions and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

X-ray of the cyst on the gum

The greatest difficulty is the treatment of cysts .For the removal of acute symptoms of inflammation and excretion of pus, a gum incision is made. Further treatment is determined based on the causes of cyst formation. If it was formed after removal of the tooth, then the well is cleaned, the cavity is checked for fragments, the wound is drained and treated with antiseptics.

The cyst, formed due to poorly healed root canals, is removed by laser method, the root canals are sealed again. The launched cyst is fraught with serious complications, among them: a possible loss of the tooth or teeth, sinusitis, damage to the internal organs.

Methods of treatment of the fistula are similar to cyst treatment, in fact, fistula is a cyst, the pus from which is fed out. Curing a fistula without eliminating the cause of its formation is impossible. After removal of pus, anti-inflammatory therapy is performed. Dental canals are cleaned and disinfected. Re-sealing is performed only after complete removal of the inflammation. For the purpose of rapid recovery, physiotherapeutic procedures, antiseptic rinses, oral hygiene with the use of special medicinal pastes are prescribed to the patient.

On the photo abscess of the gums

What if the balloon was inflated on the gum? This condition is typical for gum abscess .With purulent inflammation against the background of periodontal disease, anti-inflammatory therapy and physiotherapy are indicated. Chronic inflammation is removed by antibacterial treatment.

The abscesses are opened, the gums are drained and disinfected. Since the cause of suppurative inflammation in the mouth may be non-stomatological diseases, it is necessary to direct all efforts to treatment of the main problem, in the role of which can be diseases of the digestive tract, diabetes, endocrine disorders.

What is an abscess on the gums look in this video.

To remove symptoms of inflammation and accelerate healing, rinses are recommended by decoctions of medicinal herbs: marigolds, oak bark, althea root. To remove the edema, rinse with saline.

  • Mar 22, 2018
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