Features, symptoms and treatment of each stage of hemorrhoids

stage of hemorrhoids Among proctologic diseases, hemorrhoids are the most known and often diagnosed. It is characterized by vascular expansion in the internal and external cellular layer of the anal passage.

The disease is classified according to the following criteria: on the basis of percolation( acute and chronic) and form( external, internal and combined).

The clinic distinguishes 3 degrees of the disease: prodromal period, acute and chronic form. The chronic form( with enlarged internal veins) includes 4 stages of development of hemorrhoids.


  • The provocative factors
  • Brief characteristics of the forms of the disease
  • The stages of the chronic disease
  • Features of the treatment of the disease at different stages
    • The initial stage is all quite simple
    • The second stage is worse, but still reversible
    • Hemorrhoids in 3 stages is already very painful
    • The fourth stage is very dangerous!

Factors provocateurs

The main reasons for the appearance of hemorrhoids include:

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  • constant jumps of vascular pressure from mechanical damages;
  • congenital structure of the vessels of the anal passage;
  • reduction of the tone in the venous walls due to transferred infections;
  • intoxication of endogenous and exogenous nature;
  • physical activity;
  • long walking or staying in one position;
  • pregnancy;
  • stool disorders;
  • tumors, diseases of the genitourinary system and abdominal cavity.

Brief characteristics of the forms of the disease

The following forms of hemorrhoids are distinguished:

  1. The prodromal period .At this point, the disease begins to develop slowly, the duration of this period can be several days or years. The main symptoms include a sense of embarrassment, the presence of a foreign body in the rectum. There may also be an itch in the anus. But mostly patients do not pay attention to such phenomena, and the doctor determines the onset of the disease after the patient is interviewed. Discomfort can be observed occasionally or permanently from negative factors, with External and internal hemorrhoids stool disorders( constipation, diarrhea).
  2. Acute stage .Gradually, the prodromal period turns into a clinical picture of the disease with an increase in the severity of the symptoms. It is possible to determine the diagnosis of bloody discharge from the rectum, which can be of different intensity, appear when provoked( abuse of over-salted, fried, smoked, and spicy food, alcohol, attempts).But sometimes there is an acute course of the disease with characteristic inflammatory manifestations, swelling and jamming of the nodes.
  3. On average, after 3 days of blood separation, the disease progresses and is chronic .In this case, each bleeding will be associated with exacerbation of the chronic stage.

The stages of chronic disease

In essence, the acute form of the disease is a one-time attack, it has no stages. External hemorrhoids is one stage of the internal type of the disease and is characterized by an increased severity of symptoms.

The examination is an important stage in the treatment, since the choice of suitable therapy depends on the degree of the disease development.

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4 degrees of hemorrhoids

There are 4 degrees of severity of the chronic form of hemorrhoids:

  1. The first stage( initial) .For the clinic of the disease at the first stage of hemorrhoids, the appearance of bleeding from the lumen of the anus is characteristic. There is no prolapse of hemorrhoids. Due to a decrease in the elasticity of the veins and dystrophic changes in their muscular layer, some areas are bulging into the rectum. At this stage, the disease is determined by an anoscopy.
  2. The second stage is .The disease is determined by prolapsed nodes with the possibility of their rectification into the rectum. In this case, there may be a bleeding. With the increase of dystrophic disorders in the venous muscles, with defecation or heavy loads, nodes from the rectum may drop out. After the influence of the provoking factor is over, the nodes return to the inside of the anal canal.
  3. The third stage is .From this stage, the disease becomes external, when the nodes are not repositioned themselves after the pain during defecation discontinues the provoking effect. The patient restores the veins into the rectum. This is characterized by severe bleeding, burning, periodic inflammation and acute pain in the anus.
  4. The fourth stage of hemorrhoids is the heaviest, refers to the external form. Loss of nodes from the anal passage occurs with a slight change in pressure within the abdominal cavity. Changes can occur when the body is changed, coughing, or flushing. As soon as the patient himself pushes the veins into the rectum, the hemorrhoidal nodes are not always fixed inside, again drop out and resemble cones. With friction and injury to the vascular walls, the patient exhibits strong and persistent bleeding from the anus. Inflammation of nodes is often observed. Because of the abundant discharge of blood, a severe degree of anemia can develop which leads to cardiac, respiratory failure and other complications.
4 degrees of hemorrhoids

In the photo, the symptoms of each stage of hemorrhoids - from the initial to the 4th

Features of the treatment of the disease at different stages of

Features and methods of treating hemorrhoids directly depend on the stage of the disease.

The initial stage - everything is quite simple

At the initial stage of the disease, the patient has virtually no signs and symptoms. For the treatment of small nodes, conservative treatment is prescribed, which often does not last long. candles

The doctor prescribes rectal suppositories( Proctosedil, Relief, Anuzol, Anestezol, Hepatrombin).

To reduce discomfort, you can use folk remedies( made from potatoes or honey candles, enemas made from potato juice, clay, propolis, camomile).

The initial manifestation of the disease should be treated in a timely manner so that it does not go into stage 2.

The second stage is worse, but still reversible.

. As already mentioned, the second stage of hemorrhoids is characterized by increased symptomatology.

In this case, prescribed medication or traditional medicine. If you do not eliminate the disease in time and the causes that caused it, it goes into the next stage.

Prescribing vasoconstrictive drugs, bleeding stops wound healing medications.

In addition to rectal suppositories, lotions from medicinal herbs can be used on the rectum area, which have a calming, anti-inflammatory effect( lotions from calendula, sage and chamomile).

Discomfort can be reduced by taking sedentary baths with decoction of propolis, using ice candles.

Baths with chamomile, oak bark and special collection can help. For microclism, rosehip oil, sea-buckthorn or fish oil is used.

installation of latex rings Such methods of treatment can be used in the absence of complications.

If the drug therapy is ineffective, the doctor prescribes minimally invasive procedures - photocoagulation, cryotherapy, the installation of latex rings on the nodes.

In case of bleeding, injections of Detralex, Etamsilate, Eskuzan drops are prescribed, Neufland gel, methyluracil ointment is recommended to eliminate pain sensations.

Hemorrhoids in 3 stages - this is already very painful.

Patient complains of itching, pain in the anus, bleeding and discomfort.

Complications at this stage include thrombosis of the node with further infringement and inflammation. Serious treatment is required, sometimes operation, ligation or resection of the nodes can be prescribed.

Specialists advise to use complex treatment, where besides medical operation medical preparations are prescribed.

With frequent dropouts, rectal suppositories and ointments are prescribed. You can use folk methods( lubrication of hemorrhoids nodes with celandine juice, cut the bulb).

If the patient does not pay attention to the symptoms of the disease or is improperly treated, then it passes into the next stage.

The fourth stage is very dangerous!

Hemorrhoids 4 stages - the most neglected degree of the disease in which the patient always has unpleasant symptoms( itching, pain, burning in the anal area).

With each defecation, bleeding appears, which can be severe with further anemia.

Laser coagulation is used, accompanied by medication, ointments and creams that eliminate painful treatment of hemorrhoids sensations and inflammation.

Other methods of therapy include:

  1. Digestion normalization, regulation of the digestive tract .Recommended enzyme means, a lot of liquid, dietary fiber. To medicines carry Фейберлакс, Агиолакс, Нутриклинз.
  2. Increased vascular tone .Recommended phlebotrophic drugs( Detraleks, Venoruton, Glivenol, etc.).

In order to prevent the initial manifestation of the disease, a person must perform basic preventive measures, and with the manifestation of hemorrhoids, deal with the elimination of its causes and symptoms.

To prevent illness and reduce pain in an acute period of hemorrhoids, you should eat right, observe hygiene rules, eliminate constipation or diarrhea, avoid physical exertion, do not abuse alcohol and perform special gymnastics.

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  • Mar 22, 2018
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