How to decorate cake with mastic at home photo: step by step master classes and video

Nothing can match the taste of homemade cakes. The cake, created by own hands, is more popular on family holidays than shop confectionery. A festive aromatic cake cooked at home must outwardly correspond to its destination. Not every woman knows that in order to decorate pastries with mastic, it is not necessary to be a professional confectioner. Cake, designed independently, with love, in many ways will be able to surpass the purchased counterparts. Learn how to make beautiful ornaments from cake mastic.

Tips for making mastics yourself

Mastic is a dough prepared on the basis of powdered sugar. You can prepare it for future use and store it in a refrigerator in a closed container or container. Mastic in recent years has become a popular element of decorating cakes. If you decide for the first time to decorate homemade cakes with mastic, practice on the eve of the holiday on small quantities of used products. Once you understand that the figures and the canvas are produced quickly and qualitatively, you can proceed with the basic decoration of the festive dessert.

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Food colorings used can be either factory or natural. For red, you can use juice of berries, beets, for green spinach, blueberries will give a blue and even a purple hue. Using imagination, you can create exclusive, unique details of decorations, edible figures and multi-colored cuffs for a cake. Such festive dessert dishes look bright, elegant and original.

Rules for working with mastic

The mastic should be applied to a flat, dry biscuit surface. To prevent the layer from appearing, the cake, decorated with sugar mastic, should be stored with reduced humidity, in hermetically sealed boxes, plastic bags. Roll mastic is better on the table, sprinkled with starch or powdered sugar. The optimum thickness for the skin, which does not break, should be 2-3 mm. The surface size of the "veil" should exceed the area of ​​the cake, then the mastic under its weight will lie flat, without wrinkles.

To ensure that the mastic sheet does not tear when applied to the cakes, use the original method:

  • Place mastic between two large sheets of dense polyethylene, which are oiled with vegetable oil.
  • Roll out thickness up to 2-3 mm.
  • Remove one sheet of polyethylene, gently transfer to the cake, smoothly lay on the surface of the cake, after that, separate the second sheet of film.

To give the mastic a brilliant appearance, after finishing the decoration with a soft brush, cover it with a honey-vodka solution( 1: 1): the vodka will evaporate, and the figures and the covering will have a mirror varnished surface. To store the mastic prepared for the future can long time in a refrigeration cabinet. The main requirement is that the container be hermetically sealed, without air access, that will not allow the mastic to dry and not letting the moisture from which the mastic "float".

Step-by-step master classes for cake decoration with photos of

To perform confectionery operations on decorating cakes without any problems, we are ready to provide small recommendations and tips that will help even the beginning confectioner to quickly master the operations at the final stage of preparing a festive dessert. Before you start preparing the mastic and decorating it, carefully read the list of products, materials that you need to have at your fingertips.

It is important to carefully watch the video, repeat the pastry for the stages, not missing any of them and trying to simplify the task. This sweet decor has its own character, but by adapting to it, you can create real masterpieces for every family holiday, and all home will look forward to a new sweet creation. The standard set of products sometimes becomes more diverse, but you should not add anything to it at your discretion, if you do not have enough experience with confectioneries.

Birthday Cake Decoration

A wonderful birthday party does not leave anyone indifferent. Beginning with the first year of a person's life, on this day almost always the cake flaunts on the table. Of particular importance to him attached, if the age of the birthday is marked by a round date, the age of majority. Decoration of dessert on the birthday can be thematic, related to the wishes of the birthday person or his kind of activity, or to have a standard decoration in the form of roses, chamomile flowers.

Required Materials and Tools

  • Powdered sugar.
  • Condensed milk.
  • Milk powder.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Butter.
  • Food colors or natural substitutes.
  • Iron.
  • Roller.
  • Foil.

Steps to design the cake

  1. Before you begin decorating the cake, make sure that the baked cakes are well cooled.
  2. Assemble the structure using cakes, smearing them with a prepared cream of the selected ingredients.
  3. To make the dessert look beautiful, the top and sides are leveled, applying and smoothing a firm cream: whipped 200 g of butter and half a can of boiled condensed milk.
  4. To prepare the masticate, mix 160 grams of powdered sugar and milk powder, add 200 condensed milk, knead the dough until it becomes elastic. Lemon juice should be added if the mastic begins to crumble.
  5. Dividing mastic dough into parts according to the number of conceived colors, add dyes.
  6. After pouring sugar powder on the table, use a rolling pin to roll out the main layer of mastic for covering the cake.
  7. Wind on the rolling pin or use the advice on how to apply the polyethylene mentioned above. Carefully transfer to the cake. Using a special iron, smooth the surface of the mastic, moving from the center, gradually moving to the sides. Cut off the remaining edges.
  8. The lower part of the cake will look more beautiful if the edges of the mastic are made in the form of a "skirt", lifting with a wooden stick and creating a wave.
  9. The next step is the creation of colors. Using cups and cups of different diameters, cut out the circles. Add them to the foil as the size decreases, close a little a sheet of foil. The more details of mastic, the more magnificent the flower will be. If necessary, bend some petals with your hands.
  10. Cut the leaves with a mold or a conventional knife. Create a volume by painting the veins on the leaves and giving them a natural shape.
  11. Decorate the surface with bouquets of flowers and leaves, creating a unique festive combination. With cream, write birthday greetings, if the date is round, you can specify the numbers.

How to decorate a cake with mastic for the New Year

You rarely meet a man who does not wait for the New Year. Mistresses begin to prepare for it in advance, storing food and sharing among themselves recipes for the most delicious dishes. Desserts, cakes cooked independently, are in the first place. To surprise and please your family and guests for the New Year, prepare thematic decoration made of mastic that corresponds to the winter holiday. Particularly interesting decoration will look like the symbol of the coming year according to the eastern calendar, made with the help of marshmallow mastic.

Necessary materials and tools

  • Powdered sugar.
  • Marshmellow.
  • Gel food colorings.
  • Lemon juice.

Stages of cake design

  1. Sweets marshmallow 220 g pour one spoonful of water and two tablespoons of lemon juice. Put in the microwave for heating for 15 seconds. Candies should increase in size.
  2. Wash the mass with a spoon, gradually add 400-500 g of powdered sugar. Do not pour all powder right away.
  3. Ready mastic dough well kneaded by hands, divided into several parts - for cuff tightening and for New Year's figures, which can be painted in the right colors.
  4. Store the details of the decorations or the finished dessert in a large plastic bag, in the fridge.

How to cover a children's cake with mastic

To decorate a cake with mastic for a child, you need to show a little imagination. Babies who are under three years old will be interested to see fashioned children's figurines in cabbage, with a stork, in the form of rattles and pyramids. The older child will be happy with all sorts of edible animals, toys. Girls who love Barbie dolls, seeing a cake in the shape of a beloved princess, will be delighted, and for boys a cake in the form of a car will become a memorable surprise.

Required Materials and Tools

  • Gelatin.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Sugar powder.
  • Food colors( natural or quality imported).

Stages of cake design

  1. Having prepared the cooled down cakes for decoration, we level their surface with cream and make the basis of sugar mastic, as in the previous recipes, covering the surface.
  2. Figures for children's cake can make gelatinous, they freeze less and are liked by children, reminding them of chewing sweets. To do this, prepare the gelatin mastic:

a) dissolve 10 g of gelatin in 55 mm of cold water for swelling and heat, not bringing to a boil, stirring all the time;

b) sugar powder 160 g to form on the table in the form of a slide with a depression, where to pour dissolved gelatin;

c) knead the mastic, if necessary, adding a few drops of lemon juice;

d) add food colors of bright colors, so that the decorations are elegant.

Remember the lessons of modeling, create with the help of elastic mastic toys, fairy-tale heroes, favorite children's characters. Lay them on the surface of the cake, creating a miniature playground, animated plot, because children adore cartoons and will be happy to this surprise. Figures from mastic become the main object of lust, when the mother makes a cake, and for a long time they remember the children after the holiday.

With the preparation of baby dessert, you need to be attentive to the composition of dyes: babies can get allergies in response to the use of inexpensive or contentious ingredients. Cream and cakes are best done with light, without an abundance of butter and cream. The best combinations can be considered biscuits and curd or yoghurt cream, jelly, fruit layers. Including her imagination, her mother will be able to please even the child, who has diathesis for many products, because decorate the top of the dessert easily and with natural products.

Tutorials: how to make cake with mastic at home

You should not be intimidated by the lack of experience in decorating cakes with mastic. Detailed instructions and video tips from kitchen professionals will help you gain confidence. Trial lessons should be done in advance of the planned holiday, then to feel more confident. The proposed videos will help to disclose small secrets in working with mastic at different stages of decoration. Feel yourself a sculptor who creates a masterpiece of art at home. Use confectionery experience, be inspired by the ideas of subjects and enjoy the creativity.

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