Benign tumors consisting of two andmore nodes, it is usually easy to detect, even if they are of small size. Their components are often located on each other or closely, can be localized in the thickness of the myometrium, in the cavity of the organ or outside. Neoplasm develops against a background of increased concentrations of estrogens, as well as hormonal disorders of a different nature. Therefore, with their appearance, the features of the monthly and the cycle in general change.
Multinodular fibroid leads to:
- Increase in the number of precipitates and the duration of critical days. Menstrual mucus contains clots;
- Strengthening of painful sensations during menstruation, the appearance in this period of nausea, loss of strength due to increased blood loss, dizziness, loss of appetite. Spasms are not limited to the lower abdomen but are felt in the lower back;
- Appearance of spotting in the middle of the cycle;
- Sensation of squeezing in the pelvic area due to the contact of the neoplasm with the bladder or intestine;
- Violation of urination and defecation;
- Increases the volume of the abdomen with a rapidly growing tumor.
Why multiple benign tumors need to be treated
Neoplasm consisting of several elements deforms the organ, which is clearly visible on ultrasound. Multinodular uterine fibroids of large size are also evident when viewed visually, since it increases the abdomen, while thickening of other parts of the body is not observed. The size of the tumor is compared with the circumference of the uterus during pregnancy.
With large multinodal myomas, all the signs are particularly noticeable. In a greater degree it concerns pain sensations which happen not only in the menstrual period. The cycle is shortened, its
regularity is violated. Bleeding caused by the presence of multinodular fibroids, take a lot of energy, provoking the occurrence of anemia. Accompanying the disease hormonal disorders lead to infertility. The latter may not be significant for some, since more often the neoplasm grows in women who are over 30. But the multiple tumor is capable of degeneration into a malignant one to a greater extent than a single tumor.
What to do with a multi-node tumor of the uterus
Women who have a multinodular uterine fibroids need professional treatment. Expectant tactics can be undesirable because of the risk of rapid growth of the neoplasm, severe symptoms that it causes. But to get rid of the tumor there are several possibilities that are determined:
- By the age of the patient;
- The location of myoma;
- Concomitant diseases.
Drug therapy
For multiple neoplasm of the drug it makes sense to use if its size is small, and it progresses slowly. With this type of myoma, drugs are prescribed before the operation to reduce its size, so that the intervention is the least traumatic. Restoration and consolidation of the result of surgery, too, may require additional conservative therapy.
A small multinodular uterine myoma can regress if the treatment includes hormonal remedies:
- Dufaston, Utrozhestan. Analogues of progesterone reduce the activity of estrogens, which are one of the culprits for the development of nodes. These drugs are worth taking if the tumor is combined with endometrial hyperplasia, as often happens. In some cases, these drugs, on the other hand, can cause the accelerated growth of fibroids, so using them is self-contained dangerous;
- Danazol, Gestrinone. These are synthetic analogues of male sex hormones, which suppress the production of FSH and LH.With a deficiency of gonadotropic substances, the ovaries also moderate their activity in the production of estrogens and gestagens. The nodes lose their hormonal make-up, stopping their growth;
- Buserelin, Diferelin, Zoladex. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists create an environment in the body that forces it to work, as in menopause. The functioning of the ovaries stops, the sex hormones do not enter the blood, the nodes do not receive the stimulus to develop.
Surgical treatment of
If a large multinodular uterine myoma is present, the operation is unavoidable. But here there are options, which intervention is most appropriate:
- Myomectomy. It is shown with a relatively small neoplasm mainly for women of reproductive age. The operation to remove the myomatous nodes leaving the uterus in place can be done with a hysteroscope or a laparoscope. If the neoplasm is large enough, a cut is made in the abdominal wall;
- Embolization. Myomatous nodes feed on uterine arteries. If blood access to them is blocked, the tumor will become substantially smaller or disappear. This is done by inserting a blocking agent into the femoral artery. Intervention is performed under general anesthesia. Nodes decrease in a few months;
- Ablation of the endometrium. The method is indicated for the localization of multiple neoplasms in the uterine cavity, if its size is not larger than 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. It should also be taken into account that manipulation reduces the chances of conception in the future, since it represents the destruction of the endometrium with the help of different types of radiation;
- FUS-MRI.The operation is performed without penetrating the instruments into the pelvic area. For her use an MRI capsule and ultrasonic waves. The latter destroy the fibroids if it is not larger than 10 cm in diameter. Assign manipulation to a young woman who is not going to give birth, or shortly before menopause;
- Hysterectomy. The rapidly growing multinodular myoma, bleeding, with a tendency to degeneration, forces the removal of the uterus. This method is extreme when physicians are sure that the rest are useless.
We recommend to read an article about the monthly with uterine myoma. You will learn about the disease and its effect on menstruation, the causes of copious and scanty discharge, as well as uterine bleeding.
Myoma multinodal treatment of medicinal plants can only have as an auxiliary and only under the permission of the doctor. Some of the drugs will help in stopping bleeding, help reduce nodes, overall health:
- Infusion borovoy uterus. Herbs take 1 tbsp.on 200 ml of boiling water. The mixture is kept in a water bath for 5 minutes, 3 hours insist, turning off the fire. Take 3 tablespoons.three times a day;
- A tool based on walnut partitions.30 g of raw material is placed for 14 days in 200 ml of vodka, left in a dark place. Ready tincture is drunk 30 drops three times a day, washed down or diluted with water.
Multinodular uterine myoma causes more difficulties with treatment than single. It is better to catch her at an early stage of development, which is possible if you regularly go to the doctor and watch for yourself the peculiarities of critical days.