How to get rid of internet addiction? !

Today we will talk with you about the enemy of mankind, about the malicious habit that paralyzes many, turns people into hard and stale robots, making them indifferent to real life - this internet dependence !

How can we get rid of it?

Here is what Wikipedia has to say about this disease:

Internet addiction is an obsessive, passionate and uncontrollable desire to immediately connect to the Internet and painfully agonizing inability to leave the Internet on time.

How to get rid of Internet addiction?

We learned about Internet dependency problem with increasing popularity and development of the Internet.

Today and every day it is all the more relevant.

Some people are so keen on this virtual space that they do not even notice how the internet dependencies get into the powerful pasuris !

To date, people have started to prefer the Internet, not the real world - and spend more than 18 hours a day at the computer.

To date, according to various studies that have been conducted around the world, 10% of Internet users have found internet dependency !

instagram viewer

What should I do? How to be? And how to resist this bad and stupid habit?

You know the saying: "If you really want to - you can fly to space!" It would be a desire. ..

That's right here!

Take and count, how much time do you spend on communication, whether with friends or even with strangers in social networks, on dating sites, forums, etc.?

Do you imagine how much time you could save and spend it profitably at work or at home for yourself and your family?

But it all starts with a banal check. ..

Realize that you have internet dependency - this is the first step in order to combat this problem.

Rules for getting rid of internet addiction!

  1. Distributed their working time in such a way that it was maximally productive.

    Plan a clear schedule, stick to a certain time to verify the same mail.

    At first it will certainly not be easy, but it has been scientifically proven that if you observe something 21 days in a row, it becomes a habit.

    Spend on the Internet no more than that time, which can really be useful for you.

  2. Internet addiction is evil, so in order not to stay too long for you to decide for yourself, ask your relatives to control you - I'm sure they will gladly help in this.

    You can set an alarm for a certain time, write motivating words on a large sheet of paper, which you will be whipped up and put even more, or hang this sheet near your workplace, right before your eyes.

  3. Dependency on social networks: Psychologist's help

  4. Avoid sites you've spent hours with before.

    You can even try to delete your account, for example, from a dating site.

    Communication in real life is much more interesting, more fun and productive than virtual communication.

    Avoid different forums on unnecessary topics.

    In addition to endless correspondence, disputes, skirmishes and obscene language on them, you will not find anything interesting for yourself.

    And thus you for yourself will make a huge step forward from disposal of internet dependency !

  5. If you do not really need - do not turn on the computer!
  6. And in general, the best and easiest way to solve the internet dependency is to purchase another dependency.


    • read motivating and interesting business books;
    • sign up for any refresher courses;
    • start learning English;
    • , go in for sports.
  7. Get a grip on yourself, you do not want to be poked at you with your fingers and shouted that you're a loser, that you will not do anything sensible! !!

    Put in the end your goal - get rid of the addiction - Internet addiction , whether you are strong, do not let yourself slip!

    Fight for your happy future, because life is given to us only once and again you will not have another chance!

    Go with friends, with your family for some events, exhibitions, concerts, excursions, to the theater.

    Take a walk in the park, the botanical garden, swim on the boat.

    Get that charge of positive emotions that you never get by spending all your time on the Internet.

  8. Another very useful tip: Kill completely the habit of eating in front of your computer.

    Because in the end, instead of a half-hour break, you'll have to "stick" into the monitor at the very best for an hour or two, slowly chewing and digesting your food.

    By the way, one of the biggest features of internet dependency is a poor appetite.

  9. Do you like shopping?

    Then do not be lazy, take your best friend a friend and a march for shopping, shopping centers.

    This is much more fun and enjoyable pastime than in any online store to review thousands of different photos, pasted for several hours, the fifth point to the chair.

    Modern technology has not yet reached the level to try on clothes on-line.🙂

Look at the life story, I think it will leave its mark in your memory!

Lead a healthy lifestyle, spend more time in nature, communicate with friends in real life, pay more attention to a loved one, family and as a rule, these methods lead a person out of the internet dependency .

Live the real life!

Every day motivate yourself to success!

The peculiarity of virtual space is that it does not exist.

So why waste your valuable time and life, which is given to you only once for something that does not exist?

  • Mar 22, 2018
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