How to use succinic acid for houseplants

All living plants need a constant supply of a complex of useful substances for their life. Succinic acid, which is a soluble crystalline substance, is often used for top dressing of green pet pets. It acts as an excellent biostimulator and adaptogen for plants and soil.

  • Useful properties of
  • Indications
  • Breeding standards
  • Methods of application
  • Spraying
  • Soaking
  • Precautions

Useful properties

Amber acid obtained from the processing of natural amber or maleic anhydride under artificial conditions is not a fertilizer. Therefore, replacing it with fertilizers or stopping their use is not worth it. However, succinic acid has a number of useful qualities that have a beneficial effect on the vital signs of indoor plants:

  • Contributes to better adaptation to environmental conditions: temperature changes, drought or excess moisture.
  • Is a stimulator of growth of the whole plant and its individual elements.

  • This substance can be useful even at low concentrations.
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  • Provides delivery of nutrients such as sugar and organic acids. This strengthens the protective forces of the plant, provides vitality.
  • With the help of this acid, fertilizers are more effectively absorbed, as their processing and absorption of nutrients are greatly accelerated.
  • Stabilizes the balance of microflora in the soil, qualitatively improving its composition.
  • Creates a protective layer, prevents the accumulation of toxins by plants, ensures their disintegration in the soil( pesticides, man-made contaminants, nitrates, nitrogen, etc.).
  • Activates metabolic processes. This property is used both to improve the vitality of the plant, and when processing seeds to improve their germination and development.
  • Acts as a reanimator of the affected flower, helps to recover faster after exposure to pests, various diseases, root rot.
  • Regular processing of indoor plants with succinic acid increases the content of chlorophyll in leaves, which contributes to the acceleration of their development.
  • Absolutely safe to use, does not have a negative effect on the environment and does not require disposal.
Shelf life of succinic acid is 3 years.
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Based on the description of the useful qualities of succinic acid, we can identify the main indications for its use:

  • to accelerate the growth of new shoots;
  • for soaking the material for planting, accelerating the germination of seeds;
  • in order to strengthen, stimulate the growth of the root system, for the appearance of new rootlets;
  • for effective rooting of cuttings;
  • for the purpose of resuscitation for a dying flower;
  • to increase the abundance of flowering;
  • for the prevention of diseases, including fungal diseases.
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Breeding standards

For sale amber acid is found for indoor plants in powder or tablets. To make the solution, it is necessary to dilute 2 grams of the substance in 1-2 liters of water, depending on the required degree of exposure.

When using succinic acid for houseplants in tablets, they must first be crushed. The proportions of a 1% solution are 1 gram of substance per liter of water( for example, for spraying orchids).

The dilution is carried out first in a small volume of warm water( possibly in a glass), then it is adjusted to the desired ratio with water at room temperature.

Depending on the required degree of action, the concentration of the substance in the solution can be increased or decreased, without fear of a small overdose, the surplus succinic acid is not dangerous for plants and will be processed by microorganisms in the soil. Breeding is carried out in warm water, but not hot, so that all useful properties are preserved.

A solution for reanimation of the plant is prepared in the proportion of 0.25 grams( 1 tablet) per liter of water. If you need a 0.02% solution of succinic acid( for example, to care for cuttings), you must first make a one-percent, then pour 200 milliliters and bring water to 1 liter.

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The dosage of succinic acid for indoor plants often depends on the condition of the flower, the volume of the pot. Sometimes smaller proportions of the substance are required, then a 1% solution is diluted with water.

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Ways of using

Addition of house plants with succinic acid is perfectly combined with fertilizer application and is quite easy to use. In plant growing there is a great variety of ways of using this substance.

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Spraying of

Spraying of indoor plants with succinic acid is done for the purpose of prevention and recovery after diseases, for their general strengthening and development.

The procedure is sufficient to conduct monthly, it is beneficial to do this several times before the flowering period with a 1% solution. As a result, the number of inflorescences and their size will increase. Excellent suited this spraying with succinic acid for houseplant orchids. The treatment is preferably carried out in the early morning or late evening. Usually, as the plant grows, the number of procedures increases, the concentration of the solution increases.

In order to stimulate the growth of shoots, they are sprayed twice with a break of 3-4 weeks. You can also use watering.

The use of succinic acid for indoor plants in the spring is very favorable, it is possible to carry out treatment twice a month, that is, 6 times a year. This is especially true in the spring transplant to adapt and root the cuttings.

Spraying is widely used in the resuscitation of a dying flower solution in the proportion of 0.25 grams of the drug per liter of water. The procedure covers all its parts. Sprinkle, as well as watering the plant with succinic acid, in this case is very effective.

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Soaking in solution of succinic acid is also used in floriculture. For successful rooting of cuttings before planting, they are immersed in a liquid( not deeper than 2 centimeters) and left for a day.

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Soaking the roots for 40-60 minutes in 1% solution helps to accelerate the growth of new roots. Time can be increased, but it should not exceed 4 hours. Before planting in the soil, the root system needs about half an hour to dry out. In this version, soaking can be replaced by spraying the roots with a 1% solution of succinic acid, then also allow time to dry.

For successful germination and development of seeds, too, soak them for a day or longer until sprouts are indicated. The solution is used as one percent, the seeds should dry well before being placed in the soil.

Although an overdose of succinic acid does not harm plants, one must bear in mind that too frequent and abundant top dressing is not practical, more than necessary, no nutrients will be absorbed. Surplus substances remain in the ground and can provoke disturbance of the microflora.

For this reason, the recommended frequency of treatment of plants is not more often than 1 time in 2 weeks.

Basic insects pests of houseplants and how to get rid of them
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Amber acid is safe to use, both for the environment and for the livingorganisms. However, general safety rules should not be neglected.

  • Treatment is recommended in gloves, as succinic acid can cause irritation. For the same reason, avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Reception of water, food, smoking during work is also prohibited.
  • The solution should be stored in a place that is not accessible to children and animals.
  • It is inadmissible to store it near foodstuffs, medicines.
  • Children and animals must be absent during processing.
The finished solution is stored no longer than 3 days at a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees, after that it decomposes.
  • Mar 22, 2018
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