Benefits and harm of Bulgarian pepper for the human body

In Europe, Bulgarian pepper was brought from America at the end of the XV century. The first to learn a new vegetable was the Spaniards, then the Portuguese and the Turks, and only, after some time, the pepper got to Bulgaria. There are two interesting theories of the origin of the name, one of which says that in the 17th century the Bulgarians brought pepper to the southern regions of Russia, Moldova and Ukraine, and therefore it was called "Bulgarian".The second version boils down to the fact that Bulgarian breeders are the first to receive the largest varieties of this crop.

  • Ingredients:
    • Ingredients:
      • Properties

      • Green Pepper
      • Yellow Pepper
      • Red Pepper
      • Harmful and Contraindicating

      Chemical Composition

      Bulgarian pepper is low in calories, so it is great for people who want to lose weight. Pepper is dominated by carbohydrates, contains fiber, proteins and a minimum amount of fat, and the concentration of ascorbic acid is several times higher than the daily requirement of the human body.

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      The chemical composition of the Bulgarian pepper is very diverse:

      • vitamins A, E and K;
      • thiamine;
      • riboflavin;
      • pyridoxine;
      • niacin;
      • folic acid;
      • potassium;
      • iron;
      • magnesium;
      • sodium;
      • selenium;
      • manganese;
      • copper;
      • phosphorus;
      • zinc.
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      Useful properties

      Regular consumption of Bulgarian pepper has the following effect on the body:

      • enriches the body with vitamins, which is especially important during pregnancy;
      • helps protect the central nervous system;
      • Normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system, is a means of preventing anemia;
      • promotes blood thinning, prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves their elasticity. This is very useful for hypertensive patients;
      • improves blood composition;
      • improves the quality and accelerates the growth of hair and nails;
      • eliminates various skin problems;
      • helps slow the aging of brain cells, which is important for older people who have age-related dysfunctions;
      • accelerates the regeneration of bone tissue;
      • improves mood, thanks to the content of the hormone of joy;
      • defeats depression, insomnia, improves memory - all thanks to the presence of vitamins PP, B1, B2 and B6;
      • slows down oxidative processes, and therefore, inhibits the formation of cancer cells;
      • increases the protective functions of the body;
      • is the prevention of ophthalmic diseases;
      • juice of the Bulgarian pepper perfectly moisturizes the skin. The mask of the crushed fruit is quite nutritious and will help prevent aging.
      Donnikovy honey - features, properties and recipes of application
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      Green pepper

      Its popularity is associated with low calorie content and the content of phytosterols - fat metabolism regulators. Phytosterols help reduce the amount of cholesterol, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and accelerate the metabolism.

      Green pepper has a bitter-sour taste, but it does not prevent it from being included in the diet. The fruits of green pepper are saturated with a large number of minerals and vitamins. In the presence of kidney diseases, green pepper is especially recommended because it contains less sodium.

      In addition, chlorogenic and p-coumaric acids help to purify the body of carcinogenic substances. The concentration of ascorbic acid in green fruits is low.

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      Yellow pepper

      This product is rich in ascorbic acid - one fruit contains a five-day supply of vitamin C. In yellow fruits, a carotene and lutein that is useful for vision, which helps in the fight against cataracts. There is also a lot of potassium in it, necessary for the heart muscle.

      It is yellow pepper recommended for people with diseases of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Due to the high concentration of iron with the use of yellow pepper increases hemoglobin, improves the activity of the thyroid gland, the body increases the protection from pathogens.

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      B vitamins contribute to the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, help to keep joints.

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      Red pepper

      The product contains lycopene - a wonderful antioxidant, which can help in the prevention of various malignant tumors. It is successfully used as a preventive agent for diseases of the lungs, heart, pancreas, ovaries and prostate.

      Red fruits also contain capsaicin, which has the ability to burn fat, while acting very gently, without increasing the pulse and blood pressure. Red pepper is useful for eating people with thrombosis. A high content of fiber helps to remove harmful substances from the body.

      Zinc, which is part of the fruit of red color, improves the activity of brain cells. Useful for red pepper and smokers, it ensures the ingestion of beta-carotene - a source of longevity.

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      Harm and contraindications

      However, Bulgarian pepper has a number of contraindications. He can not cause significant harm to health, but it is necessary to learn about possible consequences.

      With caution, you should eat Bulgarian pepper people:

      • with gastrointestinal problems, since the phytoncides and alkaloids contained in the product can cause irritation of the walls of the stomach and provoke an attack;
      • with epilepsy;
      • with peptic ulcer;
      • with high blood pressure;
      • with ischemic heart disease;
      • with disorders of the central nervous system.

      But perhaps the most harmful part of the Bulgarian pepper is the seeds. They have a bitter taste and create some discomfort when eaten, so they are used exclusively for seedling or in breeding work.

      Often the seeds of Bulgarian pepper are used to make cosmetic essential oils, which, in turn, can cause harm to health if a person is prone to an allergic reaction.

  • Mar 23, 2018
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