How to understand if menstruation started or did implantation take place on a day of menstruation?1

Pregnancy does not always follow classical concepts. There are many nuances and characteristics that can sometimes confuse women. It happens that pregnancy has occurred, and spotting during this period is treated as critical days. In fact, this can happen implantation on a monthly basis. What it is? Are there any signs that distinguish such discharges from ordinary menstruation?


  • 1 implantation concept
  • 2 Signs of implantation bleeding
    • 2.1 Maturity
    • 2.2 character selections
    • 2.3 sustained release
    • 2.4 number of allocated
    • 2.5 Additional symptoms
  • 3 reasons
  • 4 selection as not to confuse with monthly

implantation concept

Fertilization( mergerspermatozoon and egg) can occur anywhere in the internal genitalia, but more often it happens in the fallopian tube. After cell co-infection, the developing embryo( during this period, from the histological point of view, it is customary to call the blastocyst) moves gradually into the uterus cavity, where "soil" has already been prepared for it. By this time under the influence of sex hormones, the endometrium is growing. Figuratively speaking, its surface layer becomes friable and soft so that the blastocyst can attach to the wall of the uterus.

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At the time of "implantation", the integrity of the walls of small vessels may be impaired, which causes bleeding of varying degrees of intensity. This is the implantation before the monthly or later, it all depends on the regularity of the woman's cycle. The process of strengthening the developing embryo in the wall of the uterus occurs from 6 to 15 - 20 days after conception. Simple arithmetic shows that implantation can occur exactly on the day of the proposed menstruation, which deceives the woman.

Signs of implantation bleeding

Implantation of the embryo and discharge, as in the case of menstruation, is one in 20-25 women. This can be observed with the threat of miscarriage, as well as with undeveloped, ectopic pregnancy and some other conditions. Therefore, if other symptoms of pregnancy( a positive test, nausea and vomiting, an increase in mammary glands, drowsiness, etc.) appear on the background of any bloody discharge, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist can establish the cause of this phenomenon, take the necessary measures to preserve the developing embryo, not at the expense of a woman's health.

Date of onset

Bloody discharge in 90% of cases of implantation bleeding comes several days before the scheduled menstruation. But this is only if the cycle for a woman is approaching 28 days.

If the period between critical days is longer, then the daub can appear for a week and a half earlier. Sometimes a woman normally has such discharges on the eve of menstruation, but then they gradually pass into normal menstruation, in contrast to implantation.

The nature of the

secretions As a result of attaching the developing embryo to the uterine wall, small vessels are destroyed, which causes the appearance of bloody discharge. They can be bright pink, pale blood, with veins of blood, smearing dark brown.

Duration of excretions

In 90% of cases of occurrence of a pathology of excretion last no more than one or two days. Sometimes at first they can be bright, and the next day they turn into brown smears.

Number of selections

If implantation occurs on the day of the expected monthly, as a rule, by the number of women, a woman may suspect a pathology. In most cases, the discharge is minor, sometimes it is just a "blood line" or the only red spot on the underwear. That is why women do not always pay attention to this kind of changes and do not contact specialists in time. Abundant discharge, clots are not characteristic for implantation bleeding.

Additional symptoms

The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling or aching character indicates another pathology in most cases. When a woman's menses were always accompanied by discomfort and cuts, then if there is an implantation during menstruation, there will be no such manifestations.

Also, if conception has occurred, after a few days a girl may be bothered by roughness and an increase in the size of the mammary glands, the nipples become sensitive. Sometimes there is nausea, a change in eating behavior, drowsiness and lethargy. All these are early signs of pregnancy, and, accordingly, the allocation is not monthly, but the result of implantation.

Also, if the future mother keeps a basal temperature chart, she immediately marks a stable increase of her above 37 throughout the days. For this, the hormone of pregnancy - progesterone.

Causes of

discharge After fertilization, the blastocyst looks for a place to attach to further chorion formation, and then the placenta. Every month, the endometrium inside the uterus cavity is prepared for the upcoming event. In cases where conception still does not occur, its upper layers slough off and come out with menstrual blood.

When the pregnancy has come, the endometrium, loose and full-blooded, is ready for blastocyst implantation and takes it to itself. The developing embryo secretes specific enzymes that "dissolve" deep into the attachment site. As a result, the integrity of the vascular wall is violated, most of this applies to capillaries. As a result, a small amount of blood is released from the uterine cavity through the cervix to the outside.

How not to confuse with monthly

Can implantation coincide with monthly? Yes, indeed, in most cases this process occurs a few days before the anticipated critical days or exactly on schedule.

In order not to confuse menstruation and discharge associated with the process of introducing the fetal egg into the endometrial layer, you should carefully consider your own sensations. It is also recommended to conduct a menstrual calendar, where each time the girl observes the days of sexual intercourse, the beginning and the end of the cycle, and the nature and amount of excretions.

Some people are interested in the question of whether there can be implantation after menstruation. Yes, in the event that ovulation occurred on the eve of critical days. This can happen more often with a long or irregular cycle.

Then menstruation is normal, and a few days after they appear minor discharge, which a woman can take for the remainder. She learns about pregnancy immediately after a delay in the next month. As a rule, in such cases there is always a breakdown in terms of ultrasound and monthly.

In any case, if a pregnancy is suspected, a test should be done. But at such a short time, he will show a reliable result very rarely. Therefore, it is recommended that you take a blood test for HCG when you have doubts. He gives reliable results within 10 days of conception.

We recommend reading the article about the monthly during pregnancy. From it you will learn about the normal and pathological discharge during conception, the reasons for the appearance of secretions, the effectiveness of the pregnancy test during menstruation.

Embryo implantation after menstruation or on the eve of them is the process of the physiological course of pregnancy. Normally, it should not be accompanied by any, especially bloody, secretions. However, approximately 5-10% of women in this period have a dubious pink or brownish smear, which one can not always pay attention to, especially with an "imperfect" cycle. Timely appeal to a specialist will help resolve all problems and disputable issues.

  • Mar 22, 2018
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