Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands, manifested by the proliferation of their tissues with the formation of seals and cysts. Among the causes of its occurrence is an imbalance of hormones and gynecological ailments. It is not surprising that the menses with mastopathy acquire a special character. After all, the female breast is one with the reproductive system.
Contents of
- 1 A little about mastopathy
- 2 What happens to menstruation
- 2.1 Why menstruation for mastopathy is delayed
- 3 How the disease behaves after menstruation
- 4 Treatment
- 4.1 Phytotherapy against mastopathy
A bit about mastopathy
Until recently it was thought that this disease is a "privilege"women from 30 years old who have childbirth, abortions, unhealthy thyroid gland and liver. But with some time, mastopathy is diagnosed in adolescence. There are several of its types, which are determined by the type of tissue that grows. Perhaps the predominance of glandular, connective, sometimes in the mammary glands are formed cysts and nodules, there is a mixed manifestation of the disease. In connection with all this, the symptoms of mastopathy are as follows:
- The chest starts to ache. Sensations of aching, it seems that it has become heavier. The increased tissue presses on the nerve endings, so it is not uncommon for painful manifestations not only in the chest, but also in the arm, neck, scapula;
- Breast enlargement in size, sometimes more than 15%, due to stagnation of blood in the veins, edema of connective tissue. This is especially noticeable before menstruation. The swelling of the breast is accompanied by an increase in her sensitivity to touch, discomfort is felt even from the presence of clothing on the body;
- From the nipples, liquids of different nature will be released. This can happen spontaneously or with a slight pressure. The color of the discharge varies from whitish to brown;
- The menstrual cycle and the nature of monthly discharges change. This is characteristic of any of the existing forms of the disease. Disruption of the cycle of menstruation with mastopathy is due to a hormonal shift, in which the amount of estrogen begins to prevail over the progesterone index. The first provokes unnatural multiplication of cells in the tissues of the breast;
- In the chest, palpation clearly shows seals in the nodular form of the disease. With all the others, there are clear boundaries of the lobule of the breast, it becomes more firm, tense. Dimensions and contours of formations vary during different periods of the cycle.
What happens to menstruation
Mastopathy before menstruation begins to show itself very actively. An abnormal amount of estrogen acts in such a way that, in addition to increased cell division, the swelling of the breast increases. The pain becomes more tangible not only when you touch it, but without any contact. Increases discomfort near the armpits, where it is easy to grope enlarged lymph nodes. In some forms of the disease, swelling manifests itself on the hands and feet.
Monthly during mastopathy become painful, which is caused by all the same hormonal disorders. The secretions can become noticeably larger, they alternate with bleeding in the middle of the cycle. In this case, the duration of menstruation increases to 6-7 days. As a result, iron deficiency anemia may be added to mastopathy, which will aggravate the course of the disease. One of the provoking circumstances is the lack of vitamins and nutrients. Such a deficit is unfavorable for the hormonal background.
The disease can disrupt ovarian function and negatively affect the endometrium. His estrogen excess and progesterone deficiency lead to an expansion of the upper layer of the uterine mucosa at the end of the cycle, whereas normally it should become thinner. This is also a factor in the increase in the volume of menstrual flow and the increase in the duration of critical days. With the development of mastopathy, endometriosis often occurs, which also manifests itself with a large amount of mucus and uterine bleeding at other stages of the cycle.
Why menstruation with mastopathy is delayed
Despite the increase in the volume of tissues excreted during menstruation, the often occurring tandem of mastopathy is a delay in menstruation. One of the possible causes of the disease is the excess values of the hormone prolactin. With full female health, it increases during pregnancy. With his help, the breast prepares for feeding: the milk ducts expand, a special liquid is produced, which precedes the milk. Prolactin helps progesterone inhibit endometrial rejection, preventing the development of the functional layer and keeping the pregnancy. And his production after birth inhibits the arrival of menstruation.
The increase in prolactin in the absence of pregnancy in mastopathy causes a similar reaction of the endometrium. It develops more slowly, reaches a longer state when its upper layer is ready to tear itself away and be replaced by a new one. Therefore, menstruation is delayed from a few days to 2 weeks. The main cause of excessive production of prolactin is a malfunction in the functioning of the pituitary gland.
The effect of an increased amount of estrogen on the ovaries inhibits the maturation of the germ cell. This also provokes a delay in menstruation and often the absence of ovulation in the cycle.
How the disease behaves after menstruation
Many signs of the disease, except for the appearance of nodes in the chest, are similar to premenstrual syndrome. And in healthy women, pain and tension in the mammary glands before critical days, caused by the work of hormones irritability and tearfulness. But with the onset of menstruation, the sensations are weakened, and at the end they pass without a trace.
Treatment of
To tolerate pain with mastopathy, means to promote the development of the disease, endanger other organs, make it more likely to replace benign cells with cancerous ones. The desire to get rid of the disease should begin with the elimination of the provoking factors:
- Stress;
- Nutrition with a predominance of fats and proteins, salty foods that increase the volume of estrogens and fluid retention in tissues;
- Lack of regular sexual activity;
- Smoking;
- Too tight, pulling the chest, underwear, or excessively loose, increasing the load on the connective tissue of the mammary glands.
If the diagnosis of "mastopathy" is detected at an early stage, the treatment can be conservative if it is not a nodular form of the disease. It is aimed at normalizing the amount of hormones, that is, the main cause of its occurrence. Therefore, prescribe drugs:
- Dufaston, Norethisterone, Utrozestan. All this is progesterone, the deficit of which allows the abnormal growth of the mammary gland tissues;
- Parlodel. The drug interferes with the increased production of prolactin, which will relieve swelling, retardation of the development of the endometrium and return the cycle to a normal temporary course;
- Jeanine, Marvelon. The contraceptive effect, which they give, normalizes the work of the ovaries. Hormonal disorders, characteristic of mastopathy, often lead to the absence of ovulation."Rest" when taking contraceptives, the ovaries after the withdrawal of tablets are working more actively, which allows the sex cell to mature on time. Monthly for any form of mastopathy begin in accordance with the schedule.
To eliminate the effect of disease-provoking factors, the following are also prescribed:
- Iodomarin, Iodine-Active, which normalizes the thyroid gland, and, consequently, the synthesis of hormones;
- Valerianu, Motherwort, reducing the impact of stress;
- Mastodinone, Cyclodinone, Reimens. Homeopathic remedies normalize the level of prolactin.
For severe pain, it is acceptable to take Diclofenac or Ibuprofen. But the choice of all drugs is the prerogative of a specialist. Treatment should be comprehensive and directed to fight the cause of the disease. And there are so many of them that it's impossible to determine it without a survey. And different types of disease are useless to treat with the same drugs. The effect will turn out to be exactly the opposite.
Phytotherapy against mastopathy
In addition to drug treatment and with the permission of a specialist courses, phytotherapy can be used, which includes internal and external means:
- Infusion of burdock root.25 g of crushed raw material is put in 400 ml of boiled water and kept wrapped for 12 hours. The strained means should be taken at 1 tbsp.before eating;
- Spore infusion, which is made from 1 tbsp.herbs and 200 ml of boiling water 6-8 hours. The received structure drink also before meal 3 times a day on a third of a glass. It helps a lot to reduce bleeding, when they are plagued by profuse menstruation with developed mastopathy;
- Infusion of potato flowers. Take 1 tsp.200 ml of boiling water, cook for 3-5 hours. Drink is necessary before meals 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon;
- Infusion of hop cones. To prepare enough, 10-15 pieces, peeled, and 400 ml of boiling water. The preparation is 3 hours, 2 tablespoons are drunk.2 times a day;
- A mixture of valerian, motherwort, cumin seeds and fennel.1 tbsp.herbs are placed in a bowl with 200 ml of boiling water and kept until cooling. Ready-made formula should be drunk a day in several receptions;
- Cabbage Compress. The fresh leaf of the plant is cut so that the juice appears. The compress is pressed against the chest, fixed with a cotton bandage for several hours so that there is no discomfort;
- Pumpkin Compress. The raw flesh of the vegetable is ground in a blender, wrapped in 2 layers of gauze and fixed on the breast for the whole night. The compress should not squeeze the chest;
- Lotion from infusion of wormwood. The preparation is made from 3-5 tablespoons.plants and 3 tablespoons.boiling water, leaving in a sealed container for 12 hours. Adding in the morning 1 tsp.warm water, the composition is moistened with linen cloth and applied to the breast 3 times a day for half an hour.
Monthly for mastopathy can not be called a clear indicator that allows to identify the disease, since the characteristics characteristic of them are also encountered in other pathologies. But after the normalization of the hormonal background with the right treatment chosen, health improvement in this area will be obvious. Intermenstrual bleeding and aching sensations in the chest will go away, the volume of excretions and soreness of menstrual flow will decrease. And most importantly, the threat of cancer of the breast will disappear, the probability of pathologies of the endometrium, ovaries and related infertility.
Before using any medications, you should consult a physician specialist. There are contraindications.