To date, such a disease as otomycosis remains very common. This is a fungal lesion of the ear canal. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor using medicines and traditional medicine. Otomycosis is considered to be the most dangerous form of mycosis, since with inadequate therapy, the lesion can be applied to other ENT organs. As a result, not only the ears, but also the larynx, mouth and pharynx can suffer.


  • 1 Symptoms
  • 2 Treatment with medicines
  • 3 Folk remedies


fungus in the ears of a person

The clinical picture of an ear fungal lesion has its own characteristics. There is no need to use medical equipment to make a diagnosis. It is possible to recognize the ailment by the following symptoms:

  1. Itching in the ear, which initially occurs in periods, and only then assumes a permanent character.
  2. Wet discharge from the affected ear. They can take a different color, since it all depends on the type of fungus.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Hearing loss.
  5. Noise in the head, pain and dizziness.
  6. Pain in the affected ear.
  7. Strengthened formation of sulfuric plugs and hard crusts, resulting in ear congestion.

Treatment with medicines

Before proceeding to taking medication, it is necessary to understand the reason for which a fungal infection has occurred. Therapeutic measures start with taking antibacterial drugs. In addition, the treatment scheme should include drugs to increase the protective forces and general resistance of the patient's body. Also, you should take care of taking antihistamines and vitamins.

To obtain positive dynamics during treatment, it is necessary to regularly treat the ear cavity with water or glycerin solution.

itches the throat from the inside and ears Why the itchy throat from the inside and ears and what means can be very quickly helped, is described in this article.

And that's why the ears are constantly scratching inside and by what means, including drugs, you can get rid of this problem, help understand this article.

How to clear the ears of plugs with hydrogen peroxide and how effective it is is described in this article: http: // lechenie-u / perekis-vodoroda-v-uxo-ot-probok.html

What cheap drops in the ears with inflammation are the most effective and howthey are very detailed in this article.

The active components of these drugs are able to penetrate deep into the ear tissues, providing a therapeutic effect. Treatment of fungal infection in the ear is carried out with the help of preparations of local and general action. Local treatment should start with washing the ear with solutions.

On the video - how does the treatment of fungus in the human ears:

Effective remain:

  • Nystatin;

    Nystatin in tablets

  • Clothrimazole;


  • Amphotericin.

Still need to use drops with vasoconstrictive effect. They will allow to remove puffiness and ease the condition. This includes such drugs:

  • Naphthyfine,


  • Terbinafil,


  • Nitrofungin,
  • Itraconazole.

If the pathological process occurred due to yeast infection, then the following drugs should be included in the complex therapy:

  • Econazole,


  • Clotrimazole,


  • Pimafucin,


  • Fluconazole,
  • Natamycin.

Apply these medications on a cotton swab and insert into the affected ear.

When treating external otomycosis, it is necessary to use a drug such as Candibiotik. It effectively cures inflammation, normalizing the condition of the tissues of the diseased organ. In addition to eliminating the inflammatory process, it is necessary to use drops that effectively stop the fungi that caused the development of the

pathological process. A doctor can prescribe a drug in the form of a cream or ointment that effectively destroy fungi.

An excellent effect can be obtained with the use of such medicines:

  • Ecozidryl;


  • Lamisyl;


  • Candide B.

The tablet should also include tablets for internal administration. This includes Pimafucin and Flukostat. But they must be used only in the severe course of the pathological process. When prescribing antibiotics, the patient should be prescribed probiotics. This will protect the intestinal microflora from the negative effects of antibacterial agents.

In this case, the following can be effective:

  • Linek,
  • Bifiform,


  • Acipol,


  • Hilak forte,
    hilak forte

    Hilak forte

  • Gastrofarm,
  • Lactobacterin.

The doctor will prescribe the patient vitamins to boost immunity. Correct the immune forces of the body can be with the help of Immunal, Imunoriks and ear candles Viferon( and here's how to use candles for cold for children Viferon, described in this article).With their use, the healing process is accelerated.

Desensitizing therapy should include preparations such as Suprastin( and here's how to use Suprastin for children with laryngitis, this article will help you understand), Tavegil and Centrin.



With their use, it is possible to prevent further multiplication of the fungus. To cure otomycosis in the ear can only be provided if regularly cleanse the ear canal, because this is the formation of dried crusts. For these purposes, you can use a cotton swab, treated in warm water. You can get the maximum effect if you process glycerin, resorcinol or tannin. The total duration of treatment for the fungal lesion is 3 weeks.

Folk remedies

drops with vinegar and perhydrol

You can apply them as a supplement to the main treatment. Thanks to them, it will be possible to strengthen the action of medications and at the same time to alleviate the patient's condition. All used medicines of traditional medicine before their use should be agreed with the doctor. There are a number of drugs that are contraindicated to carry out with mushroom damage or they cause allergies.

The following proven recipes can be used for treatment:

  1. Drops with vinegar and perhydrol. It is necessary to take table vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in equal quantities. Add the same amount of water. Mix, collect the drops in a pipette and send to the affected ear in the amount of 3 drops. When performing the procedure, the head should be turned over on one side. Lie so just a couple of minutes, so that the drops could penetrate the place of defeat. The duration of therapy will be 10 days.
  2. Drops based on acetic acid. Combine in an equal amount apple cider vinegar and 2% acetic acid. The resulting solution should not be dripped, as this can lead to burns. All that can be done is to wipe the ear with the cotton wool. Duration of therapy is 10 days.
  3. Flushing with herbal decoctions. Since mushrooms can spread and affect adjacent tissues. To prevent this, it is worth using decoctions based on medicinal herbs. To do this, a camomile, calendula is suitable. It is best to use alcohol tincture from propolis or marigold. But before use, the drug should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.And here's how to use herb sage from a cough, described in this article.
  4. Drops from hydrogen peroxide .It is necessary to drip in the affected ear 3% perhydrol. But you can use this medicine only on condition that the integrity of the tympanic membrane is not broken. It will be possible to find out this only when examined by a doctor.
  5. Grate the onion on a grater. Squeeze the juice and apply it as a drop. Drip 5 drops into the affected ear. Carry out the treatment at night for 5 days. But how to use onion juice from the common cold to children, is described in this article.
  6. onion juice Combine 9% vinegar, alcohol, water and perhydrol. Everything in equal numbers. The resulting solution drip ear in an amount of 5 drops. After digging in, you need to lie on your side for another 2 minutes. Manipulation is carried out 3 times a day. The total duration of therapy is 10 days.
  7. Mix garlic juice with olive oil in a ratio of 2: 1. Leave for an hour and apply, dropping into the affected ear 2 times a day for 3 drops. But how to use lemon with garlic for cold, will help to understand this article.

Today you can cure ear fungal infection only in an integrated way. For this you need not just to remove symptoms, but also to stop fungi, increase immunity. Not only pharmacy products will help, but also folk medicine. Using everything in the complex, a positive effect can be obtained very quickly.