Treatment of sweating with menopause

Sweating is a natural feature of the human body. Moreover, in some cases it saves lives. But when tormenting sweating with menopause, treatment is required. This sign causes a lot of inconvenience, causes insomnia and colds, interferes with communication, makes you nervous.


  • 1 Why sweating amplifies menopausal
  • 2 Do I have to deal with menopausal hyperhidrosis
  • 3 How to neutralize sweat
    • 3.1 Medicinal Plants: help with menopausal hyperhidrosis
    • 3.2 Drug getting rid of hyperhidrosis
    • 3.3 Hormones antiperspirant

Why sweating amplifies menopausal

Climaxfrom the very beginning, he makes himself aware of the restructuring of the work of the reproductive organs. But it is only part of the process that is controlled by sex hormones. Oscillations and a gradual decrease in the amount of these substances lead to changes in many body systems.

Otherwise, some parts of the brain and the central nervous system start functioning. Pituitary and hypothalamus, previously characterized by stable work on the production of hormones, give them in a smaller amount.

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The result of this is including incorrect signals sent to the nervous system.

The CNS is closely related to the sweat glands that are activated when the body overheats. And in menopause, they receive a signal about this often and for no reason.

There are more specific reasons for increased sweating:

  • Tides. Periodically, blood rushes to the upper half of the body, then really there is overheating. Because for the body it is a physical load with increased heart rate, increased pressure, dyspnea, as if a woman ran a hundred-meter time. Sweating with menopause becomes stronger in these circumstances to restore its work;
  • Loosening of the nervous system. For women in menopause are characterized by acute emotional reactions. Attacks of irritability, aggression, resentment due to their inherent nervous excitement provoke activation of the sweat glands. The liquid appears on the skin instantaneously and in large quantities.

Some women become overweight by the age of menopause. In combination with other manifestations of menopause, it can act as a provoking factor in the onset of hyperhidrosis. For the slightest physical activity, more effort is required. Sweating with menopause may be a consequence of this, as well as irritability, when efforts are unsuccessful.

Is it necessary to fight climacteric hyperhidrosis

If intense sweating is a natural manifestation of a hormonal malfunction, is it worth to get rid of it with the help of other measures, except for more frequent hygiene procedures? Moreover, this is not the most terrible symptom of the new condition.

It is absolutely necessary to fight against this. Pot at the climax creates a lot of problems because of its incredible amount and appearance at the most inopportune moments:

  • The smell, which not only hinders communication with other people, but also irritates the woman herself. Deodorants and other perfume do not interrupt;
  • Itching and redness of the skin, mucous membranes, the appearance of rashes. These parts of the body lose their tone and become more prone to damage;
  • Insomnia, which leads to an aggravation of all other manifestations of menopause. Usually, profuse sweats torment at night, forcing you to wake up, wash, change your bed linen and your clothes. But with menopause morning sweat is also not uncommon. And having gathered for work, it is necessary to rush into the bathroom, re-put yourself in order and everywhere to be late;
  • Frequent colds. Immunity in menopause decreases naturally. A sweating woman is easier to catch a cold.

How to neutralize the sweat

In many ways the balance of fluid in the body is lining up a way of life. Therefore, taking care of how to reduce sweating with menopause, it is necessary to revise first of all your own habits:

  • Becoming physically more active. Riding a bicycle, swimming, gymnastics, even fast walking lead to a relative order in the hormonal sphere. Stress, insomnia no longer have the same power over the body. Tides come less often, which also helps to reduce sweating;
  • Refuse nervous system products and beverages. This coffee, alcohol, spicy seasonings. And dairy products, slow carbohydrates, vegetables, berries, fruits fill the body with vitamins, which calms the cardiovascular system with magnesium, calcium. He will not have to work hard during digestion;
  • Monitor weight. The influence of extra pounds on the increase in hyperhidrosis has already been said. But you need to remember that sweating with menopause excludes the treatment of hunger;
  • Choose adequate clothing. It should be such that you can easily do without any part of the toilet. It is better to wear two blouses than one thick sweater. Clothes should not restrain movements, fabrics should be chosen natural;
  • Avoid hot, stuffy rooms. Own room should be ventilated several times a day, especially it is important before going to bed;
  • Leave the habit of smoking in the past. Tobacco has a bad effect on blood vessels, and they have not the least importance in the work of the brain, the central nervous system and the sweat glands. Tides, which are one of the causes of menopausal hyperhidrosis, are more likely to exasperate women who smoke;
  • Take vitamins. A sufficient number of these substances can normalize the hormonal background or reduce the effect of its instability on overall health. The most needed vitamins in menopause are A, D, E, folic acid, and minerals of calcium, magnesium, and iron are required.

Medicinal plants: help with menopausal hyperhidrosis

Folk remedies for sweating with menopause help in combination with normalization of lifestyle. But to consult about their application with a doctor does not interfere, many herbs have a very active effect or can cause allergies. Such recipes are known:

  • Teas with melissa, mint, lime color. They have calming properties, neutralizing one of the causes of increased sweating;
  • Infusion of 2 tbsp.sage and 200 ml of boiling water, aged for an hour. He is drunk three times a day. The agent suppresses the activity of sweat glands and acts as a sedative;
  • Baths with decoction of chamomile or oak bark. The first plant has antibacterial and soothing properties. The bark contains tannins, which reduce the intensity of the sweat glands;
  • Collection of sage, blueberry, marsh swine and clover. The first two components are taken in equal parts. Wheaten and clover need half as much as sage and blueberries, and also the same amount.1 tbsp.collection is placed in 200 ml of boiling water, 2 hours are kept in a sealed container, they are drunk in half a day.

Medical relief from hyperhidrosis

If sweating is the main thing that bothers you in menopause, you should start with less costly methods for the body, that is, changes in lifestyle and folk remedies. But when they do not help, it can complicate the habituation to a new hormonal status, cause the appearance of more serious symptoms.

In this case, it is necessary to decide how to get rid of sweating with menopause in more radical ways. A visit to a gynecologist, an endocrinologist is mandatory at an earlier stage.

But if hyperhidrosis does not leave a woman, she will be prescribed medications- phytoestrogens:

  • Remens;
  • Climadinone;
  • Qi-Klim;
  • Feminal;
  • Climatoplan.

With regular use in a short time, they stabilize the balance of hormones, that is, eliminate the global cause of sweating. The tides are falling quantitatively and ceases altogether, the psychological state is normalized.

The sweat glands are not so active, external factors do not have any more decisive influence on them. Despite the naturalness of phytoestrogens, you should not take them alone.

We recommend reading the article about taking Remens with menopause. You will learn about the composition of the drug and its effect on the woman's body, ways of using it.

Hormones against perspiration

If hyperhidrosis is severe, accompanied by other serious manifestations, the drug against sweating during menopause should contain synthetic estrogens. Such are contained in the funds:

  • Ovestin;
  • of the Climart.
  • Divergent;
  • Proginova;
  • Estrofem.

If the case is in the imbalance of estrogens and progesterone, prescribe combined preparations:

  • Climen;
  • Climonorum;
  • Femoston;
  • Divina;
  • Angelique.

Sweating with menopause, if treatment is late, a successful and confident woman can turn into a complex and hysterical woman. It is worth the time and energy to fight hyperhidrosis, then other signs of menopause will not be so acute.

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