Biogenic amines
From biogenic amines, compounds such as serotonin, tyramine, and histamine, which have a vasoconstrictor effect, have been studied to a greater extent. Serotonin is mostly found in various vegetables and fruits. So, for example, in tomatoes there is 12 mg / kg of serotonin, in plums - up to 10 mg / kg, and chocolate in its composition can contain up to 27 mg / kg. In the case of eating a large number of tomatoes, serotonin with them in the body can get in quantities comparable to pharmacological effects.
Tyramine can mostly be found in fermented foods, for example, some types of cheese can contain up to 1,100 mg / kg of tyramine. Also this substance can be found in some fish. For example, in marinated herring its content can reach 3000 mg / kg.
Histamine leads to the appearance of such conditions as various disorders of vascular reactions, and it can also cause a headache. In the overwhelming majority of cases, its content correlates with tyramine. Different types of cheese contain from 10 to 2500 mg / kg of histamine, and canned fish and dried fish - up to 2000 mg / kg of the product.
Based on the foregoing, in view of the possibility of destabilization of blood pressure, one should not abuse cheese and fish delicacies for people suffering from high blood pressure.
It can also be noted putrescine, which in some types of cheese can reach up to 680 mg / kg, in canned herring - up to 120 mg / kg, and cadaverine( up to 370 mg / kg in some cheeses and up to 100 mg / kg in cannedtuna).These substances belong to biogenic amines, which have a weaker effect on the body. The content of putrescine and cadaverine( as well as spermidine) in fish products increases with the shelf life.
The use of histamine leads to vasodilation, can provoke the formation of stomach ulcers, as well as the increase in heart rate. The content of this substance in quantities of more than 100 mg / kg can already be dangerous for human health.
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy Nutrition"