Greetings to you, dear readers of the site Diary of success!🙂
Each of us, even the bravest and strongest, is subject to some kind of fear!
But everyone should be able to fight with fear !
Human history and evolution prove to us that there is nothing superfluous in a person.
Fear, like other feelings, performs its own function.
Our ancestors were guarded against the sudden appearance of a predator, helped at one time to collect all the forces for survival.
Fear served as a stimulant, allowing you to always be prepared for dangers and surprises.
But after the active development of society, everything has changed radically!
But in the modern world, fear can be of use, performing the function of signaling serious hazards.
This article will tell you about how to overcome the fear of , how to make friends with it, make it your assistant and use it for good purposes.
Do you want to overcome fear? Then analyze its negative impact!
The more people are afraid to spoil something, say the wrong words, worry about actions - the more they become prone to fear.
The habit of being afraid, fearing and worrying does not allow you to think freely and act confidently!
This leads to dissatisfaction with yourself and life, to accusations of others in your own failures!
Once surrendered in the face of fear, a person gets used to acting on a pattern that is prompted not by reason, but by the instinct of self-preservation, exaggerated by fear and imagination.
"To learn important life lessons, you have to overcome fear every day!"
Ralph Emerson
For a quiet analysis of one's own actions, people sometimes do not have enough time and courage.
Fear of others, the fear of being different from the majority destroys all creativity in a person and makes him unable to look at things objectively.
It becomes easier to accept the majority's opinion as truth, instead of judging everything with one's own mind.
Instructions for dealing with fear!
The most important fear of mankind is the fear of death!
All of us were witnesses when our relatives and grandfathers and grandmothers were dying, and so this insidious fear settled down somewhere inside us!
Where does it come from and how to remove it?
Fear of death is due to the fact that we are scared even to imagine that we will ever cease to exist!
Although, everyone in the depths sits a subconscious soul voice, which says that the soul is immortal.
In other words, unconsciously we know that we are eternal.
But the person, at the same time, is afraid.
This fear can easily overcome if you recognize the fact that you are mortal!
We can not be in the same body all the time.
Having appeared in this world, we just got it for hire.
But the time will come and it, like any car or thing that we have rented will have to give.
Just admit that our body someday will have to give.
Calmly give, and that's it!
In this way, can overcome the fear of death of .
"I do not like"!How to overcome this fear?
This fear has a huge number of manifestations, it's anger, jealousy, bloated pride, an unreasonable ego, the desire to subjugate everyone, to get attached to everyone, to impose one's will on everyone.
All this is a manifestation of one fear: "They do not like me."
How to deal with this fear ?
It's not necessary to fight with fear, they must be left on their own!
How to do this?
"Take the first step and you'll understand that not everything is so terrible!"
I want to share with you a very popular and really acting psychological technique of letting go of fears!
By the way, this technique is applied to all human fears!
The technique of releasing fears is very simple in its application!
Let's go!
You focus, relax, and visualize your fear.
We must clearly imagine what it looks like.
Perhaps you will even see it in the image of a certain person, or in the form of some formless spot.
When you visualize your fear, you may even feel a place in the body where it is located.
Every fear has its place in the body where it settles.
Visualize it, talk to it and tell the fear that you are grateful to him for settling in you.
You, through your fear, saw their negative emotions.
Say that you are asking for fear of forgiveness for giving it to grow so large and for not paying attention to it before.
Talk to your fear, ask him for forgiveness and let him go!
Say that you release it from yourself.
Ask him to go free.
Take a few breaths in and out.
Breathe light and love, exhale your fear!
The key point in this method is the visualization of your fear.
So: Visualize, talk, ask for forgiveness, release.
This is exactly the opposite of what people call the fight against the fear of .
Because, so-called "courage" often has nothing to do with courage.
It's cornered, clamped to the limit of fear.
This happens in cases where fear is clamped, and act contrary to it.
Often this does not lead to good results, moreover, clamped in some corner of your soul fear, can get into the disease.
Therefore, it is better to release fears.
I advise you to look at interesting tips from an influential psychologist, how to overcome your fears!
How to direct your fear in the right direction?
You just have to be frank with yourself, stop trying to adjust to the opinions of others, allow yourself to have your own opinion.
You need to allow yourself to be yourself, without regard for others.
In most cases, the joyful, full life of one person, his creativity and deeds does not hurt or offend anyone.
So why make up your own rules and ideals, which then all the way to strive for?
Important to know: How to believe in yourself?
In sex, a partner trying to look like an actor in a Hollywood movie usually does not get any satisfaction, but only gets out of control.
Often, many relationships collapse due to the fatigue of one partner to be similar or similar to their own ideal.
Only a bit of courage and frankness with you and people are ready to gladly accept a person as he really is.
On the road to the final fight against the , the most important thing is to move towards it.
Do not wait for the moment when fear is covered from head to toe and the ability to think or act is lost.
You should get ahead of fear and excitement, do not wait, but take decisive steps.
A look at your life will help determine what is more important - to overcome fear or lose something important.
Always worth trying to find the strength and courage in the battle for your own life and freedom!