How to confess to a guy in love: 10 best ways

Does a woman have the right to be the first to admit to love?

On the one hand - in the courtyard of the 21st century and sort of like equality between the sexes. On the other hand, the society continues to be dominated by the opinion that the initiative in relations should come from a guy.

So how to be?

Take the initiative in your hands or wait patiently until he comes up first and invites you to a date?

Neither the one nor the other.

We need to find harmony between the manifestations of our strength and maiden weakness. If you know, how to admit to the love of the guy , without dignity, you can take the initiative in your hands, not afraid to trample down your pride or expose yourself to ridicule.

How to admit to love a guy: 2 main ways

Actually, there are a lot of ways to say to the guy "I love you".But it is important to choose the right one, the one that corresponds to the situation.

1) Confess to love anonymously

Hiding your identity will be appropriate in case you do not know exactly whether you can count on its reciprocity or not.

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Confessing in love anonymously, you can save your pride in the event that the guy completely spit on your feelings or you fall in love with a not very worthy person who wants to use your confession to laugh at you.

The easiest way to make an anonymous confession is to write a letter to him: electronic from a fictitious address or a paper one.

I believe that it is better to choose the traditional option, because the email has two serious drawbacks:

  1. There is a high probability that it will get into the "Spam" folder and the guy will delete it without even reading it.
  2. You can not find out whether he received it or not and how it reacted to it.

Whether it's a paper note. It can be thrown, for example, in a briefcase and try not to miss the moment when he will read it.

If you see that he was pleased with your recognition, you can throw a second note with an invitation to a date.

Having occupied a convenient observation point, you can see if he came to him alone and in smart clothes to really spend time with an attractive girl who decided to confess, or he showed up with his cronies to laugh at you.

You can act differently: in the second note, admit that it was you who wrote the first, and if the guy does not act too nobly and starts laughing at you, you can proudly say: "I do not understand what you're talking about. I did not write any notes to anyone. It's clearly someone decided to make fun of you. "

2) Make recognition in love open

Brave girls can dare to confess their love directly, without hiding their identity.

If your courage still has a face, and you can not talk about your feelings to him in person, you can confess with:

  • sms;
  • electronic or paper letter with a signature;
  • beautiful postcard;
  • message in social networks;
  • phone call;
  • some souvenir with the inscription "I love you" and an explanation of who this gift is from;
  • Skype messages, etc.

If you are looking for inspiration to compose your love letter, then you can find many useful ideas on the websites:

  • http: // 28310-priznanie-v-lyubvi-lyubimomu-samye-krasivye-i-romanticheskie-slova
  • http: //
  • http: // stikhi-priznanie-v-lyubvi-parnyu.html

But then again, you need to be absolutely sure that you are afterYour recognition will not be the object of ridicule.

But the girls who have been dating their guys for a long time, but can not wait to recognize them, do not reinvent the wheel and think up some tricky schemes.

Just choose the right moment and tell him directly about your feelings.

Almost certainly in response you will hear: "I love you too."

When it's not worth trying to confess to a guy in love?

Love, alas, it is not only mutual. You must understand this and be prepared to confess to a guy in love - it does not mean to secure a guarantee that you immediately form a pair.

A positive result will be only when the guy is feeling to you, but for some reason is afraid to voice them.

Why is the guy himself afraid to admit to love?

A man must be resolute, must not be afraid to take the initiative and take responsibility. It is something like this, but this rule applies only to older men, not young guys.

Boys are no less modest and shy than girls and just afraid to expose themselves to ridicule a declaration of love to a girl who does not reciprocate.

There are different reasons that prevent a guy from confessing to love:

  1. Fear of getting rejected.
  2. Complexes such as "A smart and beautiful girl can not want to meet with me".
  3. Fear of breaking into your ridicule.
  4. The fear that you will tell everyone around about his unsuccessful attempt, and everyone will be poking fun at him.
  5. Characteristics of the character: the guy is by nature modest and indecisive.
  6. Your behavior: afraid to show your feelings, you are too sharp and indifferent to behave with him.
  7. He just does not know how to admit love - this, incidentally, is relevant for many guys.

As you can see the reasons for which he is silent, and does not chirp you about his feelings, abound.

But! Before you confess your love first, you need to make sure that he feels sympathy for you, but for some reason does not show it.

Otherwise, you risk expose yourself to the mute.

Tolerate and do not admit to the guy in love!

People are cruel creatures. Guys - not an exception.

If you do not want to experience this cruelty, you must think carefully before voicing your declaration of love.

The guy should not try to admit to love, when:

  1. He meets another girl and is absolutely happy in this relationship.
  2. He is not a very decent person and you can not be sure that he will not tell anyone about your confession.
  3. You are almost 100% sure that you do not like him.
  4. Your relationship is unpromising, for example, you met on the Internet and he lives 1,000 km from you.

    Well, what's the point of turning out in front of him on the wrong side, when the chance to be together with you is scanty?

  5. You can substitute it with your own confession.

    For example, you fell in love with a married man or a young teacher. Think about how many problems you will deliver to your loved one, if someone recognizes your recognition.

  6. He meets with your close friend.
  7. You know for sure that you will regret your actions.

How to interest a guy?

In all these cases it is better to endure.

If you are destined to be together, then sooner or later it will be so. If not, then at least you will avoid mistakes and do not trample your pride.

Real examples when it is necessary to admit the guy in love and when you do not need to do it. ..

The love of even very smart girls makes you do stupid things. I think, without examples it will be difficult to understand when it is appropriate to admit love to someone who you like, and when it's better to remain silent.

Example number 1. To admit to the guy in love means to save his relationship

Nastya and Sasha met for six months already. Wonderful they had a relationship, the guy adored the girl, she would have been absolutely happy with him, if not for one, but.

Sasha never confessed her love. By all his actions he proved more than once that he loves, but he never said three treasured words.

Nastya was nervous, she doubted the sincerity of the feelings of the guy. I even thought about breaking this relationship.

And then I decided: "Why do not I confess to him first in love."

In one particularly romantic evening, the girl whispered softly between kisses: "I love you."

Sasha shuddered, hugged her tight and whispered just as quietly: "I love you too, very much."

A little later, Nastya asked why he had been pulling for so long with a confession, why he forced her to speak first about her feelings.

It turned out that the reason for Sasha's upbringing by a stern father who believed that "there is nothing to pamper these women with veal tenderness, and indeed for a real man must say his actions, even if the slanderers in love confiscations, if nothing can be done anymore."

It was Nastya who helped Sasha realize that the words "I love you" - not a sign of weakness and say them to your beloved one is possible and necessary.

Example №2. Well, why I decided to admit to him in love

The second story without a happy ending.

Dima was considered to be the first handsome man in the class, the girls just milled him, that formed in him a consumer attitude to the female sex, selfishness, excessive narcissism. Add to this teenage cruelty and get an unpleasant portrait of a guy.

Anya was in love with Dima for more than a year, but he did not pay attention to her at all.

As a close friend did not persuade, Anya still decided to write a guy a note to admit to love.

Dima did not appreciate this gesture. Moreover, he and his friends did everything to find out who the author was.

And when I found out, I told this before the whole class, having found it necessary to explain to the girl at numerous witnesses that she does not have any chances.

I think it is clear that in this case it was necessary to look at the identity of his chosen one without rose-colored glasses and wait with acknowledgment.

First love is for that and is necessary, in most cases, alas, to be unhappy.

There are many more ways to admit to the guy in love!

Which ones?- See details in this video:

Before acting, think carefully not only about how how to admit to the love of the guy , but also whether it is worth it. Too much is put at stake to behave recklessly.

  • Mar 22, 2018
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