Honey does not only treat colds, but also insures against its attacks!

Honey is one of the universal medicines. He copes with dozens of various diseases, rejuvenates the skin and encourages cheerfulness. Doctors often recommend honey for colds, flu and cough, elevating it to the rank of the most effective medicines. Speaking as a natural energy engineer, he restores a weakened organism and returns strength to man. In this case, honey can be consumed as a separate medicine, and in a mix with other ingredients. Recipes are taken or used as scraps.

Which grade is better?

When treating cold ailments, many people ask themselves quite natural questions: which honey is better for a cold? And, in general, does honey help with colds?

Attention! All varieties of bee products are endowed with powerful healing power, but the most important condition for their application is naturalness and dosage. Otherwise, honey will either not bring any benefit, or cause an allergic reaction.

Some honey varieties have a specific medicinal effect:

  • Acacia variety can boast a pronounced strengthening effect.
  • instagram viewer
  • Lime-efficiently heals bronchitis, sore throat, laryngitis, has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Mustard - is used for diseases of the respiratory system. Details about the beneficial properties of this variety, we told in the article: Honey from mustard - health in every grain!
  • May( the earliest variety), is better than any preparations with any symptoms of cold and flu.
  • Balkan - used as an effective tool with analgesic and expectorant effect.
Any kind

can be used to cure a cold. Application of honey for colds. Recipes and proportions

Cough honey

With Kalina. Ingredients: 1 liter of boiling water and 1 glass of dried berries. Berries pour boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes, the resulting broth strain and cool. Then dissolve in it 2 tbsp.spoons of honey. Use a warm broth should be 0.5 cup three times a day.

With black radish. Mix honey with black radish juice in equal doses and take a 2 tbsp.spoons 3 times a day for adults and 4 times a day for children.

Treatment of colds with honey and radish is made and according to another recipe: peeled root crop cut into small cubes, fold in a jar and pour honey. Cover the jar with a gauze cloth, put it in a cool place for 2-3 days, and then take on a teaspoon with cough, cold and runny nose.

With mother-and-stepmother. Pour a teaspoon of boiling water with a spoonful of dried mother-and-stepmother's herb, strain and let cool. In the broth, put a teaspoon of honey. Divide the drug into 3 equal parts and drink during the day. This remedy avoids dry cough.

Honey with cold

With aloe juice. Excellent honey helps with the common cold in tandem with aloe juice. In this case, drops made from a liquid bee product and aloe juice( taken in equal proportions) are buried in the nose. The recipe is also effective from the juice of aloe, honey, ground rose hips and eucalyptus oil, taken in the proportions of 4: 3: 2: 1.The ingredients are mixed to form a liquid mixture. She is moistened with two tampons and put in each nostril for 15-20 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day.

Warning! Aloe is a danger to patients with high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. The risk group includes pregnant women.

Aloe juice has contraindications to

With onion juice. Honey with a bow in the nose from the cold is used from time immemorial and instantly eliminates the unpleasant "snorting".To make drops from the cold, wring out the juice from the onion, dilute it with warm boiled water( in a 1: 2 ratio) and add a spoonful of honey( preferably liquid) into the liquid. Allow the solution to stand for 30 minutes, then proceed to instill drops into both nasal passages. Dose - 2 drops three times a day.

Honey with onion juice is also used as a prophylactic for catarrhal diseases. For this purpose, the throat is rinsed with a liquid once a day.

With beets. Beetroot is another popular cold remedy. Red beet juice with honey helps from a common cold, both lung and chronic. To do this: rinse and clean a small root, grind it on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Mix a teaspoon of beet juice with a small spoonful of honey. The received liquid dig in in both nostrils on 5 drops. Already after 2 procedures, your nasal breathing will improve, and the runny nose will bother less.

Honey from laryngitis

  • With lemon. Juice one lemon mix with a spoonful of honey and take a teaspoon paired with hot tea three times a day.
  • With carrot juice. In freshly squeezed carrot juice( 0.5 cup) add a small spoonful of honey. Drink once a day.
  • With milk and carrot juice. Mix the carrot juice with honey and hot milk in the proportions of 1: 1.A therapeutic cocktail should be drunk before going to bed for 0.5 glasses.
  • Inhalations based on herbs. Make a decoction of one kind of herb: chamomile, coltsfoot, sage, marigold or mint. In a warm tincture, add 2-3 spoons of bee products and 2-3 drops of essential oil. Covered with a towel, bend over the container with a hot broth and get her a steam. The procedure is prescribed for laryngitis, cough, bronchitis and angina.

Honey for cold, flu and sore throat

With sage, lemon and garlic. Excellent honey helps with colds combined with sage, garlic and lemon.2 tbsp. Spoon the herbs with a liter of boiling water, add to the broth two crushed cloves of garlic, juice of one lemon and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. In a cooled broth, put 2 tablespoons of honey, take 0.5 times a glass of the medicine once a day. By the evening you will feel a noticeable relief.

Healing mix - a powerful blow for the cold

In its pure form. To get rid of painful sensations in the throat, it is recommended to use the bee product in its pure form. It is put into the mouth and thoroughly absorbed. This action also cleanses the mucosa from viruses, infections and prevents the flu.

With beer. Many have probably heard of such a duet as beer with honey. For cold, cough and sore throat this recipe relieves almost instantly. The product is rather unpleasant to the taste, but it has potent therapeutic properties. It is used both for the first symptoms of a cold, and for the period of its "reign" in the body.

Recipe 1 .Half a liter of dark or light beer warmed up on moderate heat, not leading up to a boil. In a hot drink, add 2-3 tablespoons of honey. It should be taken before bedtime. Improve the patient will feel the next morning.

Recipe 2 .Ingredients: 1 liter of beer, honey, lemon, licorice, ginger, cinnamon, cloves. Beer heat, mix with two tablespoons of honey, juice of one lemon and spices( to taste).The liquid is highly foaming, so it is better to choose a capacious container for it. Beer should be heated until lightly thickened, then poured into glasses and drink hot.

Another similar healing cocktail - cognac with honey from colds and runny nose. The recipe is simple: in a glass of hot tea( preferably black), dissolve one st.spoon of cognac and honey. Drink a drink once a day.

With milk. One of the most popular recipes for colds, coughs, runny nose, flu and heat is milk with honey. A useful drink is prepared according to the following scheme: in a glass of heated milk, a spoon of bee product dissolves. If you care about the question, what kind of honey is better for a cold, give preference to a linden variety. He has a powerful diaphoretic and expectorant effect.

Warning! Do not throw honey into boiling milk - you deprive him of all medicinal qualities.

The oldest, most popular and effective recipe for

Honey comb

The bee product is often used as a raw material for any symptoms of a cold. It is rubbed into the zone of the chest and between the shoulder blades, after which these areas are covered with polyethylene and insulated to enhance the thermal effect.

Important! Honey flours are inadmissible if the patient has a high fever.

And you still doubt if honey helps with colds? !Definitely, it helps. Acting alone or in combination with other medicinal products, he resolutely fights against any manifestations of cold ailments, acting as a loyal companion and defender in the cold season.

  • Mar 23, 2018
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