Monthly symbolizes the completion of the life cycle of an unfertilized ovum. Unclaimed biological material flows outward, giving the opportunity to start a new ripening. Many women believe that you can get pregnant only if you have menstruation. And they are surprised by the pregnancy, although there were no monthly ones. How does ovulation occur without menstruation? And what days of conception before and after menstruation are the most critical?
- 1 Lactation or breastfeeding
- 2 If there is no monthly, is protection necessary?
- 3 I breastfeed, do I need protection from pregnancy?
- 4 When still possible pregnancy without menstruation?
Lactation or breastfeeding
Lactation accounts for the majority of unexpected pregnancies without menstruation. An unambiguous answer to the question "whether it is possible to become pregnant after childbirth, if there are no menstruation" will be: "yes, it is possible, under certain conditions".At what?
An indispensable condition for conception is ovulation. The egg ripens and comes out of the ovary. A naked egg inside the ovary can not be fertilized even by the most persistent spermatozoon. This is the basis for the phenomenon of so-called lactational amenorrhea( the absence of menstruation during breastfeeding).During lactation in the female body, prolactin( a hormone) is actively produced. It inhibits the production of estrogen and this blocks the maturation of eggs.
Prolactin is guaranteed to occur with frequent feeding, including at night. As soon as the baby begins to receive complementary foods, the amount of breast milk decreases, prolactin is released less. Increases the amount of estrogen. At a certain level of the female sex hormone( estrogen), the egg maturation process starts. It ends with ovulation( the release of the egg and its progression into the uterine cavity).An unfertilized ovule flows together with the mucous layer, forming the first months after birth. Often they are weak and irregular. They may appear, disappear for one or two months and then reappear.
For a nursing mother, the question arises, "Can I get pregnant if I have irregular periods?"Of course, you can, and suddenly and without desire. If the first ripe egg was fertilized after the birth, pregnancy without a menstrual cycle occurs. Therefore, you need to understand another question: you can get pregnant, but do you need it so soon?
If there is no monthly, is protection necessary?
The purpose of protection is to prevent an undesired event. It is important that pregnancy is expected. Even if you agree to leave an unplanned child, you will have to change life, equip it in a different way, not the way you were going. The body may not be ready, weakened, sick. Proceeding from the principle of "better pregnancy - planned", one must take for himself the rule: protection is mandatory. When it is possible not to be protected?
If your cycle is regular and ovulation occurs clearly in the middle of the cycle( as evidenced by basal temperature measurements), then you can only be protected at critical days. Critical days are considered to be 11-16 days( for a 28-day cycle) and 13-18 days( for a 30-day period).
However, there is the possibility of failure of the cycle under stress, experience, viral infection. Hence, the method does not give a guarantee of protection.
If the cycle is irregular, its duration varies from 28 to 33 or more days, then ovulation is not stable and can occur at the beginning of the cycle or after the 20th day. In this case, it is necessary to refuse unprotected sex on any days: during critical days of conception before and after menstruation and on days when pregnancy is unlikely( but possible).Although at this time the probability of conception is considered minimal, the possibility of getting pregnant is there.
I breastfeed, do I need protection from pregnancy?
In most women, breastfeeding ensures that there is no ovulation and the possibility of becoming pregnant, provided that the baby only eats mother's milk. That is, with a high probability, you can predict that pregnancy will not occur.
However, in some women ovulation is triggered even with constant feeding( the cause of such processes is heredity).Therefore, if you do not want a second child right now, it is worthwhile to insure yourself and choose the method of contraception that is most suitable for you. So that after not having to doubt and not decide the question: "could I get pregnant after giving birth, if there were no menstruation?".
Use of contraceptives for lactation is necessary for women who have had a cesarean section. They categorically can not become pregnant within 2.5 years after surgical delivery. Otherwise, discrepancy of the uterine suture and other various complications is possible.
When still possible pregnancy without menstruation?
In any irregular cycle, an unexpected pregnancy may occur when a woman hopes or is sure that conception is impossible, but it happens. The instability of the months is accompanied by hormonal failures, infections and inflammation. We list a number of diagnoses and situations that violate the maturation cycle of the ovum:
- Establishment of a monthly cycle when the monthly cycles only began to occur in the body of the girl
- Taking hormonal medications
- Inflammations of the genitals or pelvic organs
- Endocrine diseases
- Excess weight
- Defective
- Emotional mental trauma
- Physical overwork and overstrain
With certain diseases leading to an irregular monthly cycle, a significantIt decreases the probability of conception. A married couple tries to become pregnant for a long time, and it does not work out. Ovulation is unstable, critical days can not be predicted.