What are the main signs of spoilage in humans? Types of damage and their manifestations. What is the evil eye and how does it differ from spoilage?
Contents of
- What is spoilage and how is it manifested?
- How does the evil eye differ from spoiling?
- How does damage affect a person?
- Corruption - the consequences of
- Types of damage to humans
- Corruption to death: signs, signs, symptoms
- Corruption to infertility: signs, signs, symptoms
- Corruption to pregnant, for miscarriage
- Corruption to loneliness
- Corruption to
- Corruption to beauty, hair
- Corruption to the child
- Corruption to the trade
- Corruption to the head, madness
- Corruption to love, relationship
- Corruption to divorce, separation
- Corruption to alcoholism, alcoholism
- Corruption to the accident
- Corruption to fornication
- Corruption to the rival, lyubovthe husband's husband
- Spoilage on health, illness: how to identify
- Spoiling for failure
- Spoiling on the eyes: how to spot it?
- Corruption on poverty, poverty, poverty
- Corruption to the prison
- Corruption on the bony udder
- Corruption to the fullness of
- Corruption to work
- Corruption to the house
- Symptoms of damage: Video
- Damage: Video
Corruption is the magical effect of black magic on a person,whose main task is to harm him. To such a phenomenon one can not be disparaged, since it can bring many misfortunes and diseases to its victim. Therefore it is very important to know how damage manifests itself, and what kinds of it exist in nature.
What is corruption and how is it manifested?
In the process of imposing spoiling, a magician or sorcerer sends a negative energy flow to a person. Such energy is able to extinguish the vital forces in the purpose of spoilage, condemn it to suffering and even bring it to the grave. The main signs of the presence of spoilage in humans include the following conditions:
- Weakness.
- Powerlessness.
- Frequent baseless headaches.
- Lack of appetite.
- Sleep disorder( superficial sleep, insomnia, persistent nightmares, haunting recurring dreams).
- An unexplained change in attitude towards a person from one or more of his loved ones.
- Diseases not susceptible to research and treatment.
- Constant anxiety, anxiety and a sense of inevitable terrible outcome.
- Unusual behavior of animals( favorite pets can first seek affection from their "spoiled" master, and then shun him or even show aggression in the form of hissing, snarling, whining).
- Failures in all endeavors.
- Problems at work and in the financial sphere.
- Unexpected appearance in the life of new acquaintances or strangers, capable of adversely affecting or even harming.
- Pain in the shoulders and back - it creates a feeling that there is always a burden on the shoulders.
- Coldness in the abdomen and heaviness of the heart.
- Frequent casual loss of a native cross or a desire to get rid of it once and for all.
- Unpleasant sensations and burning sensation in contact with consecrated things( water, cross, crucifixion, icon).
- Cheating smells - a sense of the presence of foreign unusual and unpleasant odors, which a priori can not be.
- Apathy and discouragement.
- Depression and thoughts of suicide.
- Presence in the house or in the adjacent space of unusual objects, the presence of which is not explained( the ground in the pouch, needles or pins under the doorstep, in the doors, hair, nodules on rags or on ropes).
- The appearance of numerous phobias.
- Hallucinations and extraneous voices in the head.
- Appearance of new attachments( bad habits, dangerous links) or a return to long-forgotten.
- An unexplained sudden yawn at the sound of prayer or independent reading.
- Exacerbation of old and new phobias.
- Spontaneous appearance of pigmentation of various shapes and sizes on the face.
- Penetration into the house of insects.
- Sudden, uncharacteristic susceptibility to human words, resentment.
- Discomfort when in church.
- Aversion to the smell of incense.
How does the evil eye differ from spoilage?
- It is rather difficult to separate these two concepts and distinguish them from each other, because their signs are very similar to each other.
- Corruption is a special ritual, for the fulfillment of which certain measures are taken, certain ceremonies are conducted.
- In order to impose a maleficent on a person, it is enough just to look at him with an evil eye and consciously or unconsciously wish him bad. This is the danger of the evil eye - a person who does not control his emotions, can harm another person without even knowing it.
- Corruption is a very powerful flow of energy, which can significantly harm a person.
- The evil eye is also a strong bioenergetic message, also often uncontrollable.
- In order to inflict damage on a person, it is necessary to have certain extrasensory or magical abilities, as well as to possess special skills, practices.
- An ordinary person who has a "dashing eye" is capable of hitting the evil eye.
- You can remove spoilage with the help of an experienced bioenergetic, psychic or magician.
- As the evil eye is one of the varieties of spoilage, it is also possible to get rid of it with the help of the specialists mentioned.
How does damage affect a person?
- Corruption is a stream of negative energy, aimed at weakening, exhaustion, undermining of forces and destruction of a certain person.
- Naturally, the consequences of such a negative impact are numerous troubles, illnesses, difficulties in the social, personal and financial spheres.
- A "spoiled" person often faces a misunderstanding in a society, a close environment, a circle of friends. It becomes more difficult to communicate with people. At the same time, next to him may be completely new, unfavorable characters, constantly dragging him into trouble and in every way substituting it.
- Relatives, friends and loved ones can start to turn away from the victim of spoilage - in their relationship there are quarrels and frank dislike.
- Corruption has a very negative effect on health - it can provoke the appearance of new or long-term healed ailments. Often, medicine is powerless with this kind of disease - it does not even manage to diagnose them, not to treat them.
- In the work of a person with damage, troubles are also expected - permanent failures, silly misdemeanors, perhaps even dismissal.
- The psychological and intellectual state of a person suffers very badly when damaged. So far, an intelligent and reasonable intellectual can instantly turn into a narrow, narrow-minded, rude hub.
- Victims of spoiling also need to be careful with bad habits and mania - many start to appear, and others already exacerbate.
- Another person is persecuted by constant experiences, fears and phobias. They do not allow to sleep and lead a normal life.
- The result of all this can be complete loneliness, isolation from society, thoughts or actions of a suicidal nature, a serious illness, and in the most neglected cases - death.
Corruption - consequences
- The consequences of spoilage will directly depend on what kind of its kind was involved.
- If the damage was done to loneliness, then at the end of the path the enchanted man will remain one - from him to turn away not only the surrounding, but also the closest, loving people.
- Corruption to relationships leads to destruction in communication with a particular person or with all people.
- Corruption to the exterior can lead to a gradual or sharp withering, as well as distortion of the natural beauty of the face, body or specific part of a person.
- It is also worth noting that spoilage has consequences not only for the person to whom it was made, but also for the one who brought it. The customer is guaranteed to receive a breach in his energy aura and mark on karma. Such a karmic debt can be given even by the children and grandchildren of the customer. Therefore, before thinking about such a terrible act, you need to think a thousand times whether it is worth it.
Types of spoilage per person
There is a huge number of different types of spoilage. Such diversity is easily explained by the presence of a large number of spheres of life and activities, which are specifically designed to affect damage. The most popular of them are:
- Corruption to death
- Corruption to health
- Corruption to misfortune
- The evil eye
- Love spell
Corruption to death: signs, signs, symptoms
Corruption to death is the most serious, dangerous and terribletype of damage. A similar ritual is most often performed in a church or a cemetery. The main signs of this impact are:
- impotence
- apathy
- fast and frequent fatigue
- impotence of traditional medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases
- detrimental effect of bad habits
- denial of patients and non-perception of the complexity of its position
Corruption in infertility: signs, signs, symptoms
Directing spoilage on infertility is a terrible sin, as the childbearing function is the main physical and spiritual destiny of a woman in this world. Having deprived the unfortunate of such a gift, the customer deliberately dooms her to an unhappy life, psychological, and often physical, torment. Assume the presence of damage to infertility can be on the following symptoms:
- diseases of reproductive female genital organs( most often the uterus, ovaries)
- sleep disturbance, insomnia, superficial sleep
- emergence of unreasonable fears, phobias
- constant feeling of loneliness
- disgust and rejection of a partner, a loved one
- the appearance of headaches, migraines
- sharp jumps in weight, both in the large and in the smaller side
- constant presence of strange strange smells not audible by others
- nharassment and ill health in the walls of the church
- the appearance in the house of foreign creatures( insects, rodents, creeping reptiles)
- strange reaction of domestic and street animals to a woman
Having discovered a number of similar signs, a woman also needs to understand whether she was personally invadeddamage, or it deals with a generic curse. If in the previous generations of the lady there were also women suffering from infertility, then, most likely, it is a spoilage of the whole family. If the case is single, then only the victim of spoilage is needed to heal.
Corruption to a pregnant woman, to miscarriage
- Offended, deceived or simply evil people can even go to such a terrible sin as damage to a pregnant woman. This kind of damage can mean a complicated pregnancy, severe childbirth, the birth of a sick child or premature termination of a pregnancy( miscarriage).
- An even inexperienced person with a "bad eye" can impose a spoil or evil eye on a pregnant woman. A professional sorcerer will have to suffer much during a similar ritual, as the woman and her future child are guarded by two defenders, the guardian angel and the birth chain. By the way, very few esotericists, bioenergetics and psychics are taking such a serious step as damage to the pregnant woman, since the payment for the deed will be very difficult.
- A pregnant woman, in the presence of spoiling, may have health problems, both physical and psychological, complicated during pregnancy, discord in the family, misunderstanding and condemnation from relatives.
- To protect yourself from the accidental evil eye of the future mother, it is advisable to hide your "interesting position" for as long as possible, to be less visible in public places, to avoid envious persons, hypocrites and boors, and to provide yourself with an amulet or amulet protection.
Corruption to loneliness
Corruption to loneliness is often the work of a woman in relation to another woman, more beautiful, successful and intelligent. In the people, this spoilage is still commonly called the "crown of celibacy" or "widow's shroud".Signs of spoiling for loneliness are obvious:
- a constant fiasco on the personal front
- desire to have a family and unceasing obstacles along the way
- a sense of loneliness
- a sense of fear in one's own home
- nightmares
- sensation of the presence of someone an outsider nearby
It often happens that familyfailures are inherited - the mother, grandmother, sister did not get along famously. This situation is a kind of corruption or a curse. Especially often there are cases when from generation to generation women are left alone with babies in their arms or in a state of pregnancy.
Assistance in such situations can be provided by experienced magicians and white witches - this damage can be shifted to an object or simply begging.
Corruption to
Relationships Corruption to relationships implies the undermining of relationships not only between loving people, but also between friends, relatives, and close ones. Main symptoms:
- loss of interest in the person
- change of love for irritation, sometimes even hatred
- constantly present rejection, anger, disgust from hitherto loved one
- changeability of views, tastes
- activation or occurrence of addictions
- nightmares, insomnia
- craving for unpleasant, dirty placesgarbage dumps, cemetery)
Corruption to beauty, hair
This kind of damage is also more common in women. From time immemorial, unearthly beauty evoked delight and envy at the same time, but such feelings do not always pass unnoticed - very often they turn into conspiracies and evil eyes. To understand that a woman has been spoiled for beauty, only a few signs are enough:
- rapid withering of beauty
- rapid, unjustified aging
- hair loss, their fragility, dryness, dandruff
- loss of eyelashes
- appearance of brittleness and weakness of nails
- appearance on face or bodypigment spots, warts, pimples, papillomas
- sudden changes in weight( obesity or, on the contrary, exhaustion)
In parallel, other symptoms of spoilage may occur: sleep problems, unjustified fears,self and other people, weakness, apathy, loss of strength.
Corruption to a child
Children, especially infants, are the most vulnerable part of the population. Often, all the curses that they have to take on themselves, they get for their parents. Sometimes even the most powerful mages do not get to break through the strong protection of a woman. The only way to hurt her is to spoil her child.
The following are considered as signs of fresh spoilage on a child:
- colds accompanied by fever and heat
- frequent, protracted crying and hysterics
- appearance of phobias and fears concerning various subjects, people
- weakness, fast fatigue
- indifference to everything that used to be interesting and pleased crumb
- rejection of favorite things hitherto( toys)
- restless sleep
- uncharacteristic earlier mood swings
Spoiling for trade
- Spoiling for trade is onevarieties of damage to the business.
- Its main features are banal failures in financial affairs, lack of buyers, refusal of partners from cooperation, minor and major household troubles, which entail money waste.
- Today, spoiling the trade is almost the most popular and demanded service among wizards, as business and money for people have become even more important than relations.
Damage to the head, madness
This type of damage is one of the most effective and safe ways to eliminate a competitor in any field. Bringing a person to madness, you can get rid of a serious pretender to the heart of a beloved man, from interference in business, from a hated person. The signs of spoiling for insanity are:
- strange thoughts in the head in a person who have never before emerged
- the appearance of hallucinations( auditory, olfactory and visual)
- memory lapses
- spontaneous hysterics and attacks
- frequent syncope
Often a person suffering from spoiling for insanity,he does not realize his condition - it seems to him that everyone around him is crazy, and with him everything is in order.
Corruption in insanity, as a rule, is done on the fish head in the cemetery.
Corruption to love, relationship
- Corruption to love manifests itself exactly as well as damage to the attitude - there are disagreements between loving people, they begin to annoy and hate each other.
- Most often, it ends with adultery and a break in relations.
- At what, each of them subsequently does not even remember each other, and if he remembers, then with a feeling of bitterness and disgust.
Corruption for divorce, separation
- Most often, this kind of witchcraft is carried out to the address of happy families, couples in love - envy and a sense of inferiority are pushing envious people to such an act.
- Manifestations of damage to divorce are frequent quarrels, misunderstandings, disagreements and even fights. Without outside interference, such a conspiracy always leads to parting.
- But there is a damage for divorce and the positive side - some couples simply need such an intervention. We are talking about those families in which misunderstanding and dislike prevail. In such situations, damage is a real salvation - it allows partners to once and for all spread their roads and find their happiness with other people.
Corruption to alcoholism, alcoholism
Corruption to drunkenness is also one of the rather sophisticated ways to get rid of a competitor.Насла on the person an unquenchable bent for alcohol, it is possible to lay down simply hands and to observe how the person itself ruins itself. Such witchcraft eliminated a large number of beloved women, ex-husbands, unreliable partners and traitors.
The symptoms of drunk spoiling are:
- an irresistible, insatiable thirst to drink
- indifference to everything
- aggression
- hot-tempered
In addition to emotional shifts, a person can also notice external changes - a gray, puffy face, and also a hoarse, drenched voice. Often such manifestations are characteristic of avid drinkers. In the case of spoilage, such symptoms may appear immediately, even in a person who has not been drinking before.
Accident damage
Corruption to an accident can be induced on any mode of transport and on any outcome. Sometimes the conspiracy is simply done to damage movable transport, and sometimes the goal of the ritual is one or more human lives. There are a number of signs that will indicate that there is damage on the vehicle:
- inside the car, the person will not feel at ease. The
- car or other transport lives its own life - does not obey the owner, starts himself, turns off the
- with the car, there are always various troubles
- on account of the transport already have several, albeit insubstantial, accidents
Many experts believe that the way out of this situation is to sell vehicles or seek help from the higher forces.
Corruption fornication
Signs of such sorcery can be banal sprees, promiscuous intimate relationships with various partners, indifference to who to go to bed with. The consequences of such behavior, as a rule, are manifested in the disintegration of a person's personality, the appearance of his addictions and diseases of the genital tract. Hitherto, normal people are beginning to turn into anxious maniacs or maniacs, whose only purpose is to become only love joys.
Corruption to the rival, the mistress of her husband
The concept of "damage to the rival" is quite a general concept, since it can contain one or more types of damage - conspiracy to beauty, loneliness, separation, illness, death,e. Therefore, the symptomatology will be different - the manifestations will directly depend on the exact purpose of the spell.
Corruption to health, disease: how to identify
Corruption can be induced on a person not only with the purpose of spell it for physical illness, but also on the soul. The signs of damage to health are:
- sudden, intensively developing disease
- impotence of modern medicine in relation to
- disease indifference to everything
- permanent fatigue
- appearance of various kinds of spots, facial and neck formations
- rushing, divergent pupils
As a rule, this kind of conspiracy leads a person to complete exhaustion,and ultimately - to death.
Corruption to failure
Corruption to failure is a powerful spell that deprives a person of a fart and gives him eternal troubles. Troubles can manifest themselves in everything - in discord in the family, in health problems, at work, in a financial situation. Therefore, the signs of such damage will be diverse, relating to all other types of spoilage.
Corruption to the eye: how to determine?
Damage to the eyes is aimed at harming a person and depriving him of sight. With this kind of damage, the victim begins to have problems with the eyes - vision deteriorates rapidly, and doctors are powerless. No medications, injections and surgeries in this case will not help - it is only necessary to remove spoilage. The signs of damage to the eye are:
- different pupils
- running pupils
- apathy of a sick person
- reluctance of a person to treat their eyes
Poverty in poverty, poverty, poverty
- Poverty is usually caused by envy or people who want revenge. Most often in such a black business people who are tied up in business are involved.
- It is possible to talk about damage to the lack of money when the person had a previous good source of income, but money for some reason started to leak through the fingers - they seem to be as it is, but they are no longer there.
- It happens that a person throughout life pursues the need and lack of finance - this can be a generic curse.
- People with damage to poverty can do nothing and live poorly, and can get out of the skin, but still do not have a decent income.
- Along with financial problems, they are also often harassed by other troubles, such as diseases, which, incidentally, also require large material costs.
Corruption to the prison
Corruption to the prison by professionals is called damage to the "Sedentary Mansour".This type of spell can lead a person to a conclusion. Often, such a ritual is carried out only over people who are actually guilty of something and not punished for it.
Spoil on the bony udder
- Spoilage on the "bony udder" is manifested by the appearance of a purulent, inflamed formation( furuncle) on the skin of a man.
- Most of these cones arise on the neck, under the chest, in the armpits. In medicine, there is a scientific term for this phenomenon - hydradenite.
- The name of this kind of damage is due to the place of the ritual - the spell must be pronounced near the nursing bitch.
Corruption to the fullness of
Corruption to fattening or obesity is most often induced by women who seek revenge or repulse a man. The victim of a conspiracy should think about its presence in the following situations:
- if the genus of the lady does not have obese people
- if before the woman was slender, and then at once the
- recovered unreasonably if the woman does not feel comfortable in the new, swollen body
- techniquesfood is often not even associated with a sense of hunger - as if something causes the victim to eat
- a woman can not fall asleep on an empty stomach
- there are night trips to the refrigerator to calm the soul
Spoiling for work
signs of damage to the work can be considered such provisions in a person's life:
- conspiracy victim long and tediously working at work that does not like
- person pursuing a series of layoffs
- businesses that come to work the victim of spoiling, soon to be closed
- when interviewing on a competitive basis is always given preference to another
- applicant in the team of a man is not respected- his life becomes a real hell
- the conspirator does not succeed in obtaining the desired award, an additional payment or reward
The most important point in these situations isI am that a person does not sit still, but he climbs out of the skin to change something, but everything remains vain - in front of him there seems to be an impenetrable wall.
Corruption to the house
Corruption to the house - this is a kind of spoiling, which can not rest at the same time all his household. There can be a lot of manifestations in this kind of damage:
- It is difficult for tenants to stay in it - they constantly have a feeling of someone's presence or something in it.
- Inhabitants and guests of housing do not want to return home - they are afraid and disgusted even the thought of it.
- The house is constantly present a mess, despite the efforts of its residents to restore order.
- All utensils and furniture in the dwelling very soon breaks, breaks or becomes unusable.
- The inhabitants of an apartment or a house constantly get out of hand.
- There are regular quarrels and squabbles in the house.
- The owners find strange objects in the house - needles, pins, threads, earth, nodules, etc.
- There are various bugs - cockroaches, worms, ants, rats.
Dear readers, you should understand that damage is not a fiction or a joke. It is necessary to fight with such witchcraft, as the outcome can be the most disappointing.