Can I swim during a period? Answering this question, you come to the opinion that the monthly is not a disease and "why should I limit myself in some way" by violating the usual way of life. But all the same restrictions are present everywhere and during menstruation, this must be treated with special care, so as not to harm their future motherhood. If you ask the doctor, his answer will be - undesirable.
The reasons for which you should not swim
During the month it is best to limit water procedures such as bath, bathing, bathing in the sea or other water bodies. Since the vagina at this time is most vulnerable and open. During this period, the mucous plug comes out of the cervix due to the enlargement of the canal, which contributes to the infection of various infections and diseases in the uterus, which can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle and various problems associated with menstruation and conception, as well as endometritis.
- The sauna and sauna during the critical days are contraindicated. The main reason why you can not go to the bath, this thermal effect, which is dangerous because it causes overheating of the body and this will increase menstrual bleeding. And this is fraught with dizziness and loss of consciousness.
- Is it possible to walk to the pool during the month? This should not be done. The reasons are simple: the water in the pool is chlorinated and can cause irritation or an allergic reaction, which is completely unpleasant. Also in the pool water is cool, which can lead to inflammation. Swimming requires a lot of effort and causes fatigue, which in critical days is contraindicated. Well, the brightest reason why you should not go to the pool for a month is the sensors that can trigger microscopic bleeding and stain the water, this will put you in an uncomfortable situation.
- Monthly at the sea. In sea water contains a lot of salt - can lead to irritation and the ingress of germs and bacteria.
- Can I take a bath during menstruation? Important: for any pain and discomfort, the bath with the monthly is contraindicated! Causes: getting into the vagina of germs, infections, irritation, at high temperature of water, there may be heavy bleeding, as a result of which the pressure drops and leads to a general deterioration of the body.
- Is it possible to bathe at monthly intervals? It is undesirable to swim in open water. Regardless of their purity, there is a considerable risk of catching the infection. This is especially true for reservoirs with stagnant water. Also, swimming in open water or in pools during critical days, be careful: traces of blood can be on the body or on a swimsuit. It will be immediately noticeable.
- But the mandatory, ideal and hygienic, everyday means is the adoption of the shower. In monthly it should be taken several times a day as this is the best means for cleansing and preventing the spread of harmful bacteria that can lead to various diseases( such as thrush).The shower should be taken at a temperature of not more than 39 degrees Celsius, otherwise high temperatures can open profuse bleeding. Another shower helps relieve severe pain - if you hold the shower with a shower from the bottom up, this will help improve blood circulation.
Recommendations for the reception of water procedures on critical days
If you still decided to not limit yourself and do not violate your plans for a few months because of a few drops of blood, which can bring all sorts of problems in the future, then at least follow the following simple rulesat least a little secure you:
- Be sure to use tampons in order not to infect open blood vessels. Change them when swelling. The duration of the procedure is limited to ten minutes: during this period the swab will completely dry. Tampons can also be used by virgins, for them there are special tampons called so-called mini.
- You can add medicinal plants to the bath to get relaxing, disinfecting or pain-relieving effects: chamomile, sage, dog rose;Also, manganese is used for disinfection.
- After each bath, take a shower or wash yourself, you can still do a douche( douche) vagina with an antiseptic, that would be sure until the end of the safety of your health. It is necessary to consult a doctor, as not everyone is treated with an antiseptic.
- Be sure to wear dry, clean underwear after bathing.
- A very good remedy for getting into the vagina of microbes is the menstrual cap( silicone bowl), which fits snugly against the walls of the vagina, protecting it and preventing from leakage. This product is excellent for any type of water treatment. It is recommended not to use more than 6 hours.
- By the way, if your trip to the sea coincided with the onset of menstruation, they can be slightly pushed aside. To do this, take oral contraceptives or other hormonal drugs, which will appoint a doctor. Just do not overuse such interference in the body.