Low-molecular heparin Anfiber: indications and instructions

Thrombotic diseases are serious pathologies, the treatment of which should be started from the very first days of their appearance. One of the effective tools that is used in the treatment and prevention of venous thrombosis and thromboembolism is Anfiber.

Anfiber is an anticoagulant with a direct effect. This agent is included in the group of low-molecular-weight heparins( LMWH), with a molecular weight of 4,500 daltons. This drug has an antithrombotic effect.


  • Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics
  • Composition and form of release
  • When and where the drug
  • should not be prescribed and administered
    • dosage and dosage regimen For prophylaxis of venous thrombosis and thromboembolism
    • Reception for thrombosis of deep veins
  • Adverse events
  • Special instructions
  • A set of opinions from patientsand experts
  • What for?

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

The drug has a vigorous activity with respect to the factor Xa and weak activity towards the factor IIa. Unlike unfractionated standard heparin, the activity of the antiaggregate type is more pronounced than that of the anticoagulant type. The drug does not affect the state of platelet aggregation.

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During the subcutaneous administration of the agent, it is rapidly and completely absorbed from the injection site. The maximum peak in activity of the main component of enoxaparin with respect to factor Xa occurs after 3-5 hours. This value corresponds to a concentration level of 1.6 μg / ml after the administration of 40 ml.

The liver metabolizes a small amount of enoxaparin, which forms low-activity metabolites.
The half-life of the drug lasts 4 hours. Its excretion occurs through urine in a pure state or in the form of metabolites.

Formula for enoxaparin

Composition and Form of Release

Produced in the form of a solution for injection. In form it is a colorless liquid. In 1 ml of the solution for injection, 100 mg or 10,000 anti-Xa I enoxaparin sodium is included.

In pharmacies Anfiber is sold in the form of ampoules and syringes with the following volumes:

  • 0,2 ml of 2,5,10 pieces in packs of cardboard base;
  • 0,2 ml in the amount of 2 pieces per package;
  • 0,4 ml to 2,5,10 pieces in packs of cardboard base;
  • 0,4 ml in the amount of 2 pieces per package;
  • 0,6 ml of 2,5,10 pieces in packs of cardboard base;
  • 0,6 ml in the amount of 2 pieces per package.

When and how to prescribe the drug

Anfiber is used for the following indications:

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  • for prophylactic treatment of thromboembolism, especially often used in orthopedic practice and general surgery;
  • for therapeutic procedures in the treatment of deep vein thrombosis;
  • prophylactic treatment for hypercoagulation in an extracorporeal circulation system during hemodialysis procedures;
  • for the treatment of unstable angina pectoris;
  • for the treatment of myocardial infarction, which does not have a Q wave when ECG.

Anfibro is not recommended for use in the following conditions:

  • in conditions with a high risk of uncontrolled hemorrhages; these conditions include gastric ulcer, a recent stroke of hemorrhagic type;
  • if the patient has an increased sensitivity to the main component of the drug - sodium enoxaparin.

Application and dosage regimen

Anfiber is administered by subcutaneous injection. The drug is administered in order of priority first to the left and then to the right lateral or inferior abdominal wall.

During the injection period, the patient should be in a prone position. The needle is injected vertically and the entire length, before the introduction of the skin should be rubbed with alcohol solution, clamp the skin in the form of a crease between the fingers. Do not administer the drug intramuscularly!

For prophylaxis of venous thrombosis and thromboembolism

Patients with a moderate risk of developing thrombotic pathologies and thromboembolism during surgical interventions of the general surgical type should be administered 20-40 mg of the drug once every 24 hours. The first administration is carried out 2 hours before the surgery.

Patients with high risks of developing thrombotic disease and thromboembolism in orthopedic operative interventions - 40 mg of the drug are administered at 24 hours.

The first dose of medication should be administered 12 hours before surgery.

The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days.

Reception for thrombosis of deep veins

Patients are administered 1.5 mg of the drug per kilogram once every 24 hours or 1 mg per kilogram every 12 hours. Patients with thromboembolic disorders should be administered 1 mg per kilogram every 12 hours. The course of treatment lasts 10 days.

During preventive treatment during the formation of thrombi during the extracorporeal circulation system in hemodialysis patients should be administered 1 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

If there is an increased risk of the disease, the dosage should be reduced to 0.5 mg per kilogram of body weight. In hemodialysis, the drug is injected into the arterial site of the shunt at the very beginning of the procedure.

During pregnancy, the drug is not recommended. For the period of application of Anfibra, breast-feeding stops.

Side effects of

Among the side effects, the following phenomena occur:

  • in rare cases, asymptomatic moderate thrombocytopenia may occur;
  • in rare cases, there is an increase in the level of activity of liver enzymes with reversible action;
  • may cause rash and itching sensation among allergic reactions;
  • sometimes cause inflammation, rarely necrotic manifestations.

How to inject a shot subcutaneously:

Special instructions

Other important recommendations for therapy with the drug:

  1. The drug is not administered intramuscularly.
  2. If a history of thrombocytopenia, which is induced by heparin, the drug is used only in extreme cases.
  3. Caution should be used medication for patients with increased bleeding, with circulatory disorders of the brain ischemic, with uncontrolled severe arterial hypertension, diabetic retinopathy, repeated neurologic or ophthalmic operations, and also for the treatment of patients with severe liver disease.
  4. At the beginning and during the treatment period, it is absolutely necessary to control the level of platelets in the blood. As soon as the level drops to 30-50%, treatment with the drug stops and appropriate therapy is prescribed.

A set of opinions from patients and specialists

Reviews of patients and doctors who use Anfibro in practice.

Our readers recommend!
For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Opinion of doctors. .. »

The drug Anfiber is an effective agent in the treatment of thrombotic and thromboembolic diseases. I quite often prescribe it with severe forms of thrombosis and thromboembolism.

It's not once in my practice this tool did not hurt my patients, most likely on the contrary after a full course of treatment they have normalized their condition, they have had pain and inflammation.

Doctor phlebologist

Anfiber is an effective remedy that helps cure various serious thrombotic and thromboembolic pathologies. During application, it quickly eliminates the focus of inflammation and normalizes the general condition.

Many of my patients who used this agent to treat thrombosis and thromboembolism noted that pain and inflammation were gone after the second injection.

Vascular surgeon

For the treatment of deep vein thrombosis and varicose veins, the doctor prescribed Anfiber. I was given a subcutaneous route for 10 days.

I'd like to note that immediately after the second injection I noticed tangible improvements - the pain, inflammation, heaviness were gone. I went through a full course of treatment and feel just fine!

Nadezhda, 59 years old

Varicose veins and thrombosis appeared relatively recently, but immediately noticed a palpable discomfort - pain, heaviness, swelling. After the examination, the doctor appointed me to Anfibro. Yes, really good drug. Now my health has improved a lot!

Svetlana, 43 years old

What's on what?

Price preparation Anfiber depends on the amount of active substance and the number of ampoules in the package:

  • 10 pieces of ampoules with a volume of 0.4 ml costs about 1900-2000 rubles;
  • 10 pieces 0.2 ml - 900-1200 rubles;
  • 2 pieces 0,6 ml - 500-700 rubles;
  • 2 pieces 0.2 ml - 250 rubles;
  • 2 pieces 0,4 ml - 300-350 rubles.

Analogs of the preparation:

  • Clexan;
  • Hemapaksan;
  • Eniksum.

Low molecular weight heparins are not interchangeable! It's worth remembering.

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  • Mar 22, 2018
  • 15
  • 345