Along with sugar, bakery products are often referred to as the main products contributing to obesity. And in fact, wheat( white) bread has in its composition very few substances useful for the body, but a lot of harmful for the figure of calories.
It turns out that white wheat bread, as well as sweet pastries, cakes, pastries and cookies create an additional load on the pancreas, causing it to produce additional portions of insulin. How to choose the "right" and useful in all respects bread?
Producers of bread products often resort to a variety of tricks in the struggle for the buyer. That there are only names - "Health", "Dietary", "Cereal", etc. Without careful study of information on the packaging here can not do, because the beautiful name does not guarantee the intake of nutrients into the body.
How to make sure that the whole grain bread
Whole grain bread is very useful for health, shape and well-being. Each piece of this bread contains about 3 grams of fiber useful to the intestine. The choice of real whole grain bread is simple - read the list of ingredients on the package. If the first place is whole grain, safely put it in your food basket. Flour for baking such bread is taken untreated, that is, all biologically active and useful components remain in it.
It is worth paying special attention to inscriptions such as "natural rye" or "natural wheat".Such inscriptions do not guarantee that the bread is whole-grain. The usual purified "empty" flour is also natural. The word "natural" does not mean that the grain is not cleared from the embryo and shells. Also, manufacturers like to mask the most common flour under such beautiful and incomprehensible names as "multi-grained, enriched, multi-grain", etc. Who on what fancy words have enough imagination. All this is done to attract a credulous, naive and not enlightened buyer who does not particularly understand the intricacies of the process.
Bread with the addition of nuts, grains, seeds and dried fruits
An abundantly sprinkled with seeds or walnut nuts( for example, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, etc.) gives the impression of a healthier option for nutrition than a simple loaf. However, it should be remembered that these ingredients add extra calories to the overall energy value of the product. For example, only 20 g of sunflower seeds, which are added to the dough, will increase the caloric value of the bun by 120 kcal.
In addition to the extra calorie, it happens that unscrupulous producers mask bread products from the most common flour with various additives( useful nuts, seeds, dried fruits), so that the buyer thinks that this is a dietary healthy product. Pay attention to the calorie content of the product. Read the list of ingredients, the first component must be a "whole grain" component. If this is not the case, then put the bread aside: in front of you a product of simple flour, only due to additives more caloric.
What else to look for
The next point, which should be noted when studying the composition of the product - is the presence of fats. Everyone knows that both vegetable and animal fats are sources of additional calories. The bread sometimes contains hydrogenated vegetable oils, cooking oil, margarine, vegetable oil. Try not to choose such products. Sugar, sugar syrup, molasses, caramel are also often present in the list of ingredients of "dietary and healthy" bread. In addition to excess calories and irritation of the pancreas, they do not add anything to your body.
Salt is an indispensable component of any bread product. It is added not only for taste, but also for control of yeast in the composition of the test. Try to choose the bread in which the salt, as an ingredient, stands in one of the last places. And of course, after the water and flour. The fact is that in the list of components of any product, in the first place are those ingredients, the percentage of which is the maximum, and vice versa.
Healthy bread products, which are a source of fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, are baked from whole-grain flour, which contains a fetus and bran in its composition. A careful study of the list of ingredients is a guarantee of purchasing a quality product.