Colchicum autumnal

Autumn Columnless

Deadly poison! Folk names: poisonous flower, poisonous crocus, autumn flower, dog's bow, lousy flower, spider's flower, devil's bread, meadow saffron. Used parts: seeds and corms. Pharmacy name: seeds of colchicum - Colchici semen( formerly: Semen Colchici), colchicum colchici bulbus( formerly: Bulbus Colchici).

Botanical Description

Colchicum flowers look like blue crocus flowers. Strengthening deeply in the soil with a heart-shaped bulb, autumn autumnal creeper develops its peduncles in September, which leaflessly come to the surface of the soil. The flower consists of a long funnel-shaped tube formed by six fused leaves of a simple perianth. Anthers and a column of pistil protrude from the corolla tube. The ovary of the flower is in the soil, where the fruit with the spermatozoa ripens, so that the next spring will be put on the surface surrounded by leaves. Blooms in September. It occurs on moist meadows( in the south of Germany more often than in the north).

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Active ingredients

The main active substance is a very toxic alkaloid colchicine, which appears to be contained in the corms only before the seeds ripen. In mature seeds it occurs in a fairly constant amount - 0.3-0.5%.In colchicum there are about 20 different alkaloids.

Healing action and application of

But first a caution: autumn autumnal is a deadly poisonous plant and in no case is suitable for self-treatment! .On the contrary, in the hands of doctors, it is an extremely valuable tool for acute attacks of gout. The dosage is determined by the doctor, he also monitors the treatment and decides whether to use pure colchicine or tincture from the plant. Because the dosage is usually very high, sometimes even under the supervision of a doctor, there are side reactions( for example, diarrhea on the second day), which also need treatment.

Use in homeopathy

Although the homeopathic remedy Colchicum is also used against gout and articular rheumatism, the area of ​​its application is mainly inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines. It is also used for neuralgia, tickling coughing, and circulatory disorders. When gout is used the original tincture or dilutions D1-D4, with complaints from the heart give predominantly dilutions D1-D6, which are prescribed also for inflammation of the stomach and intestines.


Since autumn autumnal contains colchicine in all its parts( even in flowers), when it is torn off by children who often take flowers in their mouth, dangerous poisoning can occur. And since the damage becomes visible only after a few hours, when the poison already penetrates into the blood, first aid should be provided as soon as possible. Signs of poisoning: severe vomiting, which does not stop after releasing the stomach, with bile and gastric mucus. Great thirst, accompanied by nausea;diarrhea with colic and an extremely bad smell. The pulse first slows down, but then accelerates to 150 beats per minute or more, almost not probed. The complexion becomes pale, the lips turn blue, the tip of the nose also acquires a blue color. The skin is covered with adhesive mucus;cramps begin. Finally, signs of paralysis appear. It is necessary to apply to the hospital as soon as possible, since only there can be rendered real help.

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