Drops for the eyes Natural tear - an individual approach

Eye drops Natural tear is used as a remedy to compensate for the deficiency of tear production.

They additionally moisturize the surface of the cornea and the mucous membrane of the eyes in their pathologies( acquired or congenital).

From instruction

Natural tear - ophthalmic solution. It is made in the form of a bottle equipped with a 15 ml dropper of low-density polyethylene and a bottle in a cardboard bundle.

The solution is a clear, slightly viscous liquid that is slightly yellowish or colorless.

    • 1. From the
    • instruction 2. Application Natural tears and the presence of analogs
    • 3. Price
    • 4. Feedback parade

Positive result

Drops protect and moisturize the cornea, filling the lack of tear fluid. The patented Duassor material( polymer water-soluble system), which is part of the product, is similar to the composition of human tears.

Once on the surface of the cornea, the duassor spreads evenly over it and interacts with the natural tear. As a result, a stable, gel-like, delicate film is formed on the surface of the cornea.

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It protects the eyes from drying out and further irritation. The resulting polymeric film, thanks to a special consistency, stably fixes on the cornea, producing a long-term moisturizing. This fact is noted by many patients in the reviews at the end of the article.

Read on - instructions for eye drops Tsipromed. Reviews and price in Russia and CIS of this ophthalmic solution.

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Achieved effect:

  • elimination of irritation symptoms( itching, burning, redness),
  • treatment of excessive dry eye,
  • retention of moisturizing effect after administration for several hours,
  • absence of penetration into the systemic circulation.

Indications for use

Natural tear Drops are shown with:

  • tear apparatus diseases;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • corneal syndrome( burning, discomfort, sensation of foreign body, etc.);
  • irritation caused by a long flickering TV, air conditioning, computer, smoke, dust, ultraviolet radiation, wind, dry heat and other causes;
  • a number of other undefined eye diseases and its appendages.

Moisturizing eye drops are prescribed in the complex treatment of the drying of the eye mucosa during menopause, as well as during the intake of certain medicines.

Restrictions on the use of

The main contraindication is a special sensitivity to the action of a specific component of the drug.

As an adverse event, an allergic reaction may develop.

Due to the lack of confirmed studies, medicine does not have data on the use of the drug by children, pregnant and lactating women. It is possible to use the drug in this category of persons according to the prescription of the doctor. This applies to cases where a curative effect is expected that covers the risk of possible side effects.

Special instructions

Avoid contacting the tip of the pipette with any surface. Otherwise, bacteria can enter the vial.

It is not recommended to use other eye drops at the same time.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove contact lenses, and after a quarter of an hour - to install again. This is due to the probability of deposition of benzalkonium chloride on their surface and a decrease in the transparency of the lenses.

Preparation Tear natural store under temperature conditions from 8 to 30 ° C within the expiry date( 3 years).The bottle in the opened state is stored for up to one month.

Application Natural tears and the availability of analogues

Dosage when using

Instill in the conjunctival sac of the diseased eye, as required, 1-2 drops.

This is done during the day several times until painful symptoms pass. Each time after use, the bottle must be closed.

If there is a lack of effect, the procedure should be discontinued and consulted by a doctor.


If for any reason the preparation is canceled Tear is natural, then the ophthalmologist can write eye drops of a similar action:

  • Visomitin,
  • Vizin Clean Tear,
  • Inox,
  • Systein Ultra,
  • Oxyal,
  • Chilozar-Chest,
  • Ophthalmic,
  • Ottagel,
  • Likontin,
  • Vidisik.


Average cost of the drug Natural tear( 15 ml) in Russian pharmacies is 350 rubles, in Ukrainian - 220 UAH.

We continue to share our opinion about eye drops - reviews about Oftan Katakhroma. Is it worth using this drug?

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Feedback Parade

Igor .I used drops strictly according to the instructions. Irritation of the eyes became less, but did not pass. The result is not too good. Perhaps, in addition to drops, I should reconsider my work at the computer.

Vladimir .I drip very often during the day, but my eyes still dry. I'm better helped by Vidisik.

Andrew .A natural tear is buried on the road while driving. The eyes get much better.

Svetlana .When she began to work a lot at the computer, from the loads on her eyes there was an unpleasant dryness in them, especially in the evening. The doctor advised to drip a natural tear. In general, I have sensitive eyes, I even choose cosmetics very carefully.

I like these drops because they easily take out all the extraneous things that get into the eyes. Fatigue and dryness are removed. Eyes respond very well to instillation. Another convenient small bottle that I wear in my purse.

Ala .A natural tear I use as an ambulance for my tired eyes. Very helpful, although it is necessary to drip up to 10 times a day.

Ludmila .I work as a hairdresser. Eyes all the time dry up. The ophthalmologist has appointed or nominated humidifying or wetting drops Tear natural. Very helpful. Eyes feel relieved.

Michael .I consider these drops a godsend for those who work hard at the computer. They advised me to buy a friend doctor. Drip as the formation of dryness. I forgot about the inflamed eyes.

Victoria .I am sales manager. A lot of work with the computer and papers. Eyes are very tired. There is burning, tearing, redness. I was looking for a drug with good quality and reasonable price. Has left on a tear natural. Now I clean up problems with my eyes almost instantly.

Valentine .I'm glad that there are such drops. Quickly eliminate fatigue from the computer and a strong dryness in the eyes. But my husband does not like them, because his eyes start to pinch, and for a long time. Probably depends on the pH of each person and the salt content of the tear fluid.

The review of the feedback shows how much the individual approach to eye treatment is required. Any drug produces a different effect on different people. A natural tear is no exception. Therefore, prescribe the drug should only a doctor.

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