Sinusitis is a serious illness, both in terms of consequences, and in terms of the person's feelings. Symptoms of the disease interfere with breathing, lead to permanent colds, discomforts, and other undesirable consequences. Therefore it is necessary to know - with the help of which drugs you can quickly and reliably get rid of sinusitis, because everyone can get sick. It is this question that we will consider in the article: we will find out which pills will come from sinusitis, what effect they have, we will learn the prices for the most popular medicines.
- 1 Why pills
- 1.1 Features of treatment
- 1.2 Antibiotics
- 1.3 Antiviral
- 1.4 dilutes
- 1.5 Pain relievers( analgesics)
- 1.6 Homeopathic
- 1.7 Decongestants( vasoconstrictor)
- 2 Reviews
pills to find out all the benefits of treatmenttablets with genyantritis.
As the long-term medical practice shows, tablets are the most effective means of alleviating the symptoms of sinusitis. These drugs have a comprehensive impact and, properly selected, can permanently rid the person of the disease. Tablets excellently remove the inflammation of the nasal sinuses, which causes the manifestation of the disease.
Qualitative and properly selected tablets from sinusitis can save the patient from surgery. There is no addiction to drugs, no dependence.
On video tablets from sinusitis:
Tablets have the following effects:
- relieve inflammation;
- reduces puffiness;
- eliminate mucus from the nasal sinuses.
- relieve pain syndrome;
- are struggling with viruses.
It should be remembered that the treatment of sinusitis is carried out by complex measures, and usually requires the simultaneous exposure of several drugs for complete recovery.
Features of
treatment Consider some important points that you need to know when taking medication.
In the treatment of sinusitis, the main attention should be paid to the reduction of the inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses. In addition, drugs should dilute sputum, helping to remove it.
The stage in which the disease, the patient's condition, the individual structure of the nasal sinuses and some other factors that need to be taken into account are of great importance in drug therapy. Of course, only an expert will be able to take into account all the important nuances, so it is logical and right to entrust the doctor with the selection of necessary medicines.
Tablets are taken concomitantly with the treatment of sprays, nose drops and special rinsing solutions. Only complex therapy can ensure complete and rapid recovery.
Before starting to take the pill, it is important to establish the immediate cause of sinusitis. After all, it can be caused by both a cold infection and ordinary caries. In most cases, eliminating the cause leads to getting rid of manifestations of sinusitis.
In the treatment of the disease, the following groups of drugs are used:
- antibiotics;
- anti-inflammatory;
- pain relievers( including, and against a headache);
- thinning( mucolytic);
- antiviral;
- homeopathic.
We will tell you which tablets of each of these categories are best taken with genyantritis.
These drugs are prescribed if the sinusitis does not pass for a long time. As medical practice shows, antibiotics excel at their role, reliably and quickly destroy the infection, stop the reproduction of microorganisms in the nasal sinuses. The use of antibiotics avoids such an unpleasant procedure as puncture( puncture).
It should be borne in mind that antibiotics have an extremely low effect if all pus from the sinuses is not removed. Therefore, before taking them, you first need to drink a course of diluting drugs. A suitable antibiotic is usually calculated by an experimental method: the drug of one group did not fit, the doctor selects from another.
- Azithromycin. The price is from 60 rubles. How to properly use azithromycin in sinusitis, will help understand this article.
- Cephalexin. The price is from 42 rubles.
- Amoxicillin. The price is from 45 rubles.
- Flemoxin. The price is from 210 rubles.
If penicillin group drugs do not help, the following medicines are prescribed:
- Augmentin. The price is from 141 rubles.
- Macropen. The price is from 310 rubles.
These, so-called, new generation drugs: modern and effective. Their complex composition ensures reliable and rapid damage to microbes. The reproduction of bacteria does not just stop, but stops completely.
Antibiotics are rarely used. Usually they are included in the complex therapy along with mucolytic drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs.
It should be noted that antibiotics, as a rule, have serious contraindications. For example, you can not take them in the following cases:
- If the liver and kidneys fail.
- During pregnancy and lactation.
- With poor blood coagulation.
- In case of allergy.
If sinusitis is a viral nature, then you can not take antibiotics. Antiviral therapy is necessary. And one of the most effective drugs in this category, we can call the drug Sinupret. In the people this medicine is called "green pills", because it has the appropriate color packaging. Sinupret perfectly fights against viruses and, in addition, removes the swelling of the nasal sinuses.
The composition of Sinupret is enriched with natural ingredients of plant origin. Therefore, in addition to its effectiveness, the drug is also distinguished by its rare safety. Sinupret excellently copes with the inflammatory processes of the superior sinuses. And these processes are the direct "culprits" of sinusitis.
Sinupret is also good because it can be taken by both adults and kids. It also suits people with serious chronic diseases, and allergies. The cost of the drug is around 320 rubles.
Drugs of this group are necessary to make viscous sputum in the nasal sinuses more liquid, and due to this help to bring it out faster. The scientific name of diluting drugs is mucolytic. Which of the mucolytics today are most effective:
- Fluimucil. The price is from 133 rubles.
- Gwayfenesin. The price is 170-200 rubles.
These drugs help to ease the patient's condition indirectly, speeding up the output of phlegm. With proper use and without disturbances in dosage, mucolytic drugs are safe. But they also have their contraindications.
Can not be taken in the following cases:
- With individual intolerance.
- In case of problems with the digestive tract.
- With asthma, kidney damage, liver.
- Children under 18 years of age may not be recommended to give them. And children under two years are strictly prohibited. In pregnancy, they are prescribed only in the most extreme cases.
For those who want to learn about what is dangerous sinusitis, you should go to the link and read the content of the article.
How to properly use amoxicillin for sinusitis and how effective it described in detail in this article.
It will also be interesting to know about the price of drops in the nose from sinusitis Sinuforte: http: // lechenie-n / kapli-v-nos-s-antibiotikom-pri-gajmorite.html
How does sinusitis go without temperature and how to identify suchsigns, will help to understand this information.
Analgesics( analgesics)
Often when sinusitis occurs pain syndrome, which must be docked. Usually, malaise leads to a headache. In order to cope with unpleasant sensations, you can use such analgesics as:
- Aspirin. The price is from 8 rubles;But how to drink aspirin for a cold, will help understand this article.
- Ibuprofen. The price is 14 rubles;But whether it is possible to drink ibuprofen for colds, is described in great detail in this article.
- Paracetamol. The price is from 6 rubles. How to take paracetamol for a cold and how effective it is will help to understand this information.
The dosage of these drugs varies depending on the severity of the patient's condition and age.
Warning: painkillers do not fight viruses and microbes, but only relieve pain. Therefore, they should be used exclusively as part of complex therapy, and not as a basic treatment. A suitable pain medication should be prescribed by a doctor.
Tablets have the following contraindications:
- Gastric ulcer;
- Allergy to drug components;
Children under 12 years of age should not be given "adult" painkillers. For them, there are special "children's" analogues with a reduced concentration of active substances.
Modern homeopathic preparations with natural ingredients can be of great help in getting rid of sinusitis and its symptoms. Homeopathic medications do not act directly, but indirectly. They raise the immunity of a person, so that the defenses of the body can cope with the disease more effectively.
And here is how to treat a genyantritis without a puncture and what means it is necessary to use, this article will help to understand.
For the treatment of sinusitis, such preparations of homeopathic direction as:
- Homeomex can be used. The price is 273 rubles.
- Kalium Bichromicum. The price is 85 rub.
- Mercurius. The price is 45 rubles.
Drugs of this category are good because they consist mainly of natural components, and therefore have a safe and sparing effect on the body. In addition, homeopathic medicines have no side effects, which is also very important. However, doctors recommend the following recommendations when taking these medicines:
- Refuse physiotherapy procedures.
- Do not take antibiotics at the same time with homeopathic medicines.
- Exclude from the menu chocolate, coffee, strong tea.
These requirements are justified by the fact that the listed "prohibitions" weaken the impact of homeopathic drugs.
Decongestants( vasoconstrictive)
Drugs of this category are responsible for the removal of edema in the nasal sinus. Due to their effect, the blood vessels in this area are narrowed, which removes the stuffiness of the nose. Usually, drugs of this group are used simultaneously with antibiotics. In tablets they are not produced, they are made in the form of sprays and drops.
Tip: Treating one tablet of sinusitis is ineffective. Compulsory complex impact is necessary. In addition to these funds, you can use the recipes of folk medicine, and nasopharyngeal washing, and physiotherapy, and the reception of vitamin complexes to raise immunity.
What people say, who managed to get rid of the genyantritis with the help of pills.
- Victoria, 37 years old: "The genyantritis occurred after the flu. I was treated first with sprays and drops, very afraid of piercing. Then the doctor advised to take Sinupret, saying that the effect should be. I bought these green pills, and a week later I was free to breathe. And after three weeks of sinusitis completely gone. I'm very glad that I "got off" so easily, avoiding piercing with the help of Sinupret. I advise all very much. "
- Maria, 28 years old: "My daughter, she is 5 years old, suffered from sinusitis. They treated a lot of things, until they tried the Sinupret. Thanks to these pills, the daughter finally got rid of the disease, and our whole family quietly sighed. The drug is safe, so it is suitable for children and is very effective. I recommend to all mothers who have babies with sinusitis. "
We have considered the most effective for today and demanded preparations in the form of tablets from a genyantritis. As you can see, there is a choice, but the doctor still has to prescribe the treatment. Therefore, contact a specialist, and under his guidance choose the most optimal and competent treatment of sinusitis.