Fennel oil: use for health and beauty

  1. Fennel oil for good health
  2. Essential oil in cosmetology
  3. Application in home cosmetics

Fennel oil is produced by steam distillation of plant seeds, which in our country is better known as sweet fennel. The content of essential oils in its fruits is about 2-6%, and in order to obtain a kilogram of such a substance in its pure form it is necessary to process approximately 20 kg of seed.

Fennel oil slightly reminds an anise and has pleasant spicy notes
Fennel oil for strong health

Thanks to its versatile healing properties, fennel oil has found the widest application in medicine.

  • Produces a complex cleansing of the body, removing toxins from it. It shows very good results with the removal of intoxication, which occurred on the background of long-term intake of alcohol, medication or abuse of harmful food.
  • Has a mild laxative effect, thus eliminating constipation, improves the digestive system, relieves nausea and helps with flatulence. With it, you can normalize the appetite and secretion of the digestive glands.
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    Note! Fennel oil is often recommended for use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract!

  • Helps maintain women's health by stimulating the glands of the endocrine system and stimulating the production of the hormone estrogen. As a result, it is possible to reduce pain in premenstrual and menstrual periods, improve health and mood at menopause. Fennel oil is included in many homeopathic remedies, whose action is aimed at improving lactation, as it stimulates the production of milk.

  • Positively affects the operation of the cardiovascular system: it helps to normalize blood pressure, helps with arrhythmia and, on the whole, significantly improves cardiac conduction.
  • Thanks to the expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect is often used as an additional tool for respiratory diseases. Fennel oil helps to withdraw phlegm, which makes its use useful in the treatment of cough caused by ARVI, as well as bronchitis, pharyngitis and pneumonia.
  • Has a positive effect on the nervous system: it eliminates fears, neuroses, relieves the symptoms of depressive states, normalizes sleep and improves mood.
Fennel oil quickly stops the hiccup

To improve the well-being, fennel oil can be used in a variety of ways and depending on whether it is a food product or it is added to various dishes and drinks, make lotions, applications and inhalations based on it, add to the bath andin the means for massage. In addition, fennel oil exhibits antifungal activity, and therefore it is used for air sanitation, adding to aromatic lamps and other similar devices.

Note! To sanitize the premises use the following dosage: a pair of drops of fennel oil for every 5 m2 of area. This is enough to reduce the content of fungi five times!

In short, fennel oil should be in every home medicine cabinet, since it is useful in various cases: in order to relieve nausea, eliminate intestinal colic, cure cough, etc.


The use of fennel oil for medicinal purposes, especially when breastfeeding, should be agreed with the doctor. It is highly not recommended for its use:

  • during pregnancy;
  • for children under the age of five;
  • for epilepsy.

Essential oil in cosmetology

Fennel seeds, from which the essential oil is made, are rich in natural antioxidants. These substances are endowed with a unique ability to suspend the aging of cells and have a powerful rejuvenating effect. Thus, fennel oil has found the widest application in cosmetology, and the means in which this product is present help to improve the skin condition, increase its elasticity and reduce the intensity of wrinkles. Such drugs provide proper nutrition, tone and smooth the skin, eliminating the appearance of cellulite and giving elasticity to the stomach, hips and bust.

Massage with essential oil of fennel shows quite good results after the first sessions of

. Fennel essential oil perfectly copes with some skin imperfections. For example, it solves teenage problems associated with acne, acne and high fat content. And it works not only as a means to treat the problem, but also prevents its reappearance.

To eliminate various cosmetic defects, fennel oil can be used as an additive to various preparations. It is found in lotions, creams, scrubs, masks, tonic, shampoos, bath foams and shower gels.

Note! And this component you can add to any cosmetic means: for the face, hands, hair or designed to care for the skin of the whole body.

Fat-soluble wax with essential oil of fennel

On sale today you can find fat-soluble wax with essential oil of fennel. This product has a pleasant aroma and is used to remove unwanted hair. And this wax well removes hairs of different length and thickness. Can be used for any type of skin at any age.

Plus, fat-soluble wax with essential oil of fennel cares for the skin and protects it from the appearance of irritations. And after use it is easily removed.

The sequence of the procedure is as follows:

  • clean the depilated zone with lotion and wait until the skin dries;
  • heat the wax to a temperature of 55-60 ° C;

    Tip! In order to melt the wax, it is advisable to use the wax. If you do not have such a device, then the drug can be gently heated in a water bath or just in a container of hot water!

  • with a cosmetic spatula accurately distribute the wax on the depilated area for hair growth;
  • from above apply a special paper for depilation and press it with your fingers;
  • when the wax slightly cool, sharply tear off the paper against the growth of hair.

Important! Do not wait very long, because the wax can dry out. And this should not happen!

After the procedure, you can apply a nourishing cream or lotion to the treated skin.

Use in home cosmetics

There is another option for using fennel essential oil - in combination with other oils and products in home cosmetics.

Correction of bust contours

Many oils have the ability to stimulate the growth of epithelial cells in tissues that lining the surface of lobules and internal ducts of the mammary glands, and also improve the production of female hormones. And it is very useful for a bust and to some extent contributes to its increase. If we talk about fennel oil, then in addition to helping in breast augmentation, it also provides prevention of inflammatory processes and prevents stagnant phenomena.

In its consistency, this product is very light and has a pleasant sweetish aroma. Penetrating into the skin, it has an excellent tonic effect, reduces stitching and tightens the chest, returning the natural skeleton.

For breast augmentation, fennel oil is used in such formulations:

Base oil, ml

Fennel oil, drops

Extra oil, drops

Avocado - 30


Lavender - 1,

carrots - 2

Shi - 30


Orange - 5

Argan -30


Geranium - 3

Mosquito Roses - 30


Grapefruit - 1,

Ylang Ylanga - 2

Recommendation! As a base oil, you can also use wheat germ oil, which will perfectly nourish the skin and give it elasticity, hazelnut - to stimulate the regeneration of tissues, as well as grape seed and cocoa!

Having made the breast more elastic, fennel oil will return its attractive shape and slightly increase the size.

Face mask

It is also quite easy to prepare an effective remedy with fennel oil for the face. We bring to your attention a mask with the effect of lifting:

  • in a clay tank mix a tablespoon of white clay and egg yolk;
  • add a tablespoon of any base oil - grape seed, cocoa or olive oil;
  • enter 1 drop of fennel, neroli and rose ether;
  • apply the composition to the pre-cleaned skin;
  • to withstand the mask for half an hour;Rinse
  • with warm water and rinse with cold water.

This mask-lifting is recommended to be done twice a week for a month.

Other skin care products

  1. For eyelids. To prepare this product, you need to add 4 drops of fennel oil and the same amount of myrrh oil in a tablespoon of any nutritious cream. Composition to warm in a water bath and apply a thick layer on the eyelids. Leave it overnight, wash it off with water in the morning.
  2. For hands. The pulp of quince is milled to a puree state, we add a teaspoon of wiped cottage cheese, raw yolk and 3 drops of fennel oil. We mix everything thoroughly and put it on the back of the hands. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.
  3. For rough skin on elbows. In a tablespoon of baby cream add 1 drop of fennel, incense and grapefruit, 2 drops of geranium ether and 3 drops of mint ether. Stir and use as needed. You can store this compound in the refrigerator.
  4. Mixture for anti-cellulite massage. If you want to improve the condition of the skin on the thighs and buttocks, you need to use this drug: for 50 ml of any base oil, add 5 drops of aether of juniper, geranium, fennel, lemon and cypress. In the mixture obtained it is necessary to moisten the glove for massage and to process the problem areas.

With fennel oil, your health and skin condition will improve. Use natural product for cooking various dishes, and essential oil for making home cosmetics. Be healthy and beautiful!

  • Mar 23, 2018
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