Climax and vegetative-vascular dystonia 5

Vegeto-vascular dystonia can signal its presence at any age. Indeed, the provoking factor is hypertrophied emotionality, and this is an inevitable component of human life. It is not surprising that menopause and women visit women at the same time.

Contents of

  • 1 What is dystonia, the causes of its occurrence in menopause
    • 1.1 Additional causes of exacerbation of the VSD in menopause
  • 2 How does the VSD appear at the age of menopause
    • 2.1 Is it possible to distinguish between dystonia and climacteric syndrome
  • 3 How to get rid of dystonia with medication
    • 3.1 Vascularmeans and vitamins
    • 3.2 Hormones

What is dystonia, the causes of its occurrence in menopause

Vegeto-vascular dystonia is a whole set of symptoms caused by faults inunktsionirovanii nervous system and cardiovascular. Already a single definition can be enough to understand why it is the menopause that "pleases" the first appearance or increase of malaise.

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After all, with climacteric there are significant hormonal changes that affect not least the work of the central nervous system and the brain, the functions and condition of the heart, vessels.

Quantitative reduction of estrogens and gestagens provides the conditions for occurrence of an AVR:

  • Circulatory disturbance, manifested by fever, sweating. Thermoregulation failure is characteristic for the disruption of the functioning of the central nervous system, which can not but affect the peripheral nerves;
  • Periodic malfunctioning of the heart rate, pressure jumps. Manifestations negatively affect the tone of the capillaries;
  • Weakened blood vessels, the appearance of deposits in them. Cholesterol in menopause grows, and the wall extensibility decreases, like their diameter. This prevents the blood supply to the brain and the heart muscle;
  • Acute emotional reactions. Decreased production of hormones of pleasure lead to the fact that a woman constantly expects bad things, feels insecure in terms of health;
  • Metabolic disorders. This provokes the emergence of diabetes mellitus, various failures in the functioning of the thyroid gland, that is, diseases that affect both blood vessels and nerves.

There are listed signs due to the fact that the absence of sex hormones makes it impossible to produce many necessary for good health of substances. Violated by its chemical reactions, which is reflected primarily on the nervous system and cardiovascular. That is, those parts of the body on which depends, there are vegetative and other signs of the syndrome or not.

Additional causes of exacerbation of the VSD in menopause

The upset of the vegetative system in menopause is also possible due to the lifestyle peculiar to many women who entered this period:

  • Unsuitable food. Excess fat and sugar overloads blood vessels, heart, provokes endocrine disorders. The latter can become another factor in the aggravation of the IRR;
  • Ignoring the need to move. Stagnation of blood strengthens oxygen deficiency of brain cells, as well as of nervous tissues and heart, weakens physically myocardium and other muscles. This can be attributed to the lack of fresh air. Some consider walks an unnecessary waste of time, which worsen the condition of the meninges;
  • Stresses. Often the climacterium makes you shut up in yourself, rejecting the help of relatives, not speaking about the professional. Self-isolation aggravates negative emotions, which are the engine of panic attacks;
  • Smoking. If before a bad habit was not reflected in health is noticeable, now spasmodic vessels and clogged bronchus, lungs become additional factors of a panic attack with stenocardic manifestations and dyspnea.

How the VSD manifests itself in the age of the menopause

Climax and signs have a lot in common. Among the symptoms of the latter, manifested in menopause, experts identify:

  • General malaise. This is evident from the worsened working capacity, rapid fatigue;
  • Pressure jumps, palpitations;
  • Frequent fears about your health, your health, your future. They can be expressed by panic attacks, hysterics;
  • Headaches, up to migraine;
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth, a bitter feeling;
  • Pain in the heart area due to a violation of the supply of oxygen to any part of it. They may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • The need to urinate frequently, despite the fact that there is still no change in the urinary organs;
  • Absence of libido.

Signs associated with cardiac disruptions, as well as increased nervousness, increased anxiety and panic attacks, in menopause are most frequent and intense.

Is it possible to distinguish between dystonia and climacteric syndrome

Diagnosis of AVR and menopause manifestations is complicated by the fact that similar manifestations can describe some manifestations of the latter. The difference between it and vegeto-vascular dystonia is that the malaise does not directly depend on the level of sex hormones. Their absence affects indirectly, that is, through signs of menopause.

The very first symptom is a disorder of the nervous system. It is a characteristic of menopause increased emotionality, a mood for the negative and provokes VSD even at the stage of premenopause, when physiological changes in the body are not so significant. For example, the pain behind the breastbone because of VSD happens with a perfectly healthy heart. And frequent urination provokes by no means the lowering of the walls of the bladder and the thinning of the mucous reproductive organs.

That is, there is a possibility for climax at different stages, which allows one to differentiate one state from another. But for this often it is necessary to visit not only a gynecologist, but also a neurologist, endocrinologist, therapist, cardiologist and psychiatrist.

How to get rid of dystonia with the help of medications

Experts are sure that it is impossible to cure the disease completely, but it can be done so that its manifestations disturb and worsen the state of health as little as possible. In the mildest cases, it will be sufficient to have a course of sedative drugs of varying strength. This will remove the main provoker of vegetative manifestations.

Cope with nervousness will help:

  • Valerian;
  • Motherwort;
  • Afobazol;
  • Tranquilizers Seduxen, Valium;
  • Antidepressants Paxil, Rexetin.

They normalize the work of the nervous system, drugs will be enough to eliminate tachycardia and improve sleep. The latter circumstance is important in getting rid of increased emotionality and physical weakness.

Vascular tools and vitamins

No less important is the control of blood pressure. His jumps mutually affect the panic attacks and sensations in the heart. Specialists insist on taking

  • with lisinopril;
  • Enapa;
  • Anaprilina;
  • Bisoprolol.

They affect the increased pressure, which often happens with menopause.

VSD requires the restoration of blood supply to the brain, which shows the preparations:

  • Tanakan;
  • Cavinton;
  • Oxygenyl;
  • Picanoyl.

Drug therapy may be administered in a variety of ways. Usually doctors do not try to "put" the patient on her immediately, they start with a change in lifestyle and weaker drugs. But vitamins in this case will be necessary. These are the complexes that save and with menopause:

  • Menopace;
  • Ladies Formula Menopause;
  • Doppelherz Menopause.

We recommend reading the article about the need for taking vitamins with menopause. You will learn about important substances for a woman's body during menopause, recommended vitamin complexes.


Hormonal drugs are needed for relief of symptoms of menopause. And if the symptoms are severe, this will exacerbate the manifestations of the VSD.Help to eliminate the complex conditions for its aggravation are capable of:

  • Divissek;
  • Angelique;
  • Proginova;
  • Femoston.

But most women will be more useful with herbal hormones:

  • Climadinone;
  • Climaxan;
  • Climact-Hel;
  • Remens.
Climax and exacerbation or the emergence of the transition is not easy, if you try to cope alone. Here the help of professionals will be necessary.

This will help to normalize the state of health faster, neutralize the danger of more serious ailments and minimize the use of drugs. Many people in the therapy VSD help a psychologist.

  • Mar 23, 2018
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