The wedding ceremony became very popular, even among those who are not a deeply religious person, observing all church canons. And although the priests somewhat reduced the requirements for the married couple, nevertheless some issues still remain quite acute. For example, can I get married during a month. Often the bride hears a single answer - no. Is this how all priests look at it categorically? What to do if you can not transfer the wedding?
Why not get married
Opinions on the question of visiting a woman on a "special" day in most cases do not differ from each other. Studying the answers of the priests, there are three key explanations for this:
- Some interpret the ban on visiting the church in that the monthly cycle is the opportunity for a woman to conceive a child. Bleeding means that conception failed. At that moment, according to the opinion of the clergy, purifying( or dirty) blood comes out of the woman, and with it dead cells. And since the church is a temple of God, it is impossible to defile it with your presence at this moment. In general, there is also an opinion that blood is a symbol of death( dead tissue, ovum).And a woman is not allowed to touch the relics, icons, cross. That is, the wedding ceremony can not be held in full.
- There is another answer from the priest, according to which menstruation is an opportunity to feel the gift of humility. That is, a woman who is forbidden to attend the church, must learn to accept it, pacify his anger and resentment, atoning for the sin of Eve. And even in spite of the fact that God forgave a woman who touched his clothes on critical days, a visit to the church is still banned today.
- There is one more interpretation of the prohibition. According to her, the proximity at the time of the monthly bleeding is simply excluded. And since after the wedding the couple was supposed to fix the union in bed with the potential to conceive a child, the wedding had to be rescheduled. It was believed that if the month began on the day of the wedding, then that the children are born sick.
If we return to the traits of our ancestors, then during the critical days the woman was considered dirty. And in something with this you can agree, because before there were no such means of hygiene, even basic underwear, the opportunity to once again take a shower. Entering the church, she could stain the floors and thereby defile the temple. And the smell was not the most pleasant, because our great-grandmothers had no choice but to use all sorts of rags in these and so difficult days.
And yet sometimes you can get married with monthly. The ceremony is performed by clergymen in the event that the girl is fatally ill. However, it is increasingly possible to meet clergymen who take the side of the fair half and admit church attendance and rituals even on critical days.
Arguments from those who are "for" conducting the rite
It is worth noting that, most likely very soon, women will be allowed to enter the church, receive communion and so on. Most modern clergymen understand how much progress has been made in the development of personal hygiene products. They also insist that a woman is not to blame for the monthly bleeding, therefore there is no reason to remove her from the church.
For example, John Chrysostom allows communion even during bodily impurities. Gregory the Great also writes to his parishioners that the church first of all thinks about the soul, therefore a visit to the temple of God is allowed by a woman. It is worth noting that the New Testament also puts more loyal demands on the parishioners.
For girls who observe all church canons, to live with a person whose union is not churchly fixed, simply is not possible. Many fathers also hold the view that no one has the right to interfere with a woman's desire to visit the temple of God. And the more so on the way can not stand the natural expiration( after all, in men they also have, but no one separates them from the bosom of the church).
And yet, so delicate question, whether it is possible to get married with monthly, it is better to ask directly to the priest who will conduct the rite. After all, many women are difficult to predict in advance when exactly it will start critical days. And at the moment of experiencing the schedule the more can get off. Yes, and the transfer of the rite is not always possible, because during certain days and fasting it can not be carried out.
If the priest is totally against, then, unfortunately, there remains the option either to postpone the wedding, that is not the insurance from the beginning of critical days again at the wrong time, or stop the menstruation, or find a more modern and understanding father.
On the video the cleric tells about whether it is possible to get married during the menstruation period
What to do if the monthly ones fall on the
holiday Initially, the celebration is planned for the middle of the cycle. Then the probability of the onset is the least critical. Nevertheless, no one is immune even at this moment from an unpleasant surprise. There are several tested options, what to do, if the monthly for the wedding should begin:
- Start taking birth control pills, having pre-selected them together with the gynecologist. This will allow you to plan critical days. Do not be afraid that contraceptives shake the hormonal background. Modern means have a minimum of a hormone and, with the right choice, are able to even improve a girl's health. In addition, many observed that after the abolition of tablets that drank for 3 to 6 months, it was possible to get pregnant practically from the first cycle.
- It is extremely undesirable, but it is possible only after consulting with the gynecologist to use haemostatic drugs of the type "Vikasol"( helps with prolonged and profuse periods), "Etamsilat"( stops the bleeding within 15 minutes), "Traneksam"( will help only in case of uninvolved,poor menstruation).
- Take advantage of traditional medicine. For example, it is believed that to stop menstruation for a day nettles are capable. To do this, you need to prepare a steep broth( 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water, you need 400 ml to achieve the effect), drink in two. However, it is worth considering that girls with blood clotting problems are prohibited. Similarly, parsley, mint, raspberries will help.
Also, do not take desperate steps to stop menstruation. After all, the consequences of such a step can be unpredictable. And since God did not get angry at the woman who touched his robes in unauthorized time, but, on the contrary, cleared it, why do priests not allow to attend church?
We recommend reading an article about a visit to the church during menstruation. From it you will learn about why you can not go to the temple at monthly intervals, which is allowed and forbidden to a woman in critical days.
If it so coincided that the wedding can not be postponed, and critical days have begun, it is better to use modern means for personal hygiene - tampons, menstrual cups. Or stop the menstruation, but only in consultation with the gynecologist, so as not to cause harm to health.