How does the drug for the thyroid gland "Thyroxine" and monthly?1

The thyroid gland is one of the smallest, but at the same time necessary organs, when the work of the whole organism is disrupted, if its work is disturbed. Dull and dry hair, brittle nails, unruly skin, a tendency to gain weight, menstrual dysfunction - this is not the whole list of problems that arise when there is insufficient production of its hormones.

Using regularly in the necessary dose, thyroxine and monthly will be restored, and the mood will improve, and many other ailments will go unnoticed. What is this preparation? How and when to use it correctly to improve women's health?


  • 1 Principle of action of the preparation
  • 2 Indications for prescribing
  • 3 Possible complications in taking
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 Can I use during pregnancy
  • 6 Combination with other
  • 7 medications How does the
  • 8 cycle affect When to call a doctor

How does the drug work

Thyroxine-teroxin) contains levothyroxine, which when metabolized into the human body is metabolized to the analogues of T3( triiodothyronine) - thyroid hormones.

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That is, in fact, with the use of this drug, a woman replenishes in her body the deficit of these biologically active substances. T3 performs the role of "key to locks", only by its "team" are the most important processes associated with the metabolism, growth and development of all tissues. In particular, thyroxin, when properly administered, makes up for the following processes:

  • Increases the metabolic rate. Under his control is the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Accordingly, with a deficiency of this hormone in the body, a woman is very prone to recruiting excess body weight. And with a properly selected dose of a hormone, it is much easier to keep the weight in the norm.
  • Increases the need for cells in oxygen, which ultimately also affects metabolic rate.
  • Activates the cardiovascular system, normalizing the pressure and resistance of the vascular wall.
  • Thyroxin stimulates the work of the entire nervous system. This is clearly noted by all women with hypothyroidism, who started taking the drug in the right dosage. Usually they state that "thoughts became faster in the head".
  • When using the drug according to the indications, the thyroid gland function is restored, its size and level of TSH( thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland) are normalized.

But this does not end all the mechanisms and principles of the action of thyroxin.

Once the thyroid gland starts functioning properly again, even on synthetic hormones, all the disorders caused by problems with this endocrine organ are gone. In particular, ovulation is restored, menstrual cycle, sometimes even a woman is cured of infertility.

But it is important to understand that an adequate dose of medicine can be prescribed only by a specialist under strict control of the tests. Self-administration of the drug or dose adjustment can only aggravate the existing pathology.

We recommend reading the article about the effect of the thyroid gland on menstruation. From it you will learn about the effect of thyroid hormones on the menstrual cycle, the causes of the delay, the treatment and its effectiveness.

Indications for prescribing

The main goal with which thyroxin is prescribed is hormone replacement therapy with insufficient production of these substances by the thyroid gland. The indications for using the tool are as follows:

  • Hypothyroid status of any cause. This includes congenital pathology, diffuse goiter, situations after the removal of part or organ completely and treatment of cancer of this localization, Graves' disease and Hashimoto disease. Also, thyroxine is used in conjunction with other drugs for the treatment of cretinism( dementia), obesity and other pathologies associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland. In each specific case, you need your competent prescription of the medicine.
  • The drug is used directly for the treatment of highly differentiated thyroid cancer, as well as autoimmune processes in the body.

Possible complications with

Usually, thyroxine is well tolerated if the dose is matched to the needs of the body. It is possible to develop an increased sensitivity to the drug in people who are predisposed to allergies. In this case, you must cancel the appointment and find an alternative with your doctor.

The most common of all possible adverse reactions is the following:

  • Increased heart rate. Such conditions require additional medication correction, otherwise dangerous situations can be provoked.
  • In some cases, with a small dose of the drug may show an anabolic effect - there is an increase in body weight.
  • Since the drug is metabolized in the liver, and is excreted with bile acids and through the kidneys, if the work of these organs is disrupted, the situation can be aggravated. As a rule, all risks are assessed initially with the appointment of thyroxine.
  • Rare skin reactions occur, for example, dermatitis.
  • Also in the medicine contains lactose, so if enzymes are deficient, digestive problems may occur.
Dangers of overdose, in which there is an increase in blood pressure, increased sweating, angina attacks occur, the body weight decreases sharply, there is tremor and even convulsions.

Sometimes women note a delay of menstruation on the background of taking L-thyroxine. In fact, the preparation itself does not affect the menstrual cycle. And with the available pathologies of the thyroid gland, various disruptions happen quite often. Receiving a money simply coincides with a delay, which is what the girls in most cases associate with it.
Look at the video about hypothyroidism:


Thyroxine is a serious drug, its purpose and need for reception should be determined only by a doctor. With an incorrect dose, duration and method of administration, various complications may occur. The main contraindications for thyroxin in high doses include:

  • individual hypersensitivity of various types to the components of the drug;
  • increased thyroid hormone production;
  • cardiovascular diseases( stenocardia, severe atherosclerosis, rhythm disturbances, heart attacks, myocarditis, severe hypertension and others);
  • Addison's disease;
  • pathology of the adrenal cortex.

Medium and small dosages can be used by almost everyone. The only thing to consider in these situations is individual sensitivity to the drug.

Can I use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the thyroid gland and its hormones should be treated with special care. This greatly depends on the growth and development of the baby, his future mental abilities.

The drug is absolutely harmless to the fetus. Therefore, if the monthly with the admission of L-thyroxine did not come, and the girl finds out that she is pregnant, she can not worry and calmly take the medicine even further. This product does not practically penetrate the placenta, and also into breast milk during lactation. But mandatory correction of the dose in the second and third trimester of pregnancy is necessary, as the requirements for this hormone increase significantly.

Combination with other drugs

Thyroxine affects the metabolism, so it can significantly disrupt the effect of some other medicines. Particular attention is needed in the following situations:

  • In patients with diabetes mellitus. The fact is that thyroxine can promote an increase in glucose in the blood, which requires a detailed correction of the insulin dose.
  • The drug enhances the effect of certain antidepressants.
  • May reduce blood clotting with anti-thrombotic therapy.
  • At simultaneous reception with estrogens efficiency of a thyroxine decreases.
  • All drugs that somehow affect the absorption of substances in the gastrointestinal tract, can also reduce the effect of this medication.
  • Many cardiac agents and used in cardiology( aspirin, amiodarone, diazepam and others) affect the concentration of thyroxine in the blood, which must be taken into account in the appointment.

In any case, at the reception, you should notify the doctor about all medications used, on the basis of what he will choose the most optimal dose.

How affects the cycle of

Many women are concerned about whether thyroxine affects menstruation and how. But at once it is necessary to tell, that all delays, daub, bleedings and other failures in any way are not connected with reception( or even the beginning of use) of a medicine.

Since the thyroid gland is very tightly connected with the organs of the reproductive system, even with the slightest disturbances in thyroid hormones, a woman observes the appearance of acyclic secretions, a shortening or, more often, an extension of the interval between critical days.

Thyroxine has a beneficial effect on menstruation, normalizing them due to the establishment of the thyroid gland. If there are delays in taking thyroxin, this indicates either an incorrectly selected dose or the presence of some other diseases.

When to call a doctor

It is extremely rare that taking a thyroxine requires some kind of emergency medical care. As a rule, all arising uncomfortable sensations as the level of hormones are monitored is adjusted, the most convenient scheme of taking the medicine is selected.

But if a woman notes any allergic reactions to the drug, a violation of the heart rhythm or other disturbing symptoms, you should consult your endocrinologist in an emergency. Only a doctor can tell if the data of ailment are associated with taking thyroxine or not, and what to do in such cases.

We recommend reading the article about the preparation "Eutirox and monthly".From it you will learn about the indications for the use of the drug, contraindications and possible side effects, the effect of eutirox on the menstrual cycle of a woman.

Thyroxine is a synthetic hormone drug that is designed to correct the functioning of the thyroid gland. Manifestations of many diseases that affect the quality of life of a woman can be eliminated with this medication. Often L-thyroxine and menstrual leads to a proper rhythm, and from infertility saves, and helps against cancer to be cured.

  • Mar 23, 2018
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