One of the most effective and affordable means, designed not only to treat numerous diseases, but also to care for the skin and hair, is birch tar. Its healing properties were known from time immemorial, and folk healers considered this dark, viscous and oily to the touch liquid with a characteristic sharp smell the best wound-healing, antitumor and anthelmintic.
Process and features of
production In the past, special narrow capacities were used to obtain this valuable therapeutic and cosmetic product, which is a product of dry distillation of birch bark. Each of them had a small hole to drain the resin. In the container, the bark was densely packed and heated. This led to the fact that birch barked off, began to languish and release tar.
Nevertheless, during the years of successful application of this medicine, the process of how birch tar is made has not undergone significant changes, despite significant technological progress. Therefore, the current production of birch tar looks the same way, only imperfect containers used in the old days are replaced by modern, hermetically sealed iron boilers. Thus, today the distillation process takes no more than 11 hours, as a result of which 75 kg of birch bark obtain 22.5 kg of birch tar.
The main useful properties of
The healing properties of birch tar are unusually wide. It exhibits:
- antiseptic,
- local irritant,
- wound healing,
- insecticidal,
- anesthetic,
- anti-inflammatory,
- drying,
- antitumor effect.
Pure birch tar perfectly complements the traditional treatment of scabies, erysipelas, leprosy, dandruff, epidermophytosis of the feet, multi-colored and scaly lichen. Regular use of it helps to relieve inflammation, prevents the suppuration of wounds and reduces itching.
Tar with milk
In folk medicine, there are hundreds of recipes for treating various diseases with warm milk, to which one or another amount of tar is added. Most often this way they struggle with manifestations of atherosclerosis, cystitis and lung diseases.
Tar with honey
A mixture of honey and tar is a deposit of useful substances, so with it you can not only quickly get rid of helminths, but also overcome skin problems like pimples and oily shine.
Tar water
Usually tar water is applied externally, although in certain cases it is recommended to be consumed inside. Typically, tar for external use of water is prepared from 2 liters of hot water and 1 liter of birch tar. The resulting mixture is shaken thoroughly, mixed with a wooden spoon for 15 minutes and left to stand for 10 hours. As a therapeutic agent, the clear liquid formed after settling is stored, which is stored in a tightly closed container.
Such tar water perfectly helps in the treatment of various mycoses of nails and skin, dermatitis, eczema, pustular lesions of the skin and a variety of rashes, as it has strong disinfecting properties and excellently relieves itching.
Application in oncology
Than birch tar is useful for oncological diseases? As mentioned above, this drug has antitumor properties, but at the same time it is able to quickly neutralize the negative consequences of serious drug treatment and chemotherapy. Therefore, it is often prescribed in the presence of ovarian cysts, adenomas, mastopathy, fibroids, etc.
Treatment of other diseases
So, what does birch tar treat yet? This tool effectively fights against:
- angina,
- gangrene,
- bronchial asthma,
- hair loss,
- skin fungal diseases,
- trophic ulcers,
- scrofula,
- erosions and ulcers of mucous membranes,
- postpartum mastitis,
- bedsores,
- psoriasis symptoms.
A long list of useful properties of birch tar can be continued almost indefinitely, as its composition includes more than 10 000 components exhibiting curative effect. It is used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for harmony, since it has a fat burning effect. Read more about this in the article: Birch tar for weight loss, As a remedy for asthma and healing wounds.
Any modern medicinal product, even of natural origin, in certain cases can not be used because of the possibility to complicate the course of existing diseases. Therefore birch tar also has contraindications:
- Hypersensitivity to the drug,
- Pregnancy and lactation,
- Exacerbation of chronic skin diseases.
Since allergic reactions to birch tar are not so rare, it is recommended to make special allergens before use. This will help in time to learn about the individual intolerance of the remedy and prevent the development of serious allergic reactions.
Sometimes long-term treatment of certain diseases with this drug can lead to skin irritation. This does not pose any danger to human health, but nevertheless, if discomfort arises, the course of treatment should be interrupted.
Important! Before starting any application based on birch tar, you should always consult a doctor, especially if the patient suffers from serious kidney disease.
So, it's difficult to overestimate the useful properties of birch tar tar, but at the same time it has the minimum amount of contraindications and side effects. This makes it irreplaceable, and most importantly, a safe helper in restoring the beauty of the human body and treating a huge number of diseases.