- 1 Family Education Features
- 1.1 Family Education Methods
- 2 Family Styles - Physical and Moral Education
- 2.1 The Role of the Family in Raising the Child
- 2.2 The Role of the Father in Raising the Child
- 3 Advice for Parents on Raising Children
- 4 Principles of Family Education
Principal Institutechild upbringing - family. It is difficult to overestimate the influence of parents on social adaptation, the perception of the world. It is important that mom and dad consciously and responsibly choose educational methods, since the growing up kid is completely dependent on family rules, customs, traditions, parental opinion.
Huge impact of family relations on health( physical, psychological), and on the choice of profession, and on the attitude to the rule of law of the developing personality.
Features of family education
Education of a child in the family is more effective than a social one, due to a comprehensive, continuous impact on behavior, personality formation.
This complex pedagogical process is unique in every family, because is influenced by various aspects of :
• residence( the role is played by the country's mentality, community traditions, school, even neighbors' advice);
• family rules, foundations;
• social position, material security;
• personal family relationships;
• hereditary factors;
• the health of the whole family.
The main feature and the main problem is in the ability of adults to come to a common opinion, to influence development by a single methodological system in order to bring up a harmonious, self-sufficient personality. There should be no contradictions in the parental position.
Methods of raising children in the family
A positive atmosphere helps to develop the desired positive qualities, habits.
General methods of , which parents most often follow:
1. The belief of - advice, suggestion, personal example are used as a way to educate self-reliance, organization. To form certain views helps dialogue( useful information is transmitted), a debate( the child will be able to protect personal opinion).
2. Encouraging the of good behavior. Praise allows you to cultivate faith in yourself, responsibility, dignity.
3. Punishment of ( coercion) - bad actions are condemned. The method is used to develop a negative attitude towards unnecessary, dangerous actions. The method of punishment should not degrade( for example, deprivation of pleasure is used).
4. Exercise - repetition of behaviors, the execution of tasks. Adults give advice and show a personal example, work together perfectly works.
Family parenting styles - physical and moral education
Depending on what means, techniques parents use, the nature of their emotional interaction, distinguishes the influence styles of :
- authoritarian - a strict desire to subordinate, restrict initiative, which leads to the formation of uncertainty, weak character;
- democratic - encouragement of independence, loyal control, children have different interests, are active, open, easily overcome difficulties;
- liberal - an environment of unlimited care, patience, permissiveness, the result - child uncontrollability.
The growing up must be filled spiritually and develop physically. To educate properly, it is possible, applying two main directions, which in a relationship will give a positive result for any age:
- moral - the formation of skills of social behavior, moral beliefs, moral qualities;
- physical - development of physical abilities, training of will from an early age.
The role of the family in the upbringing of the child
It is impossible to belittle the role of the family in the upbringing of children. Life begins here, the child is under the prolonged influence of the character and behavior of the parents, whose actions and influence lay the foundations of personal qualities.
All negative should be minimized. A huge educational impact has a family unity, here all the advice is reduced to one: let the family circle fills a sense of confidence, love, moral connection.
The role of the father in the upbringing of the child
Harmoniously to develop the baby help in tandem, both the father and the mother, their goal is to bring up the right qualities. Mom in childhood is perceived as something inseparable, the source of existence. The pope also introduces the world, forces to be active and inquisitive, demands discipline.
The role of the father in the development of the character of the child is invaluable. Dad's daughter helps to realize his feminine principle. Father - the personification of firmness, reliability for the girl and an example of imitation for the boy.
Tips for Parents on Raising Children
The way to a common language starts from birth, learn daily to negotiate, give advice, do not quarrel over trifles, communicate positively.
Create a quiet psycho-emotional aura at home, comprehensively develop the child. Correctly to bring up children will help following advice for parents :
- communicate in an adult, confidential;
- speak briefly, capaciously, calmly;
- concede in dispute, do not put ultimatums, allow to choose;
- important condition - to recognize errors;
- do not mock, do not humiliate, respect the rights;
- teach self-service.
Principles of Family Education
To properly raise a baby, it must be loved. The education of children in love forms in them the right values, good nature and mutual assistance.
Loving parents intuitively find an individual form of correcting misconduct, the right words for dialogue. Five tips to help adults :
1. Observe consistency and hardness.
2. Without delay, answer the children's questions.
3. In communication, show trust, goodwill, charity.
4. It is possible to educate without physical punishment.
5. Never allow doubts about parental love.